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What the unholy f is going on with this eBay post?
  • Reminds me I finally got rid of my Roland VS880EX 2 years ago. Had it since about 2000. That thing was a workhorse and it still worked fine but I was always disappointed I couldn't put a bigger drive in it. With todays drives I could record 4 tracks at the highest quality for about a month straight but back in the day we had to shift data around just to work on a few songs at a time on it.

  • Astounding absurdity
  • Imagine in 100 years that footbath is rotting in a pile somewhere. Some desperate little creature is being stalked by some terrifying predator. Just as the predator is about to strike the little creature spots a hole he can squeeze through and makes a mad dash for it. He makes it just in time and peeps out of the holes in your footbath as the frustrated predator lumbers off in search of an easier meal.

    That's how I get past the depressing aspects of the absurdity of our civilization- just imagine even more absurd extensions until you find something that's more fun to imagine than it is depressing.

  • The History of Future Folk
  • Hondo! The scene where Bill is playing the banjo medley and Kevin starts freaking out hearing music for the first time is so great. Such a creative and fun movie- I'm just glad to know there are other fans out there!

  • The History of Future Folk

    Rewatched this weekend and it's such a great film and I wish more people knew about it. If you love music and sci-fi you'll probably love this film.

    Introvert\Extrovert is pop psychology nonsense.
  • Introversion is not part my identity. Its a rational system that helps me cope with and navigate my personal limits, strengths and failings.

    What do you mean by 'system' here? Sounds like you think of introversion as a personal philosophy more than a trait. That is pretty interesting but that's definitely not how most people apply the term.

    If its nonsense, as an example tell me why I’m totally mentally exhausted after spending 60 minutes presenting to a large group of people.

    Because without any other context that sounds pretty exhausting. Though if I'd been working on a project for several months that I really felt good about I might enjoy the opportunity to share it with a group of people that could fully understand my work- it might be as fulfilling as it is exhausting. So am I an introvert or extrovert- or rather which side of the introvert-extrovert scale do I lean towards... Sorry but the phrasing for scale is more cumbersome than just using the terms. Of course it's not binary- that would be ridiculous even within the context of how ridiculous the whole concept is.

    Not quite. A religion is a system of explanations about the world, life, and lifestyle

    And you described introversion as "system that helps me cope with and navigate my personal limits, strengths and failings". Definitely sounds religion adjacent. But maybe I'm not understanding how you use introversion as a 'system' so I'm curious about that.

    So far on our intro/extroversion topic, you’re just saying its non-existent, offering no other explanation for the observed behaviors and outcomes.

    Introversion\Extroversions don't 'explain' anything, it's a classification. My point is that at best it's classifying behavior and that can and does change. Considering it as a 'trait' is all but useless because it's essentially just how people feel about themselves.

    Do you think people can change between intro-extro (again scale implied, work with me here...) in a lifetime? If an extroverted person experiences trauma that makes them behave in a more introverted way have they 'become introverts' or are they just traumatized extroverts?

  • Alex Honnold climbing a mountain without ropes.
  • Wow, knowing that dude has kids at home changes the whole equation. I guess I just assumed the kinds of people that took those risks were the kinds of people that wouldn't let themselves have attachments or dependents because of the risks. I guess that just shows I understand people that take those risks even less than I thought I did.

  • Introvert\Extrovert is pop psychology nonsense.
  • My point is that it's only useful as a classification of behavior, not personality or 'what kind of person you are'. It's verb not a noun kind of thing.

    DISC... yeah that looks like Myers-Briggs corporate astrology stuff. Fortunately I don't hear a lot of people spitting out their DISC or MB ratings so I only get annoyed by that whenever HR gets a wild hare about it.

  • Introvert\Extrovert is pop psychology nonsense.

    The idea that human personalities and behaviors can be sorted into two simplistic piles or even a scale between two piles is just silly.

    There's no predictive value to it- you can't objectively classify\quantify people's 'vertion' and then predict behaviors or outcomes based on those classifications, not even statistically from a large sample set because it's meaninglessly subjective.

    People are complex. Someone might appear 'introverted' in a social situation they're unfamiliar with, but in a different setting my appear 'extroverted' because they're very comfortable.

    And some will say "social interactions give energy to extro and take it from intro" but what the hell does 'energy' mean in that context anyway? If I go to a small party with close friends all talking about sci-fi I'll enjoy myself all night and feel refreshed, but I'd be exhausted after 30 minutes at a rave and need a week to recover.

    And do people migrate between intro-extro throughout their life? In my 20's I felt compelled to meet and experience new people all the time but now in my mid-40's I don't really care and tend to stick to the people I know. Does that mean I turned more introverted at some point? That's why even as a personality scale it's nonsense.

    It's all just Myers-Briggs for dummies, which is already for dummies.

    The only way it makes sense is as a description of immediate behavior, not of a personality. Someone may be 'behaving in an introverted way' but saying that makes them an 'introvert' is nonsense because they may go somewhere else and behave in an extroverted way an hour later.

    For Makers, Creators and Doers stanleytweedle
    For Makers, Creators and Doers stanleytweedle
    For Makers, Creators and Doers stanleytweedle
    For Makers, Creators and Doers stanleytweedle
    Requiem for a 3d printed MAC light
    For Makers, Creators and Doers stanleytweedle
    For Makers, Creators and Doers stanleytweedle

    Tiny balsa plane in silicone lit by one RGB LED

    Building an echo chamber alone is hard.

    Almost feel sorry for this guy, working so hard to create an echo chamber all by themselves.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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