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Congress’s push to protect kids online is at a crossroads (KOSA, US-focused) Analysis | Congress’s push to protect kids online is at a crossroads

Lawmakers are trying to fast-track legislation but face a dwindling window.

Analysis | Congress’s push to protect kids online is at a crossroads

Legislators are considering attaching KOSA (the anti-LGBTQ+ censorship bill, aka the Kids Online Safety Act) to must-pass legislation authorizing the FAA. As EFF points out, the latest version of KOSA is still a censorship bill.

So if you're in the US, it's once again a good time to contact your Congresspeople. EFF's got an action here that makes it makes it easy, and so does

Congress’s push to protect kids online is at a crossroads (KOSA, US-focused) Analysis | Congress’s push to protect kids online is at a crossroads

Lawmakers are trying to fast-track legislation but face a dwindling window.

Analysis | Congress’s push to protect kids online is at a crossroads

Legislators are considering attaching KOSA (the anti-LGBTQ+ censorship bill, aka the Kids Online Safety Act) to must-pass legislation authorizing the FAA. As EFF points out, the latest version of KOSA is still a censorship bill.

So if you're in the US, it's once again a good time to contact your Congresspeople. EFF's got an action here that makes it makes it easy, and so does

Down to the “deadline”: FISA Section 702 Expansion / Reauthorization Down to the “deadline”

The Senate may vote Friday on expansion of FISA Section 702 warrantless surveillance – and maybe also a warrant requirement

Down to the “deadline”
U.S. House Vote Narrowly Allows Rampant Abuses of Warrantless Spying Authority to Continue (US focused)
  • From the article:

    FISA 702 warrantless surveillance purports to target only foreign subjects, but in practice sweeps in a huge amount of Americans’ communications. This allows intelligence agencies to exploit a backdoor search loophole: the FBI, CIA, and NSA conduct “U.S. person queries” of FISA 702 records to deliberately pull up Americans’ private messages, all without a warrant or any court approval. This loophole has led to systemic abuse, involving thousands of improper queries each year, including those directed at protesters, campaign donors, journalists, lawmakers, and — in one case — the online dating matches of an analyst.

  • U.S. House Vote Narrowly Allows Rampant Abuses of Warrantless Spying Authority to Continue (US focused)
  • The FBI routinely uses its authority under FISA Section 702 to get information on Americans without a warrant, ignoring the processes that are supposed to be put in place to protect people. This has nothing to do with the FISA Title III authority that was used to get information about Carter Page, no matter what you and Trump think. If you warrantless surveillance of Americans is good, then by all means you should indeed be cheering this vote -- because they extended the scope of what information they can get at without a warrant.

    If on the other hand you think civil liberties are worth protecting, then you might take a moment to stop to think that there was bipartisan support, including progressive Democrats, for introducing reforms like a warrant requirement while still keeping the ability to surveil foreign agents in place. But opinions differ, there are plenty of people in both parties who don't think civil liberties are worth protecting, so if you're one of them you've got a lot of company.

  • U.S. House Vote Narrowly Allows Rampant Abuses of Warrantless Spying Authority to Continue (US focused) U.S. House Vote Narrowly Allows Rampant Abuses of Warrantless Spying Authority to Continue

    (WASHINGTON) — Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a two-year extension of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (“FISA 702”), a controversial warrantless spying authority, and in an extremely narrow tie vote, rejected critical reforms to stop rampant abuse of the law ...

    U.S. House Vote Narrowly Allows Rampant Abuses of Warrantless Spying Authority to Continue

    cross-posted from:

    > Not a good result. The good amendment to add a warrant requirement failed on a tie vote; bad amendments to expand the scope of warrantless wiretapping passed. Next step: a Senate vote.

    Bad Amendments to Section 702 Have Failed (For Now)—What Happens Next? (US-focused, FISA) Bad Amendments to Section 702 Have Failed (For Now)—What Happens Next?

    Yesterday, the House of Representatives voted against considering a largely bad bill that would have unacceptably expanded the tentacles of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, along with reauthorizing it and introducing some minor fixes.

    Bad Amendments to Section 702 Have Failed (For Now)—What Happens Next?

