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[Very bad take] Why open source are not that important (servers and IT)
  • Exactly, what the video fails to mention is the eventuality that the software ceases to be supported, then what? You've built your entire business around this piece of software and it would cost more to migrate to something else than having someone who understands the code or perhaps someone doing it for free on the internet. But with server software especially, I wouldn't be surprised if some of this proprietary stuff ends up going SaaS only ripping off any companies that self host.

  • [Very bad take] Why open source are not that important (servers and IT)
  • Happy to provide. YouTube gave me brainrot by recommending this idiot to me, now I pass the brainrot on to everyone else

  • [Very bad take] Why open source are not that important (servers and IT)
  • It really depends alot on the situation, I do agree however, when you compare Open Source and Free Software, Open Source seems to be designed to be exploitative which is why it is supported by large companies. As you said the AGPL is really the only way to go as it means you get access to every modification a large company makes to your software, which is why the Linux kernel (albeit GPLv2, which is also a good copyleft license) has become such a big project, running on the phone I'm typing this on and the servers our Lemmy instances are on.

    It's probably not the answer to everything and FUTO are trying to fix this (probably the wrong way though) but AGPL is really the best license to avoid exploitation, that way if they use it, you get in return more source code.

  • [Very bad take] Why open source are not that important (servers and IT)
  • I wouldn't recommend watching it, but the central argument of this video is to do with software support. They argue that "open source" was more relevant prior to the internet (in servers?) due to the long turnaround time in getting a software vender (in this video IBM) to fix a bug in their software, arguing that by having access to the source code support could instruct the server maintainer what changes to make without them needing to send the tape to IBM to debug (apparently that was something they did, but it seems people in the video comments disagree with this hinting that the youtuber has no actual experience in this area). They argue that due to high speed internet support can release software fixes much quicker so having access to the source code isn't useful as paying for support contracts is a better option for businesses rather than having people who understand the software they're running. Apparently this is the only reason why open source is useful. They go on to argue that Linux is only popular on servers because RedHat's support contracts are cheaper than Microsoft's, something which I doubt and probably has more to do with the kernel and OS being easy to modify and control allowing it to be extended to a large variety of use cases instead of writing a new system from scratch.

    There's lots of issues with their argument and some have claimed it is trolling but I reckon that would be giving them too much credit. It is likely they are just an idiot fanboying for their favourite companies desperately trying to justify their irrational biases

  • [Very bad take] Why open source are not that important (servers and IT)
  • The title was the same thing but without the "[Very bad take] " bit, I probably wouldn't have read the description and just jumped to the comments. I don't really care about votes though, I find comments much more interesting. If I post content I just take any votes as a review of the content, if I've commented my honest opinion and put some thought into the comment only to get downvotes and no comments really explaining why then I'm a bit disappointed.

  • [Very bad take] Why open source are not that important (servers and IT)
  • Yeah rip the post content, probably just drive-by downvoters

  • [Very bad take] Why open source are not that important (servers and IT)
  • I just want to clarify as OP, I didn't post this because I support it, I posted it because it's stupid and just a taste of the very poor takes out there

  • [Very bad take] Why open source are not that important (servers and IT)
  • Yeah I think he must be a troll or a total fuckwit. Just checked out his video about the 8gb mac mini letting him down and it seems to just be a joke. The comments on his videos seem legit and in support of what he's saying, I have seen videos from Apple fanboys, and I suppose Windows fanboys must be a thing. I don't think he's smart enough to call him a troll so I'll stick with fuckwit.

  • [Very bad take] Why open source are not that important (servers and IT)

    Personally I believe this is a very poor take

    Let's chat about these SEVEN nuclear power plants the LNP want to build ...
  • I just saw an opinion piece by Chris Kenny in the Australian whinging that the "majority" of the media isn't giving Dutton a free ride on nuclear. Bro you are the majority of the media. ABC and the Guardian have much smaller audiences

  • Does the Coalition’s case for nuclear power stack up? We factcheck seven key claims
  • I can't remember where but they mention in the report that SMRs were the most suitable form of reactor for Australia according to some industry consultation and it being difficult to realise the full costings of the large scale "traditional" nuclear reactors due to government subsidies, lack of transparency and different labour costs in Australia VS somewhere else 50 years ago.

