timgrant @ timgrant @ttrpg.network Posts 0Comments 61Joined 2 yr. ago
Trick as old as the game Wizardry.
It's often better than making them fight their way back up.
Yeah, good old joke. But made even better with geek speak.
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The fact that many men, religious and otherwise, happen to be circumcised in a country where many Christians live does not make it part of the religion.
Why would I believe your unsupported claims that are contrary to lots of evidence, my studies, and my own lived experience?
I hope you learn one day that making generalizations about groups of people based on your own vague notions is neither good nor kind.
If you think they’ll be too simple then it should only take your players about 20-30 minutes to solve.
That being 15 minutes to tell stupid jokes, and 15 more to burn down the building and leave.
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Provide some evidence for your claim, then.
A major point of the quote I provided is that Christians are not bound by such strictures on dress, diet, mold remediation, etc., set forth in Leviticus, Deuteronomy, or elsewhere in Hebrew Scripture (which the early Christian church adapted with some changes to be the Old Testament).
I myself have been to a lot of baptisms, and there's never been a circumcision involved. It's not on me to prove a negative though…where's your evidence?
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Ares, the God of Special Operations.
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"Where I heard that" is from the Christian Bible.
Consider Philippians, Chapter 3, Verse 2.
Philippians 3:2 in Other Translations
2 Watch out for those dogs, those people who do evil, those mutilators who say you must be circumcised to be saved.
Because not everyone knows this stuff: this is text from one of the Epistles (Latin for "letters") which are attributed to Paul of Tarsus also known as Saint Paul the Apostle. Apostle means one of the chief disciples of Jesus Christ. The Epistles provide instruction to early Christians on how to organize their churches.
@Archpawn@lemmy.world posts another relevant passage.
What made you disagree?
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It's specifically NOT a Christian thing, although many Christians are circumcised for non-religious reasons.
Or step it up a notch. (And ya gotta wait until this comes up in conversation.)
Session 1: My Chaos Paladin tells party his goddess' name is Beth.
Session 2: Find magic sword, name it Beth.
Session 3: Tell party my goddess wants to be called Kate now. (Chaotics, ya know?)
Session 4: Explain that the goddess is OK if I still call my sword Beth, but I should name the next one Kate.
Session 5: Utter a vow of enmity: "For Kate's sake I stick my last Beth at thee!"
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Really the DM ought to toss out names, reacting to the actions of the party, and just see what sticks.
My NPC's will start recognizing the party by their recent exploits, such as "The Heroes of Phandelver" — or "The Butchers of Phandalin," as the case may be.
If the players want to "rebrand" the party, that's just another quest goal. Always attainable, but you can't murder-hobo your way to being beloved by the countryfolk.
One PC I play is one of "The Orange Cart Heroes" (the DM's invention) after a minor but very public encounter. That's fun. It doesn't matter that our later exploits ought to be more noteworthy.
The meme is right: Asking the players to name their team typically ends up like the end of Mystery Men where every idea is worse than the last. The good idea comes from the journalist talking to them.
True Polymorph's duration is "until dispelled" if you concentrate for an hour. (That's hidden in the spell description.)
OP is getting advice from Mom on what to do with his spare time, which isn't exactly exuding mature grownup adult vibes.
Maybe the pic should instead have a picture of a grownup who's extremely opposed to playing with kids for many reasons?
I'm looking at the kid with the machete, and feeling pretty judged.
Maybe OP just hates plaid?
Go to game stores and ask the staff. Go to conventions. Google for professional DM's. Sign up on roll20 and look for open games. Have some kids and start running games for them. (This one's more work.)
If you're having fun, you're having fun. But you provide a lot of context in text that's not in the graphic.
PSA: DM's, never imitate this
Back in the day, PC's would get strongholds and followers when they hit a certain level. Every crap DM (myself included) would think is was a great idea for monsters to sack one while the PC was away. It was never any fun.
When a player puts a little effort work into something, like a castle, house, or cart, don't trash it without their buyin. It's like a thief stealing their items when they were sleeping.
There are better ways to use these new settings in the campaign.
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Or go old school with the angry druid spell: "Cause Serious Wounds"
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It's great having mistreated townspeople show back up later, catching the players flat-footed.
"Are you serious? You don't even remember?"
I'll specifically dunk on video game mentality:
"I don't know what kind of game you think you're playing! It's like I'm not even a real person to you!"
Yeah, you'd definitely want to keep a sword like that happy, since it might decide to disintegrate you. Plenty of other options for its goal (who it wants to stab) that might be more interesting narratively.
I was just describing one the most OP swords possible in the original DMG — and when just about everyone is a "non-human monster" that's the power option.
I'm a simple man, and will just ask for a AD&D 1e Unusual Sword +5 Holy Avenger, with an Intelligence of 17. Love me that 50% magic resistance in 5 foot radius, dispel magic at will, and +10 damage vs. Chaotic Evil.
Since I'm choosing, I'll assume optimum rolls for an "unusual sword", and take: All 14 extraordinary powers: charm person, clairaudience, clairvoyance, determine direction and depth, ESP, flying, heal, illusion, leviathan, strength, telekinesis, telepathy, teleportation, and X-ray vision.
Its Special Purpose should be slay "non-human monsters" disintegrating them on a hit unless they save (sure its special purpose should be slaying evil, but that's so restrictive. It should speak 10 languages.
Before I forget, it ought to match my alignment, so its ego doesn't overwhelm mine and make me stab myself or something. But maybe that's where the fun for the DM comes in?
They sure don't make 'em like they used to.