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This is high key her fault...
  • Didn't she say something like "can't we just drone him" in reference to assange?

  • Removed
    Sure, but how many books can you kill at one time?
  • Also, why exactly do the police need a killing machine? If all they want to do is "serve and protect"?

  • Removed
    Sure, but how many books can you kill at one time?
  • Jesus fucking christ that's a lot of fuckin' money

  • PSA: Alternatives for the most popular communities
  • Haha, soviet union at its finest I suppose.

  • Help is on its way
  • God am i tired of this meme

  • Weird KDE Panel resizing bug. Thinking of a complete reinstall
  • Yeah, that's a good idea. Thanks for the suggestion.

  • Weird KDE Panel resizing bug. Thinking of a complete reinstall

    Whenever I resize the panel or the any other widget on the panel (e.g calendar widget) it doesn't remember its size. It's really annoying me. I am on Fedora 40, KDE 6.0.4. Nothing seems to fix it, thinking of a complete reinstall. Is anyone of you getting this bug?

  • I hate how I need the pressure to amp up during the start of a new semester to actually study.

  • It's too important to do on a phone
  • Excruciating when you have to hop between tabs. Unless doing it on an app, it's always a computer.

  • Fedora + Hyprland?
  • Also a tip if you haven't used WMs before, run nm-applet --indicator and blueman-applet in the hyprland config file to get WiFi and Bluetooth working on the bundled nwg-panel.

  • Fedora + Hyprland?
  • No issues here. Will I don't think I will continue using hyprland but I installed it for curiosity's sake. The only sort of hiccup is the speed with which packages get updated which is enforced by the fedora packing system. Varexxy (?) is insane when it comes to commits so there is a little delay of a week with packages. Some packages like hyprcursor aren't there yet I think. But apart from that no problems.

  • Dell is so frustrating
  • Hmmm. I didn't know Dell had a Linux laptop. I bought a vostro with windows pre-installed and flashed fedora on it, expecting to get no WiFi webcam but everything worked out. It's interesting that their windows machines run Linux better than their flagship Linux machine.

  • mr beast
  • Ay Mr. Beat! Love his videos.

  • [SOLVED] Billy Joel - Allentown
  • Is that Joe Biden squatting.

  • He can't prove it?
  • No Stacy, the ape mask stays on.

  • Grand Moff Tarkin's economic policy was very effective
  • Really loved Cushing in The Hound of Baskervilles.

  • Locked
    Please, for the love of God, VOTE!
  • God this namey, cookie-cutter teenage bullshit.

  • Trans ruleights
  • Woah, that's pretty neat!

  • Castro falls for a capitalist.

    Couldn't find any other place to post and this is too funny. Original by Adrian Gray.

    Castro falls for a capitalist.

    Original by Adrian Gray on youtube.

    We are in Brave's search results!

    I think as the community grows, more search engines will start including us!

    Librewolf but like... for chromium?

    My main browser is Librewolf but I keep a chromium browser just in case. Previously used brave but their flatpak is shit. Ungoogled chromium seems ok but it looks like they don't change much from upstream chromium. Any good chromium browsers which harden their browsers like librewolf does for more privacy?

    AI Generated CSAM Is Out of Control

    > In this video I discuss how generative AI technology has grown far past the governments ability to effectively control it and how the current legislative measures could lead to innocent people being jailed.

    [Solved] why local user.mail overrides global user.mail in git?

    So, I have a GPG key with two noreply email addresses. One for and one email address for When using the of codeberg as user.mail globally, I can make commits which show up as verified on But if use the same mail as my git user.mail the commit on github will show up as unverified. Even though the particular repo's mail is set to the noreply email address of github which can be verified with git config user.mail but for some reason the global ~/.gitconfig mail is used to perform committs. Am I doing GPG management wrong or anything else wrong?

    We can opt-into Jpeg-xl in the stable version now?

    Previously it could only be enabled in nightly, but today in Librewolf 119.0-5 (based on firefox 119 stable) I found that you could also go to about:config and set image.jxl.enabled to true and enable support for jpeg-xl. Is it only a librewolf thing? I am asking here cause I don't have time to personally test.

    Mull Vs Firefox

    I installed the mull browser revently. People who are familiar with this will know that it's a fork of firefox android. It's hardened but I haven't noticed much difference b/w the two. Mull has a few visible tweaks like Https mode by default, strict protection etc. but I haven't come across other backend/not so visible changes. How is it different from firefox android?