    Do you think the Coalition (or any hypothetical but still possible Australian Government) could actually deliver nuclear by 2040? Given the lack of expertise and experience, as well as pushback from States and lack of private investment I think it's really unlikely

  • 'Clear majority’: Australians have overwhelmingly backed calls for a crackdown on Chinese investors buying real estate amid growing concerns over housing affordability, survey finds
  • For anyone interested the full report may be found here: UTSACRI BIDA Poll 2024 - Australian views on the Australia-China relationship_Introduction and executive summary_0.pdf

    However, the report fails to say what the actual questions are...

    Some interesting excerpts:

    Acquisition of nuclear-powered submarines under AUKUS: Nearly half of Australians (48 percent) agreed that ‘The Australian government’s plan to acquire nuclear submarines under the Australia–UK–US (AUKUS) trilateral security partnership will help keep Australia secure from a military threat from China’, a four-point increase from when the view was first measured in 2023 (44 percent).

    Victoria residents (71 percent) were significantly more likely to agree, while Australian Capital Territory residents (29 percent) were significantly less likely to agree.

    so the subs aren't terribly popular.

    The possibility of military conflict with China within three years: Half of Australians (50 percent) said that ‘Military conflict with China within three years is a serious possibility’, a continuation of views expressed in 2023 (51 percent). Twenty-three percent disagreed and 27 percent expressed neutrality.

    And the media/LNP narrative about war with China is kind of working.

  • Let's chat about these SEVEN nuclear power plants the LNP want to build ...
  • better bang for your buck

    No, you'll definitely get bang with nuclear 💥💥💥

  • Question about upgrading GPUs
  • Sounds like the computer store is full of shit. I hate it when people abuse their knowledge to exploit people who they perceive to have less. It sounds like you're on the right track, something to look out for, being a pre-built is size as you mentioned as well as the PSU.

    There's probably better ways but yeah tape measure. The main thing to look out for is that the PSU has the right power connectors, sometimes prebuilts don't come with the right connectors

  • Maven Imported 1.12 Million Fediverse Posts
  • Any material you create is implicitly copyright and owned by you. Comments without licences are equivalent to GitHub repos without licences, you can't use them

  • Maven Imported 1.12 Million Fediverse Posts
  • That's not how copyright works, if it did GitHub would own every project on their site.

  • Australia Community Anniversary Thread
  • I'm sorry I did that, it was out of lack of experience and a knee-jerk reaction to reports from users who weren't happy about posts all being lumped in the one community. I'm not proud of the mess that was early on, and I've switched the priorities to look after this community first, and allow the others to grow in their own right alongside this one. Pretty much the advice you gave when questioned, just quite some time later. Thank you for your contributions to this community.

  • Scam Awareness Thread

    With so many scams out there, especially now as we face the end of the financial year and the pinned "How to spot a tax scam" post being nearly a year old, I'm going to pin this thread as a place to share advice regarding scams or any new scams you might have noticed.

    This isn't to say not to post scam related stuff in the main community but to create a place to keep track of scam related stuff which might get washed away over time.

    Australia Community Anniversary Thread

    Communities don't get cake days on Lemmy, but looking back at the posts in the Aussie Zone meta community, today 12/06 marks one year since requested the community be created. Since then the top posts this community has had were:

    1. At 679 - 9 votes and 200 comments: YouTube Premium family plan price update ($17.99/month -> $32.99/month!) (by
    2. At 571 - 7 votes and 68 comments: The lack of ads! (by
    3. At 551 - 38 votes and 174 comments: Can we stop buying these stupid things? Thanks (by

    I had a look sorting by controversial and I'm quite surprised that the referendum megathread, which bot recruit kept reminding everyone about.

    Within this first year we also participated in the first ever lemmyvision contest, with our nomination ranking 4th.

    We've also appointed some extra moderators since the start of the, and have been doing a great job at keeping conversations on track.

    What were your favourite interactions and posts on this community over the year? And what would you like to see the community move towards in the years ahead?

    Thanks everyone for the wonderful year!

    bapcsalesaustralia ⸻ Ban DHMO 🇦🇺 ⸻
    I've made my computer 100% Efficient

    If you want a 100% efficient computer like me, all you have to do - and it's very simple!

    Count all of the noise and heat as useful work.

    The master race condition

    Stumbled upon this when looking for help on Reddit:

    Bruce Lehrmann lodges notice of appeal after his defamation case failed in the Federal Court Bruce Lehrmann lodges notice of appeal after his defamation case failed in the Federal Court

    Former Liberal staffer Bruce Lehrmann lodges a notice of appeal with the Federal Court after a ruling by Justice Michael Lee that on the balance of probabilities he did rape Brittany Higgins at Parliament House in 2019.

