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The Paradox of Blackmarket Wired Bluetooth Apple Headphones
  • Oh alright silly me 😁

  • The Paradox of Blackmarket Wired Bluetooth Apple Headphones
  • What's wrong with submitting bugs? That seem standard, that's one part of getting it attention and hopefully getting it fix. The reason Bluetooth probably suck back then because low adoption and likely it was still getting started.

  • Solutions? Where we're going, we don't need solutions.
  • JS is basically the Hydra from the Greek Mythology.

    Though PHP is literally the problem had me lol.

  • It’s Surprisingly Easy to Live Without an Amazon Prime Subscription
  • What's common between the three? "They are all headless"

  • It’s Surprisingly Easy to Live Without an Amazon Prime Subscription
  • You missed the opportunity to say

    "A prime waste of money"

  • Game derulepment
  • Game about watching grass grow in real time. Scoring would be how long you kept the game running. The Menu will show high scores of players who watched the longest.

  • Deleted
    did it work?
  • Had me laughing with Ctrl+Vader.

  • Trump just promised an authoritarian ‘task force’ to impose Christian ideology
  • Would he prefer to be called supreme leader next?

  • Nicolas Cage through the years
  • Literal face off

  • Which software was ahead of its time?
  • Yes, streamers might a bad example I admit but in terms of general population being privacy centric. I doubt most people don't really care until ofcourse it affects them if we do we would have huge backlash with Amazon Echo, Google assistant those stuff won't take off. Baby cameras, IP cameras installed in their very homes those things are a huge privacy concerns yet they are still here. We have TikTok/ Vine which people voluntarily submit videos. Theres Pokemon GO which prompt people to use their cameras to catch Pokemons. Not knowing if those image captured might be stored and analyze. Smartphone themselves we have no idea if that thing is recording us. I think Google glass failed simply because of its market which were rich and fashion centric did not like it. Compared to it's competition who still seem alive today.

  • Leave it alone
  • Or you do the right thing re-write or refactor, apply the latest practice add some tests to it. This way you won't have a black box anymore. Who knows there might be a hidden bug there that might be a huge security issue and could bite you back in the future.

  • Which software was ahead of its time?
  • Google glasses, I think it's death was mainly because it looks nerdy aside of course the huge privacy concerns. Which honestly don't exist now. Look at twitch streamers streaming everywhere. People installing cameras at their home and connected to the net for the world to see. Now we are going hard with VR/AR even Apple has a product for it.

  • Wrong explanations only
  • Not sure if it's a genuine question but I'll try to answer, I think when worms detect vibration they associate it as rain, that is why they go up ground to prevent drowning.

    Edit: I got curious and it turns out my assumption was false, looks like it might be because it's easier to migrate, then there is also to avoid predator.

  • choose only one rule
  • Endless candle would be good for battlefield imagine new recruits not having to go through stress and just straight up function as they were trained. Probably removes PTSD or reduce the chances.

  • The Holy Trinity of JavaScript
  • I guess why it's weird because of the loose rules it follows, like what is mentioned about === and ==. There is WebAssembly which kinda acts like Javabyte code or CIL there used to be huge hype that it's going to replace JavaScript, though it's not used that much today. I think why there is low adoption is mainly because JavaScript is good enough, it's widespread and easy to learn.

  • They've lost their soul
  • Not familiar with the titles on the right are this the font style names or actual game names?

  • Just before death you are granted one truthful, understandable answer to one question. What would you want to know?
  • I would probably ask the question to whoever give this option to me. Probably something like "Tell me about yourself in the most detailed way".

  • Switched my Parents to Linux
  • Get ready to address hard to debug issues in the future op.

  • When someone starts with I'm not racist it usually means they are.

    Edit: here's my thought process. Why do they need to tell someone they are not. Then proceed to say the most racist thing, lmao.

    Climate change is like having BDSM sex but both partner forgot the safe word so it just keep getting worse.

    Had this funny thought of mind had to share 🤣

    Edit: Here is my thought process the partner would be the scientists who keeps releasing statistics/ safe word that we're heading to doom. The other partner would be the us who consume this statistics and suppose to interpretate this appropriately to slow down/stop. But instead to continue ahead with what we're doing anyway. Both parties know that there is something bad but none of the parties can't stop it. Hopefully that made sense.

    Why did forum signatures fall out of favor?

    Talking about those collage images we see after a users post.

    Cancer is just cells reverting back to their original evolution before multi cellulars existed.

    Edit: I think I hit a lot of nerve on some people but here is my thinking, a cancer acts like a single cell because the very first cell stops functioning with the benefit of the host it's more into itself. Some cancer will live outside the body can be cut and still multiply ain't that a behavior of a single cell? E.g. Henrietta Lacks another is CTVT.

    wabafee wabafee
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