    Microblog Memes spez
    Pew pew
    California sues oil companies claiming they downplayed the risk of fossil fuels California sues oil companies claiming they downplayed the risk of fossil fuels

    Civil lawsuit filed by the state targets Exxon Mobil, Shell, Chevron, ConocoPhillips and BP

    California sues oil companies claiming they downplayed the risk of fossil fuels

    > ## Civil lawsuit filed by the state targets Exxon Mobil, Shell, Chevron, ConocoPhillips and BP

    >California has filed a lawsuit against some of the world’s largest oil and gas companies, claiming they deceived the public and downplayed the risks posed by fossil fuels.

    >The civil lawsuit filed in state Superior Court in San Francisco also seeks creation of a fund – financed by the companies – to pay for recovery efforts after devastating storms and fires. Democratic governor Gavin Newsom said in a statement the companies named in the lawsuit – Exxon Mobil, Shell, Chevron, ConocoPhillips and BP – should be held accountable.

    > “For more than 50 years, Big Oil has been lying to us – covering up the fact that they’ve long known how dangerous the fossil fuels they produce are for our planet,” Newsom said. “California taxpayers shouldn’t have to foot the bill for billions of dollars in damages – wildfires wiping out entire communities, toxic smoke clogging our air, deadly heatwaves, record-breaking droughts parching our wells.”

    > The 135-page complaint argues that the companies have known since at least the 1960s that the burning of fossil fuels would warm the planet and change the climate, but they downplayed the looming threat in public statements and marketing.

    > It said the companies’ scientists knew as far back as the 1950s that the climate impacts would be catastrophic, and that there was only a narrow window of time in which communities and governments could respond.

    > Instead, the lawsuit said, the companies mounted a disinformation campaign beginning at least as early as the 1970s to discredit a growing scientific consensus on climate change, and disputed climate change-related risks.

    > The American Petroleum Institute, an industry group also named in the lawsuit, said climate policy should be debated in Congress, not the courtroom.

    > “This ongoing, coordinated campaign to wage meritless, politicised lawsuits against a foundational American industry and its workers is nothing more than a distraction from important national conversations and an enormous waste of California taxpayer resources,” institute senior vice-president Ryan Meyers said in a statement.

    > That was echoed in a statement from Shell, which said the courtroom is not the proper venue to address global warming.

    > “Addressing climate change requires a collaborative, society-wide approach,” the energy company said. “We agree that action is needed now on climate change, and we fully support the need for society to transition to a lower-carbon future.”

    > California’s legal action joins similar lawsuits filed by states and municipalities in recent years.

    > “California’s suit adds to the growing momentum to hold Big Oil accountable for its decades of deception, and secure access to justice for people and communities suffering from fossil-fueled extreme weather and slow onset disasters such as sea level rise,” Kathy Mulvey of the Union of Concerned Scientists said.

    > Addressing the legal action, California state attorney general Rob Bonta said in a statement that the companies “have fed us lies and mistruths to further their record-breaking profits at the expense of our environment. Enough is enough.”

    > Allegations in the lawsuit include faulting the companies for creating or contributing to climate change in California, false advertising, damage to natural resources and unlawful business practices for deceiving the public about climate change.

    > Richard Wiles, president of the Center for Climate Integrity, said in a statement that “California’s decision to take Big Oil companies to court is a watershed moment in the rapidly expanding legal fight to hold major polluters accountable for decades of climate lies … Californians have been living in a climate emergency caused by the fossil fuel industry, and now the state is taking decisive action to make those polluters pay.”

    What's the difference between Force, Impulse and Force of Impact?

    I was dealing with a problem which stated that two objects were moving with same velocity v and one was a car with mass m and another a truck with mass M, such that M > m. They collided and came to a halt. Their collision lasted for 1 second. Which experienced a greater force of impact?

    After searching a little bit everyone seems to have a different equation for force of Impact. What's really force of impact and how is it different from force and Impulse? Thanks!

    What's the scary folk lore from your culture?

    Every culture/region has stories and myths about the things existing there. What are the ones you find the most spooky and/or interesting?

    Why do I have to re-download kernel packages everytime?

    Hey, I am using Fedora Linux 38 with the 6.4.13 kernel. I have had this problem for quite a while now. Everytime I run sudo dnf upgrade and there' an update to the kernel, dnf downloads the kernel and related packages (kernel-modules, kernel-modules-extra etc.) but cites a md5 mismatch and then re-downloads it. This time it works but this whole costs me quite a bit of data. What do you think is causing this? I have cleared the dnf cache multiple times and yet this happens.

    Test Community spez
    Testing a clinet

    This is test

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