    Bruce Lehrmann lodges notice of appeal after his defamation case failed in the Federal Court
    ABC says Laura Tingle's Sydney Writers' Festival comments did not meet editorial standards ABC says Laura Tingle's Sydney Writers' Festival comments did not meet editorial standards

    ABC News director Justin Stevens says comments made by political journalist Laura Tingle at Sydney Writers' Festival did not meet the organisation's editorial standards.

    ABC says Laura Tingle's Sydney Writers' Festival comments did not meet editorial standards

    Hello from across the fediverse!

    If you've contributed to the conversation in discussions in this community you may have noticed you weren't getting a lot of interaction (at least from outside your instance: There are a couple of reasons for this and I will unpin this post when the issues are resolved.

    The problem is basically that is sending too many activities for to keep up with, this is mostly due to the latency going from Europe to Sydney. There are some features being developed for Lemmy to hopefully fix this issue (expected in 0.19.5). The delay currently means that activities are taking around 7 days to reach

    The admins of do a great job keeping the instance going as a place for us to gather and discuss Australia and related issues so please do not direct any criticism at them over this. To be able to properly interact with our community I would recommend creating an account on another instance for the time being (as far as I know is the only problematic one).

    If you're interested there is currently a discussion ongoing in ! (link for users) covering this.

    If you're seeing this, I'm in jail.

    (Not me) Official video from David McBride's Official Youtube channel. If you don't know who he is - I don't blame you, with how little coverage this story has gotten

    India's Modi government operated 'nest of spies' in Australia before being disrupted by ASIO India's Modi government operated 'nest of spies' in Australia before being disrupted by ASIO

    Indian spies were kicked out of Australia after being caught trying to steal secrets about sensitive defence projects and airport security, as well as classified information on Australia's trade relationships.

    India's Modi government operated 'nest of spies' in Australia before being disrupted by ASIO
    4th Place! - Lemmyvision - The Results Are In!!

    cross-posted from:

    > ## The results are in! 🎶 > > Hey everyone! > > Thank you for participating, I gathered the votes submitted until this morning and put together this little graphics to announce the results, it looks like The Northern Boys were a clear favourite with their eccentric yet catchy song ; Azahriah and Bagarre, both ex-aequo, follow them closely in second position. > > Congratulations to everyone for submitting great songs! > > The ranking is based on the average position out of every vote, here are the details: > > 1. The Northern Boys - Sexy Train (avg. rank : 3.4) > 2. Azahriah - Introvertált dal (4.2) > 3. Bagarre - On est les mêmes (4.2) > 4. Royel Otis - Heading for the Door (4.5) > 5. Tiki Taane - Tangaroa (4.6) > 6. Cassette Beasts - Your Inception (4.9) > 7. Pil - Dronning af månen - (5.0) > 8. Lu Kala - Hotter Now (5.2) > 9. Puggy - Lost Child (5.5) > > The ranks are super close, I personally liked every single song and it was hard to have to rank them, because the last position didn't necessarily mean the song was bad. > > But wait there's more! Here's a ranking based on how many time each song was ranked first : > > 1. The Northern Boys - Sexy Train (21 times ranked first!) > 2. Tiki Taane - Tangaroa (13) > 3. Bagarre - On est les mêmes (10) > 4. Azahriah - Introvertált dal (8) > 5. Royel Otis - Heading for the Door (8) > 6. Lu Kala - Hotter Now (4) > 7. Pil - Dronning af månen (3) > 8. Cassette Beasts - Your Inception (2) > 9. Puggy - Lost Child (1) > > That means every single song submitted was at least one person's favourite song, which is heartwarming, everyone got to discover new music! > > There's even more! Here's a small list of every instance's most favourite songs (the songs that were most ranked highest for each instance), Belgium sadly didn't vote : > > - Australia ( : The Northern Boys & Tiki Taane > - Canada ( : The Northern Boys > - Denmark ( : The Northern Boys > - France ( : The Northern Boys, Royel Otis > - Hungary (! : Tiki Taane > - New Zealand ( : Pil > - ( : The Northern Boys > - United Kingdom ( : Bagarre, Tiki Taane, Lu Kala > - 3rd party voters : The Northern Boys, Bagarre, Royel Otis > > Again, I want to reiterate how thankful I am that y'all participated. I didn't expect any response at all for such a niche event in such a niche social media, it was scary to be responsible that everything goes smoothly, but so rewarding to see people coming together and sending songs, and discovering new music from you! > > ## What's next for Lemmyvision? > > I'm going to keep the community open if you want to use it to share lesser known songs from where you're from, that you'd like people to discover, feel free to use ! as you wish, as long as it's in the spirit of this contest. > > Obviously another edition will happen, and hopefully with more people, as Lemmy grows, and gathers more users, and I manage to make contact with more instances, there is an opportunity to discover even more music! If you'd like to help, feel free to send a message too! > > However, I do like the idea of having smaller scale, thematic, events, or just prompts in between, like how the speedrunning event AGDQ has the SQDG in summer ; I'll think about something, but feel free to share ideas as well. > > Thank you, and see you next year for Lemmyvision 2 !! 🎶