    EFF's update also has a handy form to contact Congress. Their summary:

    > "Section 702 is Big Brother’s favorite mass surveillance law that EFF has been fighting since it was first passed in 2008. The law is currently set to expire on April 19. > > Yesterday’s decision not to decide is good news, at least temporarily. Once again, a bipartisan coalition of law makers—led by Rep. Jim Jordan and Rep. Jerrold Nadler—has staved off the worst outcome of expanding 702 mass surveillance in the guise of “reforming” it. But the fight continues and we need all Americans to make their voices heard. "

    Trump Loyalists Kill Vote on US Wiretap Program
  • Yeah, all the scare tactics about how "oh noes national security is at risk if FISA isn't extended!!!!" are garbage; if Section 702 lapses, existing certifications are already approved for the next year, and the government has other authorities it can do the same kind of surveillance with. And the surveillance he's complaining about wasn't even under this section of FISA -- it's the Title III stuff which doesn't need to be reauthorized!

    As Howie Klein says on Down With Tyranny FISA Was Always Bad Legislation... It's Still Bad Even If Trump And MAGA Suddenly Oppose It Too

  • Trump Loyalists Kill Vote on US Wiretap Program
  • They did -- FISA shouldn't be extended without reforms. All the scare tactics about how "oh noes national security is at risk if FISA isn't extended!!!!" are garbage; if Section 702 lapses, existing certifications are already approved for the next year, and the government has other authorities it can do the same kind of surveillance with.

    As Howie Klein says on Down With Tyranny FISA Was Always Bad Legislation... It's Still Bad Even If Trump And MAGA Suddenly Oppose It Too

  • Trump Loyalists Kill Vote on US Wiretap Program Trump Loyalists Kill Vote on US Wiretap Program

    An attempt to reauthorize Section 702, the so-called crown jewel of US spy powers, failed for a third time in the House of Representatives after former president Donald Trump criticized the law.

    Trump Loyalists Kill Vote on US Wiretap Program

    cross-posted from:

    > Well it wasn't just Trump loyalists; it was 19 Republicans in the Freedom Caucus (who are indeed Trump loyalists) and almost all the Democrats voting agains bringing the current bill to the floor. Now what? > > "Congressional sources tell WIRED they have no idea what the next steps will be." > > Oh.

    Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing: A Planned Amendment to This Week’s Vote Would Be the Largest Expansion of FISA in Over 15 Years (US-focused) Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing: A Planned Amendment to This Week’s Vote Would Be the Largest Expansion of FISA in Over 15 Years

    This week the House is set to vote on legislation to renew Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (“FISA 702”), along with a set of amendments. One of these amendments — put forward by House Intelligence Committee leads Mike Turner and Jim Himes — would expand warrantless FISA surv...

    Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing: A Planned Amendment to This Week’s Vote Would Be the Largest Expansion of FISA in Over 15 Years

    That's not good.

    > This week the House is set to vote on legislation to renew Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (“FISA 702”), along with a set of amendments. One of these amendments — put forward by House Intelligence Committee leads Mike Turner and Jim Himes — would expand warrantless FISA surveillance dramatically: While falsely billing itself as a minor definitional tweak, in reality the amendment would be the largest expansion of FISA since Section 702 was created in 2008. It could be used to enlist an array of sensitive facilities — such as offices for nonprofits, political campaigns, and news organizations — to serve as hubs for warrantless surveillance.

    if you’re in the US, now’s a great time to contact Congress. You can either call the Congressional switchboard at (202) 224-3121 or use the House directory to look up your legislators’ contact info.

    > “Stop the FBI from expanding warrantless surveillance of innocent Americans. OPPOSE the FISA amendment from Reps. Turner and Himes, which would be the largest expansion of FISA since Section 702 was created in 2008. And please oppose any attempt to reauthorize FISA Section 702 that doesn’t include warrant requirements, both for Section 702 data and for our sensitive, personal information sold to the government by data brokers.”

    Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing: A Planned Amendment to This Week’s Vote Would Be the Largest Expansion of FISA in Over 15 Years (US-focused)
  • Back in December, they tried to get an even WORSE FISA extension bill through as part of the NDAA -- without even a vote on it -- and the pushback was strong enough that they abandoned the plan. In 2020 grassroots activism kept them from rauthorizing Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act . In 2015 grassroots activism kept them from doing a straight reauthorization of the PATRIOT Act. So there really is a track record of it being effective on this issue.

    The key dynamic here is that both parties are split on the issue -- progressive Dems along with Libertarian and MAGA Republicans all favor reform. So even representatives in a district that one party always wins have to consider the politics: Republicans wanting to keep their MAGA cred against MAGA challengers, Democrats facing progressive challengers (or progressive Dems who need strong support from their base against centrist challengers). Plus there are a handful of centrist Dems in purple districts who might vote the right way if it can pick up some Republican votes.

  • Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing: A Planned Amendment to This Week’s Vote Would Be the Largest Expansion of FISA in Over 15 Years (US-focused) Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing: A Planned Amendment to This Week’s Vote Would Be the Largest Expansion of FISA in Over 15 Years

    This week the House is set to vote on legislation to renew Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (“FISA 702”), along with a set of amendments. One of these amendments — put forward by House Intelligence Committee leads Mike Turner and Jim Himes — would expand warrantless FISA surv...

    Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing: A Planned Amendment to This Week’s Vote Would Be the Largest Expansion of FISA in Over 15 Years

    That's not good.

    > This week the House is set to vote on legislation to renew Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (“FISA 702”), along with a set of amendments. One of these amendments — put forward by House Intelligence Committee leads Mike Turner and Jim Himes — would expand warrantless FISA surveillance dramatically: While falsely billing itself as a minor definitional tweak, in reality the amendment would be the largest expansion of FISA since Section 702 was created in 2008. It could be used to enlist an array of sensitive facilities — such as offices for nonprofits, political campaigns, and news organizations — to serve as hubs for warrantless surveillance.

    If you’re in the US, now’s a great time to contact Congress. You can either call the Congressional switchboard at (202) 224-3121 or use the House directory to look up your legislators’ contact info.

    > “Stop the FBI from expanding warrantless surveillance of innocent Americans. OPPOSE the FISA amendment from Reps. Turner and Himes, which would be the largest expansion of FISA since Section 702 was created in 2008. And please oppose any attempt to reauthorize FISA Section 702 that doesn’t include warrant requirements, both for Section 702 data and for our sensitive, personal information sold to the government by data brokers.”

    House delays plans on FISA Section 702 surveillance program reauthorization vote (US Politics) House delays plans on surveillance program reauthorization vote - Roll Call

    The House on Wednesday shelved plans to hold floor votes this week on a bill to reauthorize the Section 702 surveillance authority.

    House delays plans on surveillance program reauthorization vote - Roll Call

    cross-posted from:

    > The good news is that the secret session of Congress didn't happen so they didn't sneak something through behind closed doors. Thanks to everybody who took action! and it now looks like the House won't be voting on Section 702 this week. > > Elisabeth Goitein of Brennan Center has an excellent Xitter thread here describing it as HPSCI (House Intelligence Committee) leaders (who oppose reforms and want to broaden surveillance) forcing Speaker Johnson to cancel the floor vote. She suggests they'll try to get weak language into the continuing resolution, and if that happens we should be ready to make some noise. > > Then again, as of Wired suggests on Bluesky, if they don't take action by April 19, the FISC (FISA Court) can just extend certifications for a year, so that's also a way they can delay reforms. We may also need to make some noise to demand a vote. > > So stay tuned!!!!

    House delays plans on FISA Section 702 surveillance program reauthorization vote (US Politics) House delays plans on surveillance program reauthorization vote - Roll Call

    The House on Wednesday shelved plans to hold floor votes this week on a bill to reauthorize the Section 702 surveillance authority.

    House delays plans on surveillance program reauthorization vote - Roll Call

    The good news is that the secret session of Congress didn't happen so they didn't sneak something through behind closed doors. Thanks to everybody who took action! and it now looks like the House won't be voting on Section 702 this week.

    Elisabeth Goitein of Brennan Center has an excellent Xitter thread here describing it as HPSCI (House Intelligence Committee) leaders (who oppose reforms and want to broaden surveillance) forcing Speaker Johnson to cancel the floor vote. She suggests they'll try to get weak language into the continuing resolution, and if that happens we should be ready to make some noise.

