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backdoor in upstream xz/liblzma leading to ssh server compromise
  • The "Team" seems to be one other overworked dude with mental health issues. Hope he's well. I think this circumstance made xz a good target for such an attack.

  • Rule in Thuringia, Germany
  • The real story sounds even weirder. They took his work permit for the sole purpose of stopping any integration that could hinder a later deportation. Wtf. FachkrΓ€ftemangel my ass.

  • What's the real world connection speed from your residential IP to your Server?

    I'm using contabo and the VPS I got is advertised as 1 Gigabit. When I do a speedtest or use iperf3 to connect to public servers I get pretty close to 1 Gigabit. But from my residential IP the speed drops down to 100-250 Mbit/s. My home internet connection can handle 500 Mbit just fine.

    I'm looking for a new hoster with a better network connection. What real world speeds do you get with your server?

    (Solved) Help me identify a sample

    I just listened to Tatsuro Yamashita's City Pop classic "SPACY" and at the end of the Track "Umbrella" (at 3:22) I heard a snippet that sounded incredibly familiar. That guitar slide with the harmonics.

    Some other track must have sampled it, but I can't put my finger on it. I think that the sample was used at the start of the track and that the track had a mostly ambient vibe. Does anyone know who sampled this?

    CSU will Cannabiskonsum ΓΌber Abwasser messen
  • Rastafari gehΓΆren aber nicht wirklich zum Christentum, da es beim Fundament des Glaubens signifikante Unterschiede gibt. Rastafari glauben an den Γ€thiopischen Kaiser Haile Selassie I. als Reinkarnation Gottes. In dem Sinne sind Rastafari genauso christlich wie Christen jΓΌdisch sind. Die Wurzeln mΓΆgen gleich sein, aber sie unterscheiden sich in den zentralen Aspekten der Religion so stark, dass sie letztenendes nicht miteinander vereinbar sind.

  • Audiophiles of Fedi, how do you like to listen to your music?
  • At Home:

    • FLACs via mpd with a topping headphone amp and Audeze LCD2C headphones
    • Vinyl using an Audio Technica LP120, a Denon AV receiver and cheap wharfedale bookshelf speakers and a Klipsch subwoofer. That Setup isn't really audiophile tbh, especially because the room sounds terrible.
    • Streaming via Qobuz on both systems

    On the go:

    • Everything encoded as Opus 128 kbit/s to fit on my phone. Played over Lypertek Tevy true wireless IEMs. Not really audiophile but tbh when I'm not at home I care much more about convenience as long as the audio quality is good enough.
    • also Qobuz, but at MP3 320 quality to save bandwidth

    I wrote my own scripts to tag the music and encode it to FLAC and Opus and use syncthing to copy the files to my phone. So whenever I add an album to the library it will be available every where I want in the specified format without any manual copying involved. It's a little janky but has worked surprisingly well for years.

  • OpenMediaVault 7.0 Released For Debian 12 Powered NAS Platform
  • Check out Wolfgang's Channel on YouTube. He goes very in depth on low power consumption home servers.

  • Let me check the time real quick
  • That's the biggest issue of smartwatches IMO. They will all end up in a landfill after approximately 5 years while you'll be able to give that Timex (or your F91W that costs less than a pizza) to your grandkids.

  • Ich glaube, ich verliere den Verstand
  • Als einziger Mensch der existiert sollte ich dringend aufhΓΆren mir Leute auszudenken, die davon ΓΌberzeugt sind, dass sie auch die einzigen Menschen sind. Das wird irgendwann sehr verwirrend.

  • What's your opinion on hydro modding?

    What's your opinion on hydro modding? I just picked up some silicone oil (slightly more viscous than commonly recommended, but I think it will be fine) to hydro mod my casio digital watches (F91W, A168WA).

    Frage an Elektriker: Backofen mit 230V ohne BrΓΌcken angeschlossen - FΓΌhrt das zum Defekt, oder sollte der Ofen mit verminderter Leistung laufen?
  • Den Anschlussplan habe ich erst spΓ€ter gefunden, da ich nicht wusste welches Ofenmodell das ΓΌberhaupt ist (war gebraucht). Der VerkΓ€ufer hat das Teil aus einem Haus, dass er gekauft hat und jetzt abreißt. Er hat mir ein Foto gegeben, wie der Ofen angeschlossen war, und er war genau so falsch angeschlossen wie ichs dann auch gemacht hab (ohne BrΓΌcken). Also entweder haben die Vorbesitzer des Hauses diesen Ofen nie benutzt oder er hat mal so funktioniert. Oder sie hatten immer GlΓΌck und ich hab dann ins Klo gegriffen. Keine Ahnung. Eine Sicherung scheint dieses alte Modell nicht zu haben, jedenfalls listet Miele das nicht als Ersatzteil.

