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Everyone i work with are fascists what am i supposed to do?
  • good chance they'll want to kill our kids too or they'll capitulate, you can be a marxist prof or something and your kid can still go be a cia agent mayor

    if we have kids here they're going to get shot, infected with viruses, [REDACTED], parasitized, molded over, filled with asbestos, run over with cars, filled with can liners, nanoplastics, PFAS chemicals, the hormones we put in our pigs to give them slightly leaner muscle that's giving people heart issues that even Taiwan protested over

  • Deleted
    Everyone i work with are fascists what am i supposed to do?
  • Lawyer up, delete facebook, get married, move to Vietnam

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I was much more targeted and frequent and Metal Gear Solid when I did that stuff, never got a hint of suspicion. Finally found a use for the mental skill of bouncing imaginary laser beams off the walls.🥷 📦📷

  • STOP THE INVASION 🐖🔫🐷🐖🐖🔫🐷☝️🍝🤓🐖🔫🐷🔫🐷🔫🐷🐖 i was trying to avoid ampol today but honestly this pic is crackingg me up have a good one ok
  • This is just a regular shitty quality image I got from a Russian military news website which did a "hah hah americans" episode today while I was trying to avoid reading about this darn place.

  • STOP THE INVASION 🐖🔫🐷🐖🐖🔫🐷☝️🍝🤓🐖🔫🐷🔫🐷🔫🐷🐖 i was trying to avoid ampol today but honestly this pic is crackingg me up have a good one ok
  • My question for florida understanders is how it affects him there. presumably he understands his base when he goes and signs a 20,000 year pact with yeezrael

  • They’re trying to hide this from the people…..
  • They're literally doing the Maui space lasers again rn btw

  • NANORAY — DOTnet
    (2020 article) How to Make Biomass Energy Sustainable Again — Low Tech Magazine
  • There would be a lot more biomass to collect if we didn't just completely lay waste to forests yeah holy shit. The ecological civilization/sponge city stuff where fauna and flora is returned to urban spaces along with creating better more navigable people oriented spaces... 🤩 it's dreamy

  • They’re trying to hide this from the people…..
  • it makes sense because it goes smack dab in the middle of the venn diagram of: credulous science fake news consumer / Q / new age christian prosperity gospel / astrology / starseed alien cult / hollow earth mud floods / space laser climate change denial people

    i've seen videos with big glowing red laser thumbnails get voted up on lemmy hopefully just clickbait and not the shit that got weirdos in the park talking to me about how wildfires are fake

  • They’re trying to hide this from the people…..
  • People are just talking about space lasers with a straight face it's wild. Climate change denial shit.

  • (2020 article) How to Make Biomass Energy Sustainable Again — Low Tech Magazine
  • Don't worry I know we make a shit ton of corn ethanol

    I just think it would be cool to be able to send off my apartment compost to a facility that creates futuristic and trendy

    H Y D R O G E N

    G A S

  • Is cold plasma pyrolysis or gasification or whatever overhyped as a waste solution or can we truly turn food + plastic waste into hydrogen/syngas/oil with net production of energy?

    more discussions of interesting fossil fuel related harm reduction tech. keep in mind steel is not going anywhere so the method of capturing then fermenting such fumes into methanol (then fermenting into protein from the methanol) will continue to be useful even in a maximum clean energy future

    nobody is saying "eat coal flakes!!!"

  • I just discovered "boasts", so I'm going to be bragging to you all for the next week, but I'm doing it out of respect.
  • I like it. I'm going to be channeling Mantras and Auras, which stack with Boasts.

  • Is cold plasma pyrolysis or gasification or whatever overhyped as a waste solution or can we truly turn food + plastic waste into hydrogen/syngas/oil with net production of energy?
  • Don't tell them nuclear energy and renewables often involve boiling water, which heats the planet with waste energy.

  • (2020 article) How to Make Biomass Energy Sustainable Again — Low Tech Magazine How to Make Biomass Energy Sustainable Again

    From the Neolithic to the beginning of the twentieth century, coppiced woodlands, pollarded trees, and hedgerows provided people with a sustainable supply of energy, materials, and food.

    How to Make Biomass Energy Sustainable Again
    Venetian Snares — January

    !stuff "it is January"
