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BROTHERS OF METAL - One (2019) // Official Music Video // AFM Records

A fun band. Lots of skin, lots of sexy bodies. And then there is "the Voice of the Gods" whose magnificence overshadows all. On the vocal side the band is well wrought and the three vocalists plays off eachother almost like a classic boy band from the late 90's.


While I do love Eluveite I cannot listen to them for longer periods of time. Just so full of everything and then some. It gets discordant tiring. Still good in a mix.

ALESTORM ft. PATTY GURDY - Voyage Of The Dead Marauder (Official Video) | Napalm Records

Let's stretch my theme for the evening. Just a duo between the chaotic maniacs of Alestorm and Patty Gurdy. Well produced and everything fits well together. Very good drinking music.


Ahhhh Alissa White-Gluz, in my opinion the queen of the harsh melodic death metal. Growls but the higher pitches does come through. Can listen to Arch Enemy for long periods without getting fatigued, that does say something.


Let's take the vocals a bit harsher. Still clear by metal standards but I find Noora Louhimo's vocal more in line with the rest. Much less of a contrast compared to (for example) Nightwish.

Nightwish - Nemo [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

Nightwish featuring Tarja. It is nice to listen to the "peak" of their vocalists. Her voice does fit the band's sound. It is all about the contrasts. And you can hear her (by then) classical training.


Old Nightwish. According to Spotify their most played track.

Let's rise the numbers even more...
  • Numbers pulled out of my arse for illustration

    Say of the whole population GenZ is 25% and GenY is also 25% (for convenience). If then 28% of GenZ identify as LGBTQ+ that would be 28%*.25= 7% (25% of 28%, or 1/4 of 28%). For GenZ maths would be 16%*0.25=4%. So these two groups would in total contribute that 11% of the total population is LGBTQ+.

    Hopefully that makes sense.

  • Doin' the omoralisk schlagerfestival (Bonus Track)

    Title. Classic Swedish anti-consumerist song-contest-song.

    FEUERSCHWANZ - Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (ABBA Cover) (Official Video) | Napalm Records

    Since it is some kind of celebration of ABBA winning some kind of music contest...

    Popular TTRPGs in Your country?
  • Swede. Can only really relay what's on the shelves. And that is mostly DnD, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu and various stuff from Fria Ligan (free league). Fria Ligan has Drakar och Demoner (Dragonbane), vaesen, Mutant etc. Not surprising that last one as it is a Swedish publisher releasing plenty of Swedish material.

  • Deleted
    Foundry VTT licence bypass?
  • Depends on what you want out of it, the level if automation etc.

    Installing a system ruleset, adding a few modules and other things on that level is easy. If you can use an app store you are set. Writing custom things I have no clue about.

    Finally using it. I've found it smoother than roll20 and fantasy grounds. Just not having to deal with roll20's technical baggare is truly awesome.

    In the end my impression is that on a technical level it is much easier to handle. Less figuring out how not to have the platform work against you and actually work with it.

    You, depending on your ISP, may have troubles self hosting. There is the biggest technical hurdle.

  • Persophone
  • Hades was such a looser and couldn't get a wife of his own so he went to Zeus (his brother and Persephone's father) and asked for Persephone's hand. He granted it knowing that neither Persephone nor Demeter would approve of it. Patriarchs be patriarchin'. So Hades lured upon Persephone and snatched her when he found her alone. Not cool.

  • Persophone
  • If I squint just the right way I think I can see in Greek mythology the process of how the indo-europeans with their sky-daddy inched out the older mythology. Unfortunately we know (comparatively) little about these cultures. And I think we have no written records...

  • Persophone
  • Demeter didn't just cause a famine. She threw the fit of the ages, a wrath only a mother could bring forth. Her anger and indignation was so great she brought Zeus to the bargaining table. Demeter stopped everything growing, throwing the world into winter. Or the season of non-growth. Only when it was agreed that Persephone could spend half the year with her mother on the surface did her mother's wrath subside and spring returned. But every year, when Persephone has to return to the underworld, plants wither yet again. '

    Demeter is cool y'all.

  • What are you brewing this week?
  • Because it is cozy brewing by the crackling fire. My demands on the coffee at that point are low just that it feels like coffee. And it is a ritual - get to camp, start fire, brew coffe, drink coffe staring into the flames trying to divine the future.

  • What are you brewing this week?
  • Been thinking that I need a grinder to get fresh ground coffee while hiking as the season is starting. Still using old pre-ground from last year and it os not that good. Does the job and is better than the slush at work.

    So I think I'll need to get me a hiking grinder. And has to grind coarse as in the field i make kokkaffe (boilcoffee?). Or really fine to do something more akin to turkish coffee.

  • Gathered up a nice little pile of dead wood, hopefully it will last me through the night

    It will. I am sure of it.

    Hiking and camping season started for me today. Walked part of Skåneleden (Scania trail network, southern Sweden). Part of the trail along the creek in bad condition, had to climb over and under hallen trees and bushes. All while on loose footing with the creek below. Got to the campsite and got it all for myself. Nice!

    As for firewood I would have had to notify the trail managers to have some ready for me. Counted on there being some already but no luck. So out into the woods and gather up deadwood.

    Now darkness have fallen. It is half past eight. Time to burn!

    Bonnie Tyler - Holding Out For A Hero (Official HD Video)

    I'm holding out for you. Because you are my hero.

    Rammstein - Dicke Titten (Official Video)

    She doesn't have to be beautiful She doesn't have to be smart, no She doesn’t have to be rich Not a model with long strides But big tits

    Timing app?

    Short: I am looking for (foss) recommendations for an app that lets me program various time intervals and then does some notification when they are up.

    So last November when the after work cycling season froze up I finally went to the gym, got me a membership at the one with the most group activities/classes(?) because I like committing to a schedule and to be told what to do. Also the group energy does help me pushing. But I started looking at the quite well equipped gym and somehow I got kettlebells in my youtube recommendations. And then other strange stuff like EMOM and AMRAP.

    And the gym have no good clocks...

    So when (pretty much always) I want to do some AMRAP (conditioning?) I have to rely on my clock. But its timing programming is really limited, essentially just active/rest. So I need something more robust and after a cursory look at apps I have found nothing. I NEED recommendations.

    Example: I want to program a AMRAP session of 1 minute active, 15 seconds reset to next move(?). Do that for 5 cycles. Then a 2 minute break. And start from the bottom. Just an example.

    MANEGARM - Ett sista farväl (Official Lyric Video) | Napalm Records

    Cannot leave y'all without some Månegarm and some old tales

    > "Ett sista farväl (a final farewell) is based on Völsungasagan (Völsunga saga) and the love story between Helge Hundigsbane and his wife Sigrun. Helge is assassinated by Odin's lent spear and travels to Valhalla, but for one single night he returns to his tomb and the realm of the living. Bloody, and with frost in his hair, he meets his wife and they spend one last night together. At dawn Helge must return to Valhalla and once again leave Sigrun who a short time thereafter dies of grief and sorrow.

    Vulgaris Magistralis - Heidevolk

    The song describing me, the most manliest of men.

    Dogtooth & Nail - Shadows Follow You - Official Music Video

    When the refrain is slower than the lyrics. And the discord makes me like it more.


    Svartsot Midsommer (Official Video)

    Blows flute - AAAAARRRGGHHHG

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