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We present the second part of our Common Strategy for the development of the Antifa movement in Ukraine. Unfortunately, only in UA for now.

We present the second part of our Common Strategy for the development of the Antifa movement in Ukraine. Unfortunately, only in UA for now.

We publish and welcome to read and discuss the second part of our Common Strategy of development of the Antifascist movement.

In this part we speak about self-governence and practice of the related skills, the role federations and confederations plays in this process.

In the end we share our perspective of the future, its challenges and possible ways to stand against the: ❌ Neoliberal approach of the government ❌ Strengthening of the state's oppressive structure ❌ Far-right empowering

The main tasks we see today: 1️⃣ Establishing of the self-govern system 2️⃣ Creation of the self-defense forces 3️⃣ Infrastructure development 4️⃣ Support of the fighters and civilian comrades 5️⃣ Strengthening of the international cooperation and consolidation of Ukrainian diaspora abroad

We call for the sharing, discussions, critics and proposals🖤


\#ukraine #antifa #strategy #anarchism #left #farright #radical #russia #war

@antifaintl @antifapolska @AntifaEnt @antifa @enough14 @b9AcE

We present the first part of our Common Strategy for the development of the Antifa movement in Ukraine. Unfortunately, only in UA for now.

We present the first part of our Common Strategy for the development of the Antifa movement in Ukraine. Unfortunately, only in UA for now.

In this part we share our view on the individual development and it's high priority. In our opinion, all members of the movement should have: a strong political background, modern education, the ability to take care of themselves and others, defend themselves and create quality social connections.

All this is necessary to create affinity groups, and then to form assemblies - the basic units of people's power.

\#ukraine #antifa #strategy #anarchism #left

@antifaintl @antifapolska @AntifaEnt @antifa @enough14 @b9AcE

Kurdistan Democratic Communities Union (KCK) calls for total resistance :rojava3:

Kurdistan Democratic Communities Union (KCK) calls for total resistance :rojava3:

While Ukraine is engaged in a defensive war with the Russian regime, Turkey has held elections in which Erdogan, an authoritarian leader well known for his colonialist and genocidal policies against Kurds and other nationalities, has once again won. In this regard, Ukrainians and Kurds have similarities and a strong connection. Knowing what Russia is and seeing what Turkey is, we support the struggle of our comrades and the entire Kurdish people for their liberation.

And as long as we have to write about the scum from Russia who tour Europe, earn money on the radical scene, and then spend it at home, supporting the war ( (by the way, in Syria as well) not only with their words but also with their actions, the revolution in Rojava is under serious threat. The situation is critical.

Since Erdogan's re-election, Turkish attacks on the Kurds have been happening every day. In the news feed, we constantly see the faces of fallen guerrillas, reports of the killing of civilians, members of democratic administrations, children and the elderly. Turkey is openly talking about plans to destroy Rojava and suppress the Kurds. The UN, as in our situation, is also silent, although it sees everything.

That is why the KCK calls for total resistance and support for the revolution, in Kurdistan, Syria, Turkey and other countries where the words "freedom," "equality," "dignity" and "justice" still have meaning.

Last year, comrades (including Dmitry Petrov ( organized symbolic actions in support of the Kurds 1 (, 2 ( We urge you to support them this year, even more decisively and effectively.

Death to empires - freedom to peoples! Long live the international revolutionary belt! Long live Kurdistan! Glory to the Free Ukraine!

\#Ukraine #Russia #Syria #Rojava #Kurdistan #War #Antifa #Anarchist

@AntifaEnt @antifa @kurdistansolnet @kurdish.revolution @kurdishrevolution @riseup4rojava @NuceCiwandeutsch

This post is mostly dedicated to our foreign comrades.

This post is mostly dedicated to our foreign comrades. For the past month, thanks to the vigilance of our friends from the Ukrainian punk rock scene, we have been investigating the activities of the Moscow Death Brigade (MDB) band and preparing a boycott campaign against them. It's all about their clandestine support for the actions of the Russian authorities, hypocrisy, lies, exploitation of a radical image and sabotage of support for Ukrainian comrades.

The whole investigation can be found here:

The short version of it:

@AntifaEnt @antifa @kolektiva @crimethinc @enough14GNU

\#Ukraine #Russia #War #MDB #UANTIFA #Boycott #Solidarity

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The voice of Ukrainian antifas🏴

est. 2021

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