    Der Fakt dass der Ofen mal so angeschlossen war passt zumindest mit der Aussage des Miele-Service zusammen, der meinte, dass das den Defekt nicht erklΓ€ren wΓΌrde, selbst wenn man die 230V voll ausreizt.

  • Frage an Elektriker: Backofen mit 230V ohne BrΓΌcken angeschlossen - FΓΌhrt das zum Defekt, oder sollte der Ofen mit verminderter Leistung laufen?
  • Es ist keine Herdplatte angeschlossen. Die BrΓΌcken sollen dort laut Anleitung rein, wenn man ihn ΓΌber 230v anschließt.

    Die Ader ganz links ist quasi nur die Ummantelung. Keine Ahnung was das soll. Da ist keine Ader. An der Herdanschlussdose an der Wand sind aber auch nur Erde, Neutral und L1 angeschlossen, die weiteren Adern kannst du dir also wegdenken.

    Edit: Kurz mal nach Herdanschlusskabel mit 6 Adern gegoogelt und das gefunden:

    Das graue ist nur ein fΓΌllorgan oder auch gleichzeitig Kennfaden des Herstellers (damit die Leitung rund bleibt ) und keine Ader

  • Frage an Elektriker: Backofen mit 230V ohne BrΓΌcken angeschlossen - FΓΌhrt das zum Defekt, oder sollte der Ofen mit verminderter Leistung laufen?

    Frage an Elektriker: Ich habe einen Ofen gebraucht gekauft und nach einmaliger Nutzung ist er defekt. Der Ofen wurde falsch angeschlossen. Es wurden 230V angeschlossen, aber die BrΓΌcken haben gefehlt. Eigentlich hΓ€tten sie an die grΓΌnen Stellen gemusst. Die durchgestrichenen Leitungen sind nicht angeschlossen.


    Nun ist der Ofen defekt als wÀre kein Strom angeschlossen. Es tut sich absolut gar nichts. Meine Frage: Wenn man den Ofen so anschließt, ist es dann zu erwarten, dass er nach einmaliger Nutzung kaputt geht, oder sollte der Ofen so eigentlich mit geminderter Leistung laufen. Ein Mitarbeiter eines unabhÀngigen Miele Reparatur-Service meinte zu mir, dass mein Defekt vermutlich nichts mit meinem falschen Anschluss zu tun hat. Ist die Aussage so korrekt? Kann ich davon ausgehen, dass der Defekt nicht meine Schuld war?

    CLI tools hidden in the Python standard library
  • python -m http.server came in handy so many times!

  • coffee rule
  • Lmao, chinese tea ceremony includes like 500 steps.

  • Music Piracy Is Back in a Big Way
  • Honestly the most complete source of high res music is private trackers like redacted. You can download all the stuff from qobuz and bandcamp, every CD rip you can think of in bit perfect quality of and even very good vinyl rips. You basically can download any version ever released from any album.

  • Generic Typing with `Iterable[str]` or `Collection[str]`: Should you use it?

    I often find myself defining function args with list[SomeClass] type and think "do I really care that it's a list? No, tuple or Generator is fine, too". I then tend to use Iterable[SomeClass] or Collection[SomeClass]. But when it comes to str, I really don't like that solution, because if you have this function:

    python def foo(bar: Collection[str]) -> None: pass

    Then calling foo("hello") is fine, too, because "hello" is a collection of strings with length 1, which would not be fine if I just used list[str] in the first place. What would you do in a situation like this?

    What is your experience with Hetzner server auction?

    I'm currently using a VPS from contabo and am curious if I would get better performance CPU and disk I/O wise because of the dedicated resources. The bigger VPS from contabo seem to be in a similar ballpark to the cheapest options available in the hetzner server auction when it comes to corecount, ram and disk size and price.

    Does running applications inside a container as an unprivileged user have any security benefits?

    I'm new to the container world. Does it have any security benefits when I run my applications as a non-root user in a docker container? And how about Podman? There I'll run the container as an unprivileged user anyway. Would changing the user in the container achieve anything?

    Can anyone tell me something about this brick?

    It was sold to me as a 2011 gushu sheng puerh. Would be grateful for any further information. It's around 80g without the box and heavily compressed. I haven't unwrapped it yet.