    Then again, as of Wired suggests on Bluesky, if they don't take action by April 19, the FISC (FISA Court) can just extend certifications for a year, so that's also a way they can delay reforms. We may also need to make some noise to demand a vote.

    So stay tuned!!!!

    #FISA #section702 #surveillance

    Powerplay: FISA Sham Reform Bill Released, vote expected on Thursday Powerplay: FISA Sham Reform Bill Released

    House national security hawks have, for now, outmaneuvered FISA reformers....but the fight is not over and the secret session is off for now

    Powerplay: FISA Sham Reform Bill Released

    Patrick Eddington has a good summary:

    > "Unlike the House Judiciary Committee bill passed by that body in December by a 35-2 bipartisan margin, the new bill 1) does not mandate a warrant before FBI personnel can sift through the FISA Section 702 database for information on U.S. Persons and 2) still allows federal law enforcement agencies to buy data on U.S. Persons from data brokers--no warrant required. > > The bill also allows for FBI agents to go through the Section 702 database for information "relevant to an existing, open, predicated full national security investigation.""

    There were reports that intelligence agencies will have a secret briefing for Congress this afternoon, although Eddington now says it might not happen. In any case, a vote is expected Thursday.

    If you're in the US, now's a critical time to contact your legislators. This issue crosses party lines, so even if your representatives usually don't listen to you, they'll be paying attention to the number of calls they get on this one! Eddington has instructions on how to do it via Congress' site, or Demand Progress has a handy web page.

    Microsoft endorses anti-LGBTQ online "child safety" bill KOSA night before Big Tech hearing (US Politics)
  • Technically yes but judges get annoyed if there's absolutely no case, so they rarely do -- and if they threaten when there's no case, larger companies will look at it and say the threat's not real.

  • Microsoft endorses anti-LGBTQ online "child safety" bill KOSA night before Big Tech hearing (US Politics)
  • The law's defintion of harm is extremely broad. Charlie Jane Anders has a good discussion of this in The Internet Is About to Get a Lot Worse:

    "This clause is so vaguely defined that attorneys general can absolutely claim that queer content violates it — and they don't even need to win these lawsuits in order to prevail. They might not even need to file a lawsuit, in fact. The mere threat of an expensive, grueling legal battle will be enough to make almost every Internet platform begin to scrub anything related to queer people."

  • KOSA isn’t designed to help kids. KOSA isn’t designed to help kids.

    Congress is using kids to hold Big Tech accountable. Kids will get hurt in the process.

    KOSA isn’t designed to help kids.

    An excellent article by danah boyd -- about bad internet bills in general, not just KOSA. Some of danah's key points:

    1. These “safety” bills are based on a faulty understanding of children’s mental health.

    2. Bills like KOSA are predicated on the same technological solutionism that makes the logics of the tech industry so infuriating.

    3. Children are dying. They’re in crisis. And we’re not providing them with the support they most need.

    4. Many aspects of the tech industry are toxic. It’s politically prudent to use children. But it doesn’t help children and it doesn’t address the core issues in tech.

    If you're in the US, and EFF's page make it easy to contact your Senators and ask them to oppose #KOSA.

    Microsoft endorses anti-LGBTQ online "child safety" bill KOSA night before Big Tech hearing (US Politics)
  • In practice, when the AG threatens to sue and the law makes it clear that they'll win (which KOSA currently does), companies will typically stop what they're doing (or settle if the AG actually launches a suit)

  • Microsoft endorses anti-LGBTQ online "child safety" bill KOSA night before Big Tech hearing (US Politics)
  • That'd be great. And there's precedent, too: back in 2005 Microsoft dropped support for a Washington state gay rights bill but employee pressure led them to reverse their stance. But all the tech layoffs tend to have a chilling effect on employee advocacy, so we shall see.

  • Microsoft endorses anti-LGBTQ online "child safety" bill KOSA night before Big Tech hearing (US Politics)
  • Great point. Mike Masnick has said that he wouldn't be surprised if Meta also comes out in support, for similar reasons.

