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Unpopular opinion
  • Feel free not to like him, but it seems very biased to assume a 17 year old cannot consent to sexual relations with a 23 year old, but a 18 year old totally can. In the Western world a big majority of people have their first sexual experiences in their teenage years. Naturally, age gaps happen.

    On a further note, you might want to look up terms like ephebophilia, hebephilia and pedophilia before accusing people of being pedos. And neither does a victim need to be underage for a perpetrator to be molesting them, nor are child molesters necessarily pedophiles. The majority of child molesters has no pedophilic tendencies.

  • fin
  • Well that's $1000 well spent if she found joy and entertainment and even something like success by being the number one worldwide in this game. I've seen much more stupider Guinness world records. And much more stupider ways to spend money.

  • Not to mom shame...
  • I assumed she just didn't want to argue with a toddler who desperately wanted her to wear that. I mean, pick your battles. Save the energy for a bigger one and wear a tinfoil hat. But the present thing would be much more wholesome

  • Peaches - Janet Fish (1971) 🇺🇲
  • I just want to use this to thank you for enriching everyday life and such an uncreative time passing as scrolling with interesting and versatile art. I sometimes imagine you being hired by Foster Lipowitz to introduce the masses to art.

    And this one - that's a(nother) picture that will be stuck in my head.

  • How Daniel Radcliffe Outran Harry Potter
  • It's very weird because I am usually a prejudiced asshole about such things, but when I hear of Daniel Radcliffe, my mind doesn't instantly go to Harry Potter. It goes to his other performances. And this despite being the Harry Potter generation, I grew up with the franchise, being about 13 when the first book came out. Still, Daniel Radcliffe is the weird guy from Swiss Army Man and Guns Akimbo first, then everything else. So, cudos to him. You, sir, farted your way out of the Harry Potter association. Congrats.

  • Thanks
  • As a parent with a toddler who seems to be light-years away from understanding this concept, when do you think that understanding starts to kick in? Like, what can I expect at age 5 or 7?

  • Is pasta with sugar a breakfast?
  • I had milk soup as a kid, warm milk with sugar and very small pasta (stars or letters), if that counts.

    But anyway, it's a weird question. Anything you want is a "normal" breakfast. I think it's Mongolia where they have an offal meat smoothie for traditional breakfast.

  • I mean it.
  • For real, fuck ICE. My fully booked evening train got cancelled after we had already boarded, the next two that day were fully booked as well, I had to find an airbnb with a toddler and travel the next day, and they replaced just half of the ticket price because I cOuLD HaVe tAKeN AnOtHer TrAiN

    On the other hand their child merch is cute af

  • Airport security be like part 2
  • The funny thing is as long as you have a small kid with you - doesn't even have to be a baby, just stroller-age - you can bring anything. I'm not even talking about a sealed bottle of water - which, to me, would kind of make sense with the regulations - but all of the sudden your normal 500ml bottle with water, juice, or whatever, is fine. A thermo can with boiling hot water inside? Sure, no problem.

  • ‘Crime is out of hand’: how young people turned to far right in east German city
  • I'm honestly baffled by how immigration in Germany is supposed to be a problem. We have a horribly low birth rate. Our retirement security is basically gone because there won't be enough working people. Retirement homes, hospitals, kindergartens, all these places suffer from a lack of personnel. These jobs are notoriously stressful, have horrible working conditions, and underpay extremely.

    The free market has obviously failed to solve this problem. Even with unions and tariffs: An increase of 1€ per hour does a good living not make. Neither are bonuses a long term solution. And even if you made these jobs attractive af: we will still not have enough people choosing them anytime soon. And even if we did, it's simply still not enough people in the workforce to secure pension for the elderly and generations to come.

    And let's be very real for a second here. Skilled immigration from third countries (i.e. not EU, not talking about third world here) isn't an easy ride. These high paying job offers of privileged jobs like IT or science are not going away but they are also rather rare. It's a niche thing compared to the waves of immigration of, well, low paying and often low skilled jobs.

    And while I can "understand" if an asshole wants to cut the former, why would you want to cut the latter? Jesus, no one is stealing your job because I doubt you want to work cleaning toilets at McDonald's. If you want to go wipe asses in retirement homes you'll find a job stat no matter whether the Ukrainian, Romanian or Syrian girls apply too.

    We are literally insanely exploitative of immigrants. We either have a brain drain from countries that immensely need them, or cause them to have a demographic crisis of their own by buffering our birth rates with their people, or we simply give them jobs that pay so little that they hardly survive. All that while doing shit for their integration into society. But they still pay taxes and buy products in the supermarket and ride the tram and everything. We get all the positives and they get all the negatives. Why would you even want to get rid of that if you're a cunt?

  • Wo finde ich Listen mit geplanten Demos?

    Leute, ich bin einfach zu blöd zum googlen.

    Ich würde gerne an mehr Demos teilnehmen bzw mich informieren, wann wo was stattfindet. Ob München, Leipzig oder Berlin - ich schaffe es einfach nicht, eine Liste mit angekündigten Demos in meiner Nähe zu finden. Demos müssen doch eigentlich angemeldet werden, müsste es dann nicht ein Einfaches sein, für jede Stadt eine Liste zu finden? Bis vor Kurzen habe ich noch in München gewohnt und hätte gedacht, dass auf mü sowas doch gelistet sein müsste, aber ich hab nie was gefunden.

    Immer wenn ich so etwas google, finde ich aber nur Nachrichten zu vergangenen Demos. Mit ganz viel Glück habe ich vor knapp zwei Jahren mal einen oder zwei Tage vorher einen Artikel gelesen, in dem Aktionen gegen den Krieg in der Ukraine angekündigt wurden.

    Vielleicht kann mir hier ja jemand weiterhelfen. Gerade habe ich wieder versucht, etwas zu finden in Leipzig oder Berlin am 24. Februar, und stoße schon wieder nur auf alte Artikel.

    Edit: Vielen Dank für die Antworten und die Links! Sie helfen sehr weiter. Vielleicht laufen wir uns ja mal bei einer der Aktionen über den Weg.

    Is there a name for downplaying your suffering because other people have bigger problems?

    I am looking for a term to describe the line of thinking that goes something like "I hate my work, I am sick all the time, I am depressed, I can't find happiness. But I should be happy. Those problems don't matter. All my problems are so insignificant, there are little. They're just some stupid first world problems. I have it good, I have food on the table and a loving family. There are millions of people who have real problems, people living in severe poverty, starving to death, being bombed."

    I think about this often, it came up when I was talking with someone with mental health issues and I remember him telling me that this way of thinking has a name/is a common symptom that occurs in people with a specific personality disorder, although I cannot remember what disorder he claimed it was. Also this was more than ten years ago so it might have either changed or my memory of this event changed.

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