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Worth the effort to obtain a copy of MS Office on the high seas? *SOLVED
  • At this point I think it's more beneficial for you to move to using LibreOffice. It's a better to spend your time getting used to that, instead of trying to obtain MS Office.

    I'm not saying that LibreOffice is as good, but it's good enough.

  • A Russian pacifist helped Ukrainians flee the country. Then the Kremlin caught him
  • Russia has a jail that you go to if you're suspected of a crime to keep you from running away. It's insane. I read news every day of people during in those facilities. There are so many people being detained right now for everything from helping people escape to simply commenting on posts against the government.

  • Russian soldiers who quit Putin’s war get no hero’s welcome abroad as asylum claims surge
  • You need to give these people a way out. If you create a way for people to escape military service a lot of people would take it.

  • Who would win: Borg Cube or Death Star?
  • Ah that makes sense.

  • Who would win: Borg Cube or Death Star?
  • You guys haven't heard of Stargate? It's awesome. It rivals TNG.

  • Cass review urges ‘extreme caution’ in prescribing puberty blockers to trans youth
  • We're trying to solve with medicine what we should be solving with therapy.

  • US Majors With The Highest Unemployment/UnderEmployment Rates
  • The Liberal Arts being a joke degree holds up.

  • Hellblade 2 will be 30fps only on Xbox consoles
  • Oh poop. I misread it as Helldivers 2. Sorry!

  • Feedback from all moderators
  • When's the IPO?

  • Hellblade 2 will be 30fps only on Xbox consoles
  • I'm running it on a 3600x, 5700xt, and 16GB of RAM. It runs perfectly. Do what you will with that information.

    Edit: no it doesn't. I though it said Helldivers 2

  • [Movie] Cowboys and Aliens - you know what you're getting as soon as you read the title
  • Agreed. It could have been a dumb movie about cowboys trying to lasso UFOs, but it was an actual attempt to make a serious film about a ridiculous concept.

  • Songs about Vim
  • Nano ftw

  • Firefox saw an increase in users (~50% in Germany and ~30% in France) following Apple’s default browser changes in the EU.
  • Apple catered to technologically challenged from the beginning and now they're all used to using their stuff.

  • Firefox saw an increase in users (~50% in Germany and ~30% in France) following Apple’s default browser changes in the EU.
  • I've worked in tech support for a long time and personally I also struggle with using Apple devices because of how ass backwards everything is on an Apple device as compared to everything else.

    But in my experience the people who don't understand what file is are more comfortable on Apple devices. It's by design.

  • Firefox saw an increase in users (~50% in Germany and ~30% in France) following Apple’s default browser changes in the EU.
  • Ease of use. Your average grandma is more likely to understand how to use "the apple" instead of "the droid".

  • Removed
    What's your favorite?
  • TLDR; Fat.

  • ‘Isn’t it past your jail time?’: Jimmy Kimmel wins cheers at Oscars with Trump jibe
  • Just because you decided that he wasn't supposed to win the presidency last time, doesn't mean he didn't already sit in the chair for 4 years. If it's happened before, it can happen again. And I think it unfortunately will.

  • is this copium or hopium or schizophrenia?
  • I think he believes what he's saying. From his perspective AGI will be great, and a lot of people think that AI and quantum computing will have a feedback loop where AI will help us create a better quantum computer which will make a better AI and so on...

    Down here in the filth though, we're going to go through mass unemployment, rapid shifts in markets, loss of privacy due to increasingly sophisticated AI powered surveillance, and complete loss of our freedom of speech.

    So, all that stuff probably will happen to people like him. Just not us.

  • vlad76 vlad
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