  • Microsoft endorses anti-LGBTQ online "child safety" bill KOSA night before Big Tech hearing (US Politics)
  • Totally agreed that it opens things up to censorship in general and doesn't actually make kids safer. Charlie Jane Anders' The Internet Is About to Get A Lot Worse sets it in the context of book banning. The LGBTQ part is in the headlines because one big focus of the advocacy against it is highlighting that Democrats who claim to be pro-LGBTQ should not be backing this bill. This has been effective enough that Senators Cantwell and Markey both mentioned it in the committee markup, although it's certainly far from the only problem with the bill.

    Sec. 11 (b): Enforcement By State Attorneys General covers this. It's hard to find -- the bill text starts out with all the text removed from the previous amendment, and if you click on the "enforcement" link in the new table of context it takes you to the old struck-out text. It's almost like they want to make it as hard as possible for people to figure out what's going on!

  • Microsoft endorses anti-LGBTQ online "child safety" bill KOSA night before Big Tech hearing (US Politics)
  • They get to position themselves as looking out for the children.

  • Microsoft endorses anti-LGBTQ online "child safety" bill KOSA night before Big Tech hearing (US Politics) Microsoft president endorses online child safety bill night before Big Tech hearing

    Microsoft announced that it is endorsing bipartisan legislation intended to hold Big Tech companies accountable for ensuring that teenagers and children are safe online. Microsoft Vice Chairman and President Brad

    Microsoft president endorses online child safety bill night before Big Tech hearing

    cross-posted from:

    > Worth noting: Microsoft owns LinkedIn, which wouldn't be particularly affected by KOSA. > > There's a hearing on Wednesday, and potentially a Senate vote soon, so if you're in the US now's a good time to contact your Senators. and EFF's page make it easy! > > \#kosa #microsoft

    Microsoft endorses anti-LGBTQ online "child safety" bill KOSA night before Big Tech hearing (US Politics) Microsoft president endorses online child safety bill night before Big Tech hearing

    Microsoft announced that it is endorsing bipartisan legislation intended to hold Big Tech companies accountable for ensuring that teenagers and children are safe online. Microsoft Vice Chairman and President Brad

    Microsoft president endorses online child safety bill night before Big Tech hearing

    cross-posted from:

    > Worth noting: Microsoft owns LinkedIn, which wouldn't be particularly affected by KOSA. > > There's a hearing on Wednesday, and potentially a Senate vote soon, so if you're in the US now's a good time to contact your Senators. and EFF's page make it easy! > > > \#kosa #microsoft >

    Florida House of Representatives approves bill to ban social media for kids under 16 Florida House of Representatives approves bill to ban social media for kids under 16

    A Florida bill that would prohibit kids under 16 from signing up for most social media platforms has passed the state House of Representatives.

    Florida House of Representatives approves bill to ban social media for kids under 16

    cross-posted from:

    > The House passed the bill by a vote of 106 to 13, with many Democrats joining the chamber's Republican majority in support of the bill. It now heads to the Republican-controlled Senate for consideration.

    Florida House of Representatives approves bill to ban social media for kids under 16 Florida House of Representatives approves bill to ban social media for kids under 16

    A Florida bill that would prohibit kids under 16 from signing up for most social media platforms has passed the state House of Representatives.

    Florida House of Representatives approves bill to ban social media for kids under 16

    The House passed the bill by a vote of 106 to 13, with many Democrats joining the chamber's Republican majority in support of the bill. It now heads to the Republican-controlled Senate for consideration.

    A script for asking Republican Senators to stop KOSA (US Politics)
  • Yes, exactly. For Senators who support LGBTQ+ rights and reproductice rights (or at least say that they do), focusing on the threat anti-trans AGs can be very effective; In Washington state, we put enough pressure on Cantwell last fall about the LGBTQ+ issues that she mentioned it in the hearing (as did Markey). 5calls and EFF's scripts and emails are written to appeal to legislators from both parties (so just talk about the harms to kids and threats from state AGs in general terms), which makes sense for a one-size-fits-all form, but customizing it to your Senators' priorities can make a lot of sense.

