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What looks easy peasy lemon squeezy but is actually difficult difficult lemon difficult?
  • This SO much. I was involved some years ago with a non profit, run by a guy with significant personal wealth. He burnt through nearly a million bucks, and did manage to get some change to happen , but it was incredibly difficult and incredibly slow, even with the backing and support of a number of other wealthy and connected individuals plus mass public support as well.

  • Non-smokers in the 1970s and 1980s, how the hell did you survive the second hand smoke?
  • Workplaces were the worst, I kept catching other people's second hand smoke at work. Worst was when I went to an encounter group type thing and a guy was smoking and I got a faceful.... and bronchitis for the rest of the trip. And that was in the 90's

    At least in my own home and car I could set the rules and rules was take that shit outside

  • What song, when you listened to it for the first time, made you go: "This will be stuck in my head for the rest of the week."
  • Busted in Baylor County by Shooter Jennings, found this through the good graces of Deezer last year, just loved it on first hearing and still do

    Sheriff of Boone County by Kenny Price, first found this gem on a country compilation CD I got in the 80's used to play this on repeat around the same time my first boyfriend was playing Madonna's Vogue on repeat, that sure made for some interesting sessions at the stereo. Lost that CD and later found the track online via a user at a reddit country music sub who posted it, I couldnt remember the name for the life of me until he posted it

  • Why I refuse to upgrade - 8 minutes video explaining why it's not that interesting to upgrade phones nowadays
  • My last phone upgrade was about four years ago (Nokia 6 to Samsung A31) and that was only to try and get YouTube Music's shitty app to work properly (spoiler : it didnt). Broke the screen on it dropping it while trying to put a mask on, got that fixed (that was over two years ago). Its still going, and will keep it until it dies

    I dont upgrade my phone because I'm interested in upgrading, I upgrade when I have to

  • Have you ever been in an argument where you absolutely objectively proved you were correct?
  • Yes, a few times. Didnt make the slightest difference though, it almost never does. Such is life. Still, at least others viewing the discussion who were on the fence/ unsure will have been presented with the evidence needed to convince them

  • Do you organize the order of your groceries in the checkout line?
  • I put the heaviest and least breakable things first in line so they end up at the bottom of the bag(s). Canned food, stuff in plastic bottles, then all the cold/ frozen stuff altogether, light and delicate things like bread, chips etc last

  • Your journey with Lemmy: When and why did you join? When did you leave and come back? Are you finally settled?
  • I joined on here a bit over 9 months ago after I was permabanned from reddit for ????? reason after I posted a Google Streetview link of a layby. This happened to coincide with the third party API fuckup and several other irrational and counterproductive changes so I arrived here right in the middle of a period of huge growth. I havent left since then per se but have had periods of reduced activity. Have started another profile on reddit (which was stupidly easy) as there are still a number of niche communities there that have no activity on their equivalent communities here. Am settled, and will likely gradually spend more time here as reddit management continue to find more feet to shoot themselves in

  • 'I've run out of sick days': Researchers reveal NZ’s migraine misery
  • That seems reasonable, especially if it has a proven track record. And the cracking down on WFH is SO stupid, as it has multiple benefits far beyond just allowing those are arent 100% well to WFH, it reduces traffic and allows us breathing space to upgrade road and public transport infrastructure - Auckland would be in permanent gridlock by now if it wasnt for WFH

  • 'I've run out of sick days': Researchers reveal NZ’s migraine misery
  • This thing of people running out of sick days just enrages me when there is an easy solution at hand - let those who have more sick leave then they can possibly use give it to those in need. I have currently got 46 days stored up, out of a maximum of 50, and in a few months I will be given my annual allocation of ten days, most of which will just spill over the top of the pot cos I cant have more than 50. I would love to be able to just give someone in OP's situation 10-20 days, its not like I can ever see myself using them

    Some companies here do have a provision for this, I recall reading about an insurance company that lets employees like me donate some of their sick leave into a pool into which those in need can draw on when they run out. Great way to do it, everybody wins

  • Locked
    What gets you downvoted?
  • OmiGod yes, I've had this a few times. Pointing out facts, supported with a bunch of links to studies. Or even just pointing out the patently obvious - if it goes against the groupthink in a particular thread or community, it'll get downvoted, here and on reddit too

    Most downvotes I've had here was for pointing out that shoplifting results in increased prices for the paying customers

  • How do I turn on/off Dark mode?

    Lemmy just randomly went into dark mode on me just now, and I cant find where to toggle it back to light mode is in settings

    YSK that there are a range of medications that can prevent alcoholics and other addicts from relapsing Medications Can Help Keep Alcoholics Sober. Why Are They Being Ignored?

    Affordable, safe, generic anticonvulsants restore homeostasis to the brains of chronic drinkers, but they are not being promoted.

    Medications Can Help Keep Alcoholics Sober. Why Are They Being Ignored?

    If you or one of your loved ones is struggling with this its worth knowing and worth asking your doctor about. Article mainly discusses generic anticonvulsants that have proven beneficial, but there are others such as Naltrexone that can also be helpful.

    TIL your skin health can actually impact your overall health including heart and neurological conditions The curious ways your skin shapes your health

    Weathered or unhealthy skin is emerging as a major risk factor for almost every single age-related disease, from Parkinson's to type 2 diabetes.

