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From what media is this sound clip from?
  • It’s definitely giving me Disney movie main character enters The Inspiring AreaTM for the first time. Or any children’s action/adventure movie. It’s giving whimsy + nature/magic or whimsy + futuristic/factory or campy ceremony (Graduation? Wedding?)

  • What's the word for the aural version of visualising?
  • I usually just say “mind’s ear” lol

  • Why stop at axebeak? [OC]
  • plus bladebeak!

  • About this community

    Hello all, I’ve been a big fan and occasional user of the analogous subreddit, so wanted to make this community. I’m looking into making a bot to mark posts as solved, but I don’t have a lot of free time atm. That said, if anyone is interested in being a mod here let me know :)

    yolk Yolk
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