  • A script for asking Republican Senators to stop KOSA (US Politics)

    The horrible Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) is once again moving forward in Congress, so now's a key time to contact your Senators and Representative. has a summary of why this bill is so bad, including its harmfulness on LGBTQ+ youth, as well as a form to contact your Senators. But Republicans are just fine with bills that are harmful to LGBTQ+ youth, so they may well see that as a good thing!

    Here's an alternate script designed for Republicans legislators. You can use it to call -- for a phone call or email -- from jamie quinn on Bluesky (shared with permission).

    You can call the Senate switchboard at United States Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Or, use EFF's page.

    (cross-posted from: )

    A script for asking Republican Senators to stop KOSA (US Politics)

    The horrible Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) is once again moving forward in Congress, so now's a key time to contact your Senators and Representative. has a summary of why this bill is so bad, including its harmfulness on LGBTQ+ youth, as well as a form to contact your Senators. But Republicans are just fine with bills that are harmful to LGBTQ+ youth, so they may well see that as a good thing!

    Here's an alternate script designed for Republicans legislators. You can use it to call -- for a phone call or email -- from jamie quinn on Bluesky (shared with permission).

    You can call the Senate switchboard at United States Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Or, use EFF's page.

    Stop the surveillance power grab. Tell Congress to OPPOSE HPSCI’s Horrific Surveillance Bill and SUPPORT real reforms! (US-focused) Stop the surveillance power grab. Tell Congress to OPPOSE HPSCI’s Horrific Surveillance Bill and SUPPORT real reforms!

    FISA Section 702’s authority for warrantless surveillance expires at the end of the year unless it’s reauthorized.  With Congress leaving DC on December 15, there’s a lot of …

    Congress is expected to vote this week on various bills to reauthorise FISA Section 702 warrantless wiretapping. The House Intelligence committee's bill is a wolf in sheep's clothing -- it would significantly expand warrantless surveillance. If you're in the US, now's a key time to contact Congress! EFF's got a form that makes it easy, or see the article for phone numbers and a short script.

    Mastodon and today's fediverse are unsafe by design and unsafe by default
  • That's great! And a lot of trans people I've talked with on Mastodon say similar things, which is also great. But a lot don't. It depends a lot on the instance you wind up choosing. So the people who stay wind up as a self-selecting sample.

  • Mastodon and today's fediverse are unsafe by design and unsafe by default
  • Thanks, glad you liked it. Agreed that blocklists (while currently necessary) have big problems, it would really be great if we had other good tools and they were much more of a last resort ... I'll talk more about that in a later installment.

  • Mastodon and today's fediverse are unsafe by design and unsafe by default
  • Total bullshit response. Yes, there are a lot of LGBT people on the fediverse. There's also a lot of homophobia and transphobia on the fediverse. And the instances run by nazis and terfs very much care if you're trans and will harass you just as much on the fediverse as anywhere else.

  • Mastodon and today's fediverse are unsafe by design and unsafe by default
  • It's tricky ... many people do use "queer" as an umbrella term, but a lot of trans people don't like being lumped under that, and some lesbian, gay, bi, and agender people don't consider themselves queer. There aren't great answers.

  • Mastodon and today's fediverse are unsafe by design and unsafe by default
  • At some level you're not missing anything: there are obvious solutions, and they're largely ignored. Blocking is effective, and it's a key part of why some instances actually do provide good experiences; and an allow-list approach works well. But, those aren't the default; so new instances don't start out blocking anybody. And, most instances only block the worst-of-the-worst; there's a lot of stuff that comes from large open-registration instances like .social and .world that relatively few instances block or even limit.

  • Mastodon and today's fediverse are unsafe by design and unsafe by default

    Even though millions of people left Twitter in 2023 – and millions more are ready to move as soon as there's a viable alternative – the fediverse isn't growing.1 One reason why: today's fediverse is unsafe by design and unsafe by default – especially for Black and Indigenous people, women of color, LGBTAIQ2S+ people2, Muslims, disabled people and other marginalized communities. ‌

    thenexusofprivacy The Nexus of Privacy

    The Nexus Of Privacy looks at the connections between technology, policy, strategy, and justice. We're also on the fediverse at

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