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Downloading Websites
  • I use grab-site (unmaintained) for full site archival and wget -p -k for simple non-javascript single pages

    I've heard good things about HTTrack, SingleFile and Archivebox but don't have any experience with them.

    Archivebox looks the most modern and intuitive but is hosted on docker

  • Kakao Entertainment seems to be planning legal action against Tachiyomi (and forks)
  • I don't understand whst are they accomplishing here? Tachiyomi doesn't host any of the comics themself and making an app to get images off of websites can't be illegal, right?

    Are they gonna use the same arguments here that were used for The Pirate Bay?

  • Picking the Widevine (L3) locks Picking the Widevine Locks: Acquiring and Using an L3 CDM | Mo Ismailzai

    Dive into my detailed exploration of DRM, focusing on Widevine. I discuss setting up a DRM environment, Widevine's security levels, and the balance between security and user experience. Join me in understanding the nuances and ethical aspects of DRM systems.

    FearNoPeer (A private tracker) is open for signups Login

    Powered By UNIT3D Community Edition v7.1.2


    I decided to share this here too since sailors don't seem to visit ! and the murky waters of the orange sea should be seldom visited anymore.

    !Site stats as of 2024-01-06

    Links to more info about private trackers here:

    for the brave

    if you dare a journey that might lead you to the Davy Jones’ locker, the once locked down waters of r/OpenSignups and a newcomer r/trackersignups are places for the brave to check out

    Taken from the orange seas wiki which we don't seem to have here? >► What is a private tracker? > >Private trackers are loosely defined as private torrent sites where a membership is required in order to download their torrents. An accurate description would separate private trackers into 2 parts: the tracker itself and the website that accompanies it. A torrent tracker is a server that tracks peers in a torrent swarm and assigns/connects peers to each other based on its own internal criteria. The tracker then reports to the website which, on top of providing a download link to the torrent file, will display all relevant info for that torrent, including peer/seed counts and optionally a peer list if the website operator chooses to include it. > >Unlike public trackers, these are not a free-for-all buffet. You need to contribute back (by uploading) a certain amount proportional to the amount you have "taken" from the tracker. This arrangement can vary a lot from tracker to tracker. Private trackers track this balance of contribution by a "ratio", which is simply a ratio of uploaded data, divided by your downloaded data. If you downloaded a total of 2GB and uploaded a total of 4GB, that would make your ratio a 2.0. Trackers will sometimes have different methods of maintaining an acceptable ratio, either by offering bonuses the longer you keep your torrents seeding, to providing "half-leech" or "freeleech" content. Freelech content is the most commonly used method, which means the torrent that is marked as freeleech is free to download, meaning it does not count against your Download stats, giving you an opportunity to gain upload from it without sacrificing any "download buffer". Some torrent trackers are "ratioless", meaning they don't require you to maintain any sort of ratio in order to keep using the site, they just require a minimum seed-time on all downloaded torrents (which is usually also a requirement on ratio pure trackers, but typically the seed-time isn't as lengthy as on ratioless trackers).

    Open Signups vildis
    FearNoPeer is open for signups Login

    Powered By UNIT3D Community Edition v7.1.2


    Movies Category: 18237

    TV Category: 12728

    Music Category: 621

    Anime Category: 317

    Games Category: 81

    Apps Category: 29

    Sport Category: 19

    Assorted Category: 79

    HD: 31926

    SD: 179

    Total Torrents: 32105

    Total Torrents Size: 254.68 TiB

    All Users: 10476

    Active Users: 10451

    Disabled Users: 0

    Pruned Users: 24

    Banned Users: 1

    Seeders: 84347

    Leechers: 1587

    Total: 85934

    Real Total Upload: 1.73 PiB

    Real Total Download: 1.65 PiB

    Real Total Traffic: 3.39 PiB

    Credited Total Upload: 2.08 PiB

    Credited Total Download: 20.79 TiB

    Credited Total Traffic: 2.1 PiB

    How do I configure Qbittorrent to do the maximum amount of seeding possible?
  • This is copy pasted from the #tuning channel of the autobrr discord

    Tuning for 4.3.9-4.5.2 on 1gbps libtorrent 1.2


    Unlimited on all, rate limit µTP and LAN


    Peer connection protocol: TCP

    Global max: off

    Max num per torrent: off

    Global max number upload slots: off

    Max number of upload slots: off


    Interface: Bind your interface to prevent leaks

    File Pool Size: 5000

    Outstanding Mem: 128

    Disk Cache: 1024 (or -1 if you feel ballsy, 0 if you experience memory leaks)

    Disk cache expiry: 60

    Disk IO Type: Default

    Disk IO Read Mode: Enable OS Cache

    Disk IO Write Mode: Enable OS Cache

    Coalesce reads and writes: OFF

    Use piece extent affinity: ON

    Send Upload Piece Suggestions: ON

    Send Buffer Watermark: 5120

    Send Buffer Low Watermark: 512

    Send buffer watermark factor: Between 200-250, adjust as needed

    Outgoing connections per second: 50

    Socket Backlog: 1000

    Peer TOS: 128

    utp-tcp mixed mode algo: Prefer TCP

    Support IDN: ON

    Allow Multiple Connections from the same IP address: ON

    Validate HTTPS: OFF

    SSRF Mitigation: ON

    Upload Slots Behaviour: Fixed Slots

    Upload choking alogrithm: Fastest Upload

    Always announce to all tiers: ON

    Max concurrent HTTP Announces: 50-75 (only increase if experiencing announce issues with very high amount of torrents loaded in client)

    Peer turnover disconnect Percentage: 0

    Peer turnover threshold percentage: 90

    Peer turnover disconnect interval: 30

    Max outstanding requests to a single peer: Leave as is

    I personally left "Validate HTTPS" enabled since i haven't researched what security risks might come from disabling https

  • Nordic piracy stats


    Piracy in Finland on a sharp rise, still the lowest of the Nordics even though 40% of shows pirated are Finnish. Sweden has double the amount of pirates compared to others.

    What type of piracy do you use the most? What do you use the most? - Online Poll -

    What's your opinion? Vote now: Usenet, I2P, Torrent (Private Trackers), XDCC, Torrent (Public Trackers), Other, Debrid, IPFS, DDL, Streaming...

    What do you use the most? - Online Poll -

    Personally I use public trackers the most and only recently private trackers for stuff in my native language.

    I did setup i2p a few days ago and currently have only downloaded around ~1GB. Most of my bandwith (143 GB in / 135.5 GB out) has come from just having it in the background 24/7.

    The advantages of usenet don't really apply to me (longer retention, faster speeds, no vpn)

    Streaming i find useful for checking if something is worth downloading

    How do you find media to watch?

    I've seen many people have insane setups to download things automatically and NAS' with tens of terabytes of capacity, which i don't understand at all.

    I have a 1 tb drive from 2013 of which I'm using ~850GB and most of the space is used by series i have already watched and haven't bothered to delete.

    What are you storing to need so much space and how are you finding so much good content that you actually want to save?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Posts 7
    Comments 50