    Do you think that throwaway list comprehensions as shorthand for loops is good/ok style?

    I'm talking about stuff like this: [file.unlink() for file in files] instead of the more verbose but maybe easier to grasp for python noobs:

    for file in files: file.unlink()

    Maybe with a bit more context:

    def _cleanup(self) -> None: dirs, files = partition(lambda f: f.is_file(), self._tmp_dir.rglob("*")) [file.unlink() for file in files] [dir.rmdir() for dir in dirs] self._tmp_dir.rmdir()

    LSP goto definition sometimes causes nvim_win_get_buf to fail

    Sometimes when I am using goto definition I get errors like this one E5108: Error executing lua: ...t_nvimeitLsr/usr/share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/lsp/util.lua:1964: Invalid window id: 1000 stack traceback: [C]: in function 'nvim_win_get_buf' ...t_nvimeitLsr/usr/share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/lsp/util.lua:1964: in function 'make_position_params' ...nvim/lazy/telescope.nvim/lua/telescope/builtin/__lsp.lua:147: in function 'v' ...nvim/lazy/telescope.nvim/lua/telescope/builtin/__lsp.lua:391: in function 'v' .../nvim/lazy/telescope.nvim/lua/telescope/builtin/init.lua:541: in function 'lsp_definitions' /home/user/.config/nvim/lua/user/plugins/ide/lspconfig.lua:80: in function What could be the cause of an error like this? Whenever this happens I have to restart nvim.

    the config in lspconfig.lua:79 looks like this: opts.desc = "LSP: Jump to definition of symbol" keymap.set("n", "gd", function() telescope.lsp_definitions(ivy) end, opts) Any ideas?

    Has using 'thing = list[str]()' instead of 'thing: list[str] = []' any downsides?

    I have seen some people prefer to create a list of strings by using thing = list[str]() instead of thing: list[str] = []. I think it looks kinda weird, but maybe that's just because I have never seen that syntax before. Does that have any downsides?

    It is also possible to use this for dicts: thing = dict[str, SomeClass](). Looks equally weird to me. Is that widely used? Would you use it? Would you point it out in a code review?

    What are your favorite ambient releases?

    Looking for recommendations in the ambient genre.

    My favorites are (in no particular order):

    • Brian Eno - Mixing Colours
    • C418 - Minecraft Volume Alpha
    • Jon Hopkins - Music for Psychedelic Therapy
    • The KLF - Chill Out
    • Experialist - Excessive Refinement
    • Biosphere - Substrata

    What are your favorite ambient albums?

    How to debug bad WiFi range

    I use OpenWrt on x86. I use this build but added a WiFi card and antennas. At first the WiFi performance was very good giving me great speeds and range. Some time ago performance degraded. The signal range is extremely limited giving me disconnects on my phone when I'm 4 meters away.

    How could I debug what the cause might be. Any ideas?

    How to debug bad WiFi performance

    I use OpenWrt on x86. I use this build but added a WiFi card and antennas. At first the WiFi performance was very good giving me great speeds and range. Some time ago performance degraded. The signal range is extremely limited giving me disconnects on my phone when I'm 4 meters away.

    How could I debug what the cause might be. Any ideas?

    When to use `typing.TYPE_CHECKING`

    After learning about TYPE_CHECKING i made it a habit to put all imports that were only needed for type checking into an if TYPE_CHECKING: guard. But now I am wondering if that is actually intended to be used like that. Checking whether an import is only needed at type checking time can get quite tedious and sometimes you run into situations were you introduced some code that made the import a requirement at runtime.

    How do you use TYPE_CHECKING? Whenever it is possible or only when using it actually solves a circular import?

    Which popular artists can you just not stand?

    I'm sure some of you have some artists that are generally beloved by the music community but you just can't stand them.

    For me it is The Mars Volta. It should be right up my alley, I like a lot of similar music but I can't get over the vocals. They sound so emo (which kinda makes sense, given the background of the vocalist) but to me it just does not fit the music at all.

    Not trying to shit talk them, just wanting to share some hot takes.

    Peertube-Instanz Empfehlungen

    Hi. Welche Peertube instanzen kΓΆnnt ihr empfehlen? Ich suche eine, die folgende Anforderungen erfΓΌllt:

    • Performant aus Deutschland erreichbar (nicht zwingend in DE gehostet)
    • Schnelle Updates auf neue Versionen
    • Blockt nicht zu stark (Extremismus und NSFW darf aber durchaus geblockt sein)
    • Account-Erstellung erlaubt