    The curious ways your skin shapes your health

    >As the largest organ in the body, the skin can have a profound impact. The chemicals released by diseased and dysfunctional skin soon enter the bloodstream, where they wash around, damaging other tissues. Amid the ensuing systemic inflammation, chemicals from the skin can reach and harm organs that seem entirely unrelated, including your heart and brain.

    Well thats it, I’m definitely staying out of the sun now!

    TIL your skin health can actually impact your overall health including heart and neurological conditions The curious ways your skin shapes your health

    Weathered or unhealthy skin is emerging as a major risk factor for almost every single age-related disease, from Parkinson's to type 2 diabetes.

    The curious ways your skin shapes your health

    >As the largest organ in the body, the skin can have a profound impact. The chemicals released by diseased and dysfunctional skin soon enter the bloodstream, where they wash around, damaging other tissues. Amid the ensuing systemic inflammation, chemicals from the skin can reach and harm organs that seem entirely unrelated, including your heart and brain.

    Well thats it, I'm definitely staying out of the sun now!

    How do I see what I've upvoted/ downvoted in my profile?

    I believe there are ways to see who's upvoted/ downvoted a thread/post, but I just want to be able to see in one place my own upvotes/ downvotes, and cant see that in my profile anywhere. I have tried some of the other UI's too

    Anybody got the UVNZ app on their phone?

    Its a great little app for those that are easily sunburnt, has been a godsend in the past. But when I try to open it currently it throws an error message "Data missing or incomplete" I know it gets its UV data from NIWA, but when I checked on their site there is nothing to say it has been discontinued. The cancer society / sunsmart site also still shows it as current too. Cant find anything else about it online.

    Anyone else use this app for Android (or IoS)? Is it still working for you?

    Edit: have discovered that the developer Jeremy Burke has put out a new version called GlobalUV which I'm trying now, that looks quite similar and seems to be working

    Is there a way to hold screen open while a streaming app is in use?

    Or hold it open while Bluetooth active and in use?

    Would be extremely useful to have my screen stay open while phone is playing music in the car. Phone is a Samsung A31 running Android 12, although I have had the same issue on other devices running different versions of Android so not sure its relevant.

    Funding the Fediverse - use an awards feature to fund instances

    Saw this proposal originally posted on Github and thought it was worth posting here and expanding on

    This is an excellent idea, I liked awarding posts on reddit on my old username, probably spent quite a bit with reddit until they permabanned me for god alone knows what reason.

    This plus Premium memberships would give the admins of the bigger servers such as a reliable income stream that would enable them to maintain and improve infrastructure. The money would go to whichever server a user that buys the awards or Premium membership happens to reside on (for me it'd be

    Its a simple reality that running a server with thousands of users on it costs money and time, and it has to come from somewhere more reliable and lucrative than donations

    It does raise an issue in that a payment processor would be required, and a business would have to be created for that as well. Perhaps several instances could co-operate and share the payment processor and create between them an organisation or business for that purpose, there would need be some means of tagging each payment so that it can be directed to the correct instance

    I want the fediverse to survive and thrive, and for that it needs some income beyond donations to support instance server costs, bandwidth and the time and effort and resources expended on battling DDOS attacks, bots etc etc

    Post I made shows 6 replies... but I can only see 4?

    Made a post in a fairly niche community a few days back, it got 6 replies, only 4 of which I can actually see. Is this some sort of federation issue or something else? Its been showing 6 replies for a couple of days at least now, so if that was it I would have thought the last 2 would have come through by now

    Post in question is here;

    Maybe if someone on another instance or on kbin can take a look for me and see if they can see all 6 I'd appreciate that thanks

    People on Lemmy/ kbin not called Karen - have you ever asked to speak to the manager - and actually had a good reason for doing so?

    I have done this exactly once in my lifetime, two years ago. Maybe in another few decades, I'll do it again, if I live long enough.

    And yes, even if your name is Karen but you had a good reason to ask to speak to the manager, you can also reply

    Well thats that for the reddit app - just uninstalled it off my phone

    Hardly ever used it, but got a notification from it on my phone the other day which reminded me I still had it on my phone. It was still linked to my old reddit username which got suspended permanently a month or two back, so I finally got around to taking it off.

    Just a reminder for those of us who mostly used reddit via laptop etc - you may still have it on your phone but forgotten about it - if a bunch of people uninstall it that will not look good for them

    How much are you all swimming a week?

    I'm doing this by way of introduction. I do about 10-12 km a week on average

    TIL General Motors built a 61 Chev Impala with a flat / boxer type 10 cylinder engine and front wheel drive Engine Prototype: The Stillborn Corvair Gen2 Modular Engine – From Two to Twelve Cylinders

    (first posted 6/14/2017)       A ten cylinder Corvair engine installed in a FWD ’62 Impala? How’s that to get the juices of a hard-core Corvair air-head going? One of the highlights for…

    Engine Prototype: The Stillborn Corvair Gen2 Modular Engine – From Two to Twelve Cylinders

    This was built as a test/ prototype, and was an ancestor of the FWD 1966 Oldsmobile Toronado and 1967 Cadillac Eldorado. The engine was a prototype of a modular engine family that was intended to range from 2 to 12 cylinders, based on the Corvair flat 6. Only 2, 4, 6 and 10 cylinder engines were built before the project was abandoned

    whatisthiscar waterbogan
    Challenge #2 - this will be harder!


    whatisthiscar waterbogan
    Challenge #1!


    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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