    Vote for your favourite Lemmyvision songs!

    cross-posted from:

    > Lemmy users, you can now vote for your favourite song in Lemmyvision's song contest, an Eurovision-like song contest, in which various instances submitted a song of their choice! > > My sincere thanks everyone for your submissions, I have created a form where you can rank your favourite songs, it's available here : > > ➡️ Lemmyvision Voting Form - ⬅️ > > I'll leave the form open for a week and then collect the results! > > Make sure to check each submitted song thanks to the playlists has created: > - Youtube Link > - Spotify Link > - Invidious Link > > Full list of songs: > - 🇦🇺 Royel Otis - Heading For The Door ( / Australia) > - 🇧🇪 Puggy - Lost Child (! / Belgium) > - 🇨🇦 Lu Kala - Hotter Now ( / Canada) > - 🇩🇰 Pil - Dronning Af Månen ( / Denmark) > - 🇫🇷 Bagarre - ON EST LES MÊMES ( / France) > - 🇭🇺 Azahriah - introvertált dal (! / Hungary) > - 🇬🇧 The Northern Boys - Sexy Train ( / UK) > - 🇦🇶 Casette Beasts - Your Inception ( / Programming) > - 🇳🇿 Tiki Taana - Tangaroa ( / New Zealand) > > You will be asked to rank the songs from your favourite to least favourite ; you may notice that users from specific instance cannot rank the song their instance has submitted, in order to keep things fair. Users from non-participating instances can still participate in the voting, and self identify as third party. Let me know if there's any issue with the form! > > Enjoy! 🎶

    How a Taylor Swift faux pas led to the upending of Bruce Lehrmann's defamation case's final days How a Taylor Swift faux pas led to the upending of Bruce Lehrmann's defamation case's final days

    The Federal Court this week played host to allegations of cocaine benders, boozy dinners, $10,000 in sex worker and massage services charged to the Network Seven company card. The unexpected twist has its origins in a much smaller, Sydney political scandal.

    How a Taylor Swift faux pas led to the upending of Bruce Lehrmann's defamation case's final days
    Royel Otis - Heading for the Door is Australia@Aussie.Zone's nomination

    On behalf of ! I am announcing "Royel Otis - Heading for the Door" as our official nomination. Documentation on the selection process can be found in this post:

    Royel Otis - Heading for the Door is our Lemmyvision Nomination


    Checking the poll this morning three songs were at equal scores. To break the tie I decided to use the fraction of upvotes with respect to the total number of votes cast the results were:

    • Royel Otis - Heading for the Door (6/(6+3) = 66.67%)
    • Donny Benét- American Dream (7/(7+4) = 63.64%)
    • Kylie Minogue - Padum Padum (8/(8+5) = 61.54%)

    Here's a link to the song if you haven't heard it:

    Thank you to everyone who participated, keep an eye on ! for any updates on the competition.

    WARNING: Malicious code in current pre-release & testing versions/variants: F40 and rawhide affected - users of F40/rawhide need to respond WARNING: Malicious code in current pre-release & testing versions/variants: F40 and rawhide affected - users of F40/rawhide need to respond

    The xz package that has already entered the current F40 pre-release versions/variants and rawhide contains malicious code. This does NOT affect users of the Fedora releases (F38, F39 are thus not affected), but all users who use already F40 pre-release versions/variants or rawhide shall read this: ...

    WARNING: Malicious code in current pre-release & testing versions/variants: F40 and rawhide affected - users of F40/rawhide need to respond