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How do you install safe exam browser on linux? Wine? VM?
  • VM with a legit windows installation in it.

  • Why has the world started to mine coal again?
  • Russian war has little to do with it. For example Germany had already decided to scrap nuclear for gas, which actually bit them in the ass when the war started.

  • Not counting games that were unfun because of bugs, what’s the most unfun video game that you’ve played and what made it unfun?
  • Yeah I'd say skip it and check one of the other recommendations in this thread instead.

  • Thousands stranded at burning man
  • Doesn't sound like much rain... Has it ever rained at Burning Man before?

  • Not counting games that were unfun because of bugs, what’s the most unfun video game that you’ve played and what made it unfun?
  • I only logged about 3-4 hours in that game and only encountered 2 battles. The story up to that point put me off too before it even picked up stream, like a classic "prince ascending to throne and hey here's your betrothed future queen who you don't quite get along with, oh hey bandits" Maybe my expectations were too high with the hype the story was getting. The dialog is so drab, it's a chore to click through.

    I just wanted to play a modernized FF Tactics, but I couldn't even find the game within triangle strat.

    I had also got FF7 crisis core reunion shortly before that. I put too many hours into that expecting it to evolve but the gameplay is nothing more than a grind in featureless terrain that you only have the option of fast-traveling to.

    Then I realized this was my first time to play squeenix. I was expecting squaresoft.

    I won't get another squeenix game.

  • [Serious] How do you smoke weed indoors without odor
  • That just makes it smell like weed plus laundry.

  • Removed
    Most popular 'real' desktop will soon be the Linux desktop [Opinion]
  • Mainframes peaked by the 70s. 80s bored the fruit of the standalone PC revolution.

  • Removed
    Most popular 'real' desktop will soon be the Linux desktop [Opinion]
  • We've been hearing this since 1999.

  • How do people sleep on planes?
  • Benzos

  • I Built a Camper From Scratch in 3 Weeks
  • Oh geez, missed that. Which means I'd probably have to learn that one the hard way too.

  • What are some notable blunders in history that resulted in huge loss?
  • This Xerox Alto restoration series is a really interesting reflection on that. Here's the point in the series where they finally get it running.

    Yeah, Xerox made revolutionary progress. But it appears that their proximity to a viable consumer product is a bit exaggerated. It really did still take another set of eyes and minds to wrangle it in. I think if they did release it sooner, and without the leaks, the next competitor still would have seen that and soon come along and done a better enough job to nullify their first-mover advantage.

    Those days were chock full of companies that ended up just contributing to the zeitgeist of computing without themselves reaping in the glory.

    I think Steve Jobs' comments about what Xerox could have been... Is largely him stroking his ego that he and Apple pulled off what they couldn't.

    I don't think Xerox would be the Mac of today in most timelines.

  • I Built a Camper From Scratch in 3 Weeks
  • Had to stop watching when someone nearly cut their finger off feeding a 2x4 down a band saw at the 2 minute mark. (Trauma trigger)


  • [It is LIVE!] Sync for Lemmy - Apps on Google Play
  • I was so blind, thank you so much!

  • [It is LIVE!] Sync for Lemmy - Apps on Google Play
  • I can't figure out how to get sync to actually log into my Lemmy account, where is the log in button?

  • YouTube could be testing a three-strikes policy for ad blocking
  • Not to worried, the cat and mouse game would probably catch up within a few weeks on the blocking side.

  • France will deploy 40,000 police officers to quell violence that followed deadly police shooting
  • We saw it on TV (yes actual broadcast TV, not live though) and your interpretation made me doubt myself for a moment but he was most certainly speaking against the actions of the police.

  • France will deploy 40,000 police officers to quell violence that followed deadly police shooting
  • TBF Macron actually denounced the police's actions in a national address.

  • Breaking: Supreme Court Shoots Down Affirmative Action.
  • While AA is not a good remedy, I wish that shooting it down would have come with some better solutions attached.

  • space space
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