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Made the switch to KDE
  • [...] but I don’t want a Windows clone, [...]

    KDE fortunately doesn't have to be a Windows clone. There are several guides available on how to customize the UX / workflow to something completely different. I get what you mean, though, the default UX seems to be at least inspired by Windows.

  • Windows 11 vs Linux supported HW
  • Also the fps on my Nvidia graphics card is really bad in games.

    Are you sure you have the official Nvidia driver installed? Most Linux distros, if not explicitly configured otherwise*, use the open source "nouveau" driver by default. Since that driver doesn't support some vital aspects - such as frequency scaling - of the hardware, the performance is bad.

    *Some distros, like Pop! OS and EndeavourOS, offer a "Nvidia install", meaning that the official driver will be installed and configured upon OS installation.

  • Windows 11 vs Linux supported HW
  • Except of course with Nvidia drivers, those are always shit.

    Doesn't that depend on the distro? In most cases they should be supplied as a (meta)package and only require installation through the package manager, kernel modules should be built automatically then.

    While this is ofc only anecdotal evidence: I haven't had problems with different models of Nvidia GPUs on different distributions (OpenSUSE, Debian, Pop!_OS, Elementary, EndeavourOS) in the last years. With a small workaround, even Wayland works flawlessly - the problem with missing GAMMA_LUT support and night light notwithstanding here.

  • The shady world of Brave selling copyrighted data for AI training
  • ITT: Cryptobros and apologists finding new and creative ways to justify the behaviour of a company, the head of which was ousted from his last position because of crude political views, i.e. not granting people basic rights.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    Softwareentwickler* und Ökoterrorist* aus dem Norden. (dey/dem)

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