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RCMP officer transferred out of Bella Bella after racist social media posts
  • Ok, whatever. Your worthless drama and whatever blah blah does not mean anything. Be as angry as you want to be and be outraged, it's all useless. You are a stunted invalid, that's why you react to mere words. That situation with the officer is nothing but words. If you demand public conformity that all of society must only have the correct opinion, say so publicly.

  • BREAKING: Hate crime charges DROPPED, no jail time for Christian vet who beheaded Satan statue at Iowa Capitol
  • No, it's the implications of individual terms that you have already posted. You say it is an individual right commit geneocide and mass murder. Look at your own terms that you said. It doesn't matter the intent behind your words if that's not what you meant. You used the terms, therefore you want the free exercise of genocide of humans and mass murder as fit.

  • BREAKING: Hate crime charges DROPPED, no jail time for Christian vet who beheaded Satan statue at Iowa Capitol
  • In country where anyone is caught with drugs has their head cut off in ooen public. Anyone caught in the act of homosexuality is publicly hung. A mother who attempts to have her child killed, she herself is killed. You can never fight authoritarian regimes until you decide that it's better for you to die or be killed in the fight than to let the regime continue. Forget about North America, forget about Europe, pay attention to other places where national governments are holding weekly executions in 2024 for citizens not obeying government mandates.

  • B.C. United leader says Conservatives have rejected election deal
  • The Untied can't kick people out of the party, let those people go to Conservtives, Conservitive poll numbers go up and up, and then United want join Conservitives.

    United have nothing to offer Conservatives if Conservitives under Rustad are patient enough. Falcon is in a rush for power and is trying line up with Rustad before United become irrelevent and forgotten.

  • Nelson hospital donations requested for infant baby warmer
  • The government can pay for needed medical equipment since there is already a heavy taxation. If government cuts everybody's taxes universally so people can keep more of their own income, cut payroll tax, cut tax on spending money, cut benefits for politicians and eliminate self voting pay raises, after that then it's all fine to ask for the public to fund or donate if the public is keeping more of their own income

  • Video Game Execs Are Ruining Video Games ["introduction of layoffs to boost (company) share prices"]
  • It's the coporatization of video games and demand that profits go up every quarter. It doesn't matter if a game is not functional and does not run, everybody in the world must pay $200 for every single release that is ever made, plus $100 for DLC, plus $50 to change character's appearanc.

    It doesn't matter if a game does not load, everybidy must still be gratful that they are allowed to buy it.

  • Court upholds B.C.'s COVID-19 health-care vaccine mandate
  • Even though covid is your latest pagan religion, you would never question anyone who says soothing words that satisfy your emotions and feelings, words that feed your ego, but how do you identify the mass amounts of the population that forever have permanent damage from injections?

    Have to researched the autoposy reports from morticians that state individuals died solely and exclusively from the injections, and would still be alive if they never got a sigle injection?

    Why is it better to let patients die in hospitals due to being short staffed than to hire back the 10,000 hospital staff who never got injected and fill up all the hospital staff vacancies?

  • Chinese Communist Party-linked network behind 'well-funded' anti-Israel campus protests, group says
  • Do you want to abolish voting in the same way Hamas has never allowed a public election since 2006 when they got in power? I don't listen to conservative media, only libertarian or anti-government people because as the constitution says, there does come a time when the people must abolish the government. What sources of information do you have in Arabic or translated from Arabic of people in Gaza talking about living under Hamas with Hamas members for police officer, Hamas members run the courts, Hamas members run civic services, Hamas members run the government. Do you have information of what happens to people in Gaza that speak out against Hamas? What happens to anyone who makes a legal accusation against a member of Hamas?

  • Chinese Communist Party-linked network behind 'well-funded' anti-Israel campus protests, group says
  • The aid to Gaza is stolen by Hamas and people in Gaza have to pay for aid, they buy it, or Hamas keeps it. The top leaders of Hamas have billions of a dollars, with a "b", what they have extorted from Gaza people and what they have stolen from donated cash. Even pipes for water tunnels and sewage in Gaza are stolen and turn the water pipes into rocket launchers.

  • Govt paying vaccine injuries

    If the federal government has been obligated to pay out and reimburse people who were severely injured or damaged from vaccines, why should be get any injections?

    Signal Names

    Now that we can create and delete usernames at will, do people have any concerns about giving people they meet their Signal ID? I have no fears of it. In fact, my Signal is oozic.35 if anyone wanta to message me.


    Why does it seem that people actively avoid expressing disaagreements on what somone says when they are out somewhere having a conversation? Why arwe people more concerned about trying to sound nice rather than being honest? It's not provactive or antagonizing to simply say "I can't agree with you on that, I disagree." I suspect that if someone articulates the reasoning behind their disagreement, a lot of people would not be bothered by it, unless someone wants everybody to believe the same things and are easily disturbed by contrary points of views.

    Lack Of F-Droid Releases

    Does anyone know why every release is not available through F-Droid? For example F-Droid has version 5.5.2 and the latest stable is 5.5.5. In the buildlog it looks like F-Droid gets the soirce code for every release. It assume it is not successfully compiled in order for it to never end up being released.

    Conservative uzi
    Federal Court declares Trudeau’s use of Emergencies Act unconstitutional

    "The use of this powerful law was unauthorized because the legal threshold to use the law was not met."

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