timgrant @ timgrant @ttrpg.network Posts 0Comments 61Joined 2 yr. ago
While my players will easily kill 30 minutes collaborating on what to buy, a session like this is definitely more fun if there are NPC's involved.
We had a memorable session when the PC's found the Emporium of Evil, where they tried to find the magic items that weren't TOO cursed, speaking to all manner of morally questionable merchant. (They bought a lot, actually.)
You can also brainstorm the next quest this way. Whether or not the party wants to take a quest from a one of these merchants, they can certainly hear rumors. You can see what they take interest in, and build your next plot arc off of that base.
Some trouble can always pop up when the shopping is winding down, requiring decisive action by the party.
Yes, I play a higher-level wizard who is always running out of spell slots by the end of the dungeon, casting wimpy cantrips and hiding behind the martials. As nature intended.
It's all about the DM saying no to long-resting whenever and wherever. It may seem like common sense that the players should be able to say when the party should rest. But the game doesn't work, especially at high levels, unless the DM controls and limits them.
Fair points. I'm a walking rules encyclopedia type, and I've been in a number of games where I was like, "What the hell am I supposed to be doing?" And not having any fun.
On the other hand, I've brought "D&D only" people along for the ride on other games with good success. The trick is running a good "tutorial level" introductory adventure, where nobody is either bored or frustrated. That's going to involve introducing the mechanics in digestible bites.
Funny thing about a D&D only mindset is that there are games that are much simpler, where thinking tactically is much less important.
Most folks never did need the books to learn to play. You've always been able to learn D&D by somebody (usually their DM) explaining it. But many people end up buying books and things once they're engaged.
Like any hobby, people spend money on it when they want to. Those solid modules and supplements you mention would be a bit part of that, but also how people feel about the company they'd be supporting matters a lot (this is the so-called "reflective reaction" Don Norman writes about in his book Emotional Design) .
I think most of my correct guesses were based on the artwork.
It's a great feeling.
But I have to admit, the good booze may have had as much to do with it than anything else.
And be careful not to bask in the feeling too much. Eventually you do want to get the party moving again. Once the weekend is over, folks may notice they "didn't do anything."
Rebel shareholders such as Alta Fox have been touting the radical concept of investing in the business, creating good products, and selling them.
You know, instead of screwing up relationships with long-term business partners, sending hired heavies to their fans' houses, and driving their customers to their competition.
So crazy it just might work.
Late response, but you could only Deflect a missile (arrows, etc.) not spells. It only affected one missile, not a round's worth like Shield but was a great, bit penalty to the shot.
Attack spells were often pretty pathetic at low levels. Let the Fighters, Rogues, and Thieves do the attacking, spell casters handle battlefield control, healing, etc. It was real different than 5e.
My progressive-as-anyone zoomer kids and their friends use "based" all the time, for, as I understand it, any bold statement that's hard to dispute.
This is actually the first time I'm hearing "based" being associated with alt-righties.
Late reply, but original D&D and Holmes-book D&D came before Red Box. Not sure about OD&D, but Holmes had race-class separation. AD&D has roughly contemporaneous with red box, and had the concept of Elf Wizard.
Red box D&D (both its editions) was pretty different in a lot of ways than other editions.
A group of my players brought this up. I let them know that was fine, but the monsters would be able to return the favor.
We decided "the weave" determines the angle of squares (no diagonals).
I know the feeling, but it leaves plenty of time to get a drink and snack.
I can't seem to find the reference, but I think an echo of this made it into 5e, where the offspring of orcs and other races were always half-orcs.
If your first-level halfling is wearing plate mail, you may be playing Red Box D&D.
Yep, this is basically the "Evil is the Absence of Good" argument, and you could do way worse.
Goth girls are drow.
Makes me miss RoleMaster's Deflection, with it's +100% DB (+20 AC) instantaneous spell.
Since may spells would take 3 rounds to cast, Instantaneous was pretty clutch.
That's the DM's wife.
In high school, Mom was always pre-empting game nights with visits to Aunt So-and-so or whatever. "You can play your game any time."
These days I play 2 or 3 times a week. But I can stop any time I want.
Why not just you Elvish for Elvish?