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The US population only accounts for 4.2% of the world.
  • English-speaking population is about 1.5 billion worldwide and 300 million of that is in the US (first language or additional language), so the US is about 20% of the world's English speakers. The 2nd and 3rd countries with the most English-speakers are India and Nigeria, so factor in internet access, and the US is almost certainly >20% of the English-speaking internet.


  • God of War Ragnarok PC requires a PSN account.
  • I thought this might be a similar situation to Ghost of Tsushima where a PSN account is only required for online play, but Ragnarok has no multiplayer.

    I don't understand why Sony is so insistent on this. PSN is still unsupported in 170+ territories; this requirement is just going to turn most of those "would-be" buyers in those territories into pirates.

  • Audio crackling in Helldivers 2
  • You didn't list your distro, but I had the same issue on Pop!_OS. I fixed it by modifying the ALSA properties in /usr/share/wireplumber/main.lua.d/50-alsa-config.lua. I'd first try uncommenting headroom and changing it to 1024, then logging out and back in. If that doesn't work, go 2048. If that still doesn't work, then I'd maybe try adjusting period-size.

    For me, a value in the ~1200 range for headroom fixed it completely. But it will entirely depend on your sound card/hardware. And note, these values will probably be overwritten with any wireplummer updates.

    Also keep in mind, increasing headroom will increase audio latency, so try not to increase it too drastically.

  • Google Messages starts testing RCS message editing
  • Still exclusive to Google/Samsung proprietary apps. AFAIK they also do extensive SafetyNet attestation checks, so it isn't even possible requires a bit of work (see below) to use RCS on a custom ROM like GrapheneOS, CalyxOS, DivestOS, or LineageOS, or even a rooted stock OS. Unless that does a complete 180°, I'm sticking with Signal

  • Locked
    Harm Reduction Rule
  • For anyone wondering why the first-past-the-post voting system (used by most countries) is bad, what the alternatives are, and why those alternatives are better, Nicky Case has an excellent write-up that covers all of that:

  • [General question to the Android community] Have you given up on the audio jack, or do you still only buy devices that have it?
  • I specifically bought a Pixel 5a because it was the last Pixel with a headphone jack. Then after a year, it died on me, and they sent me a 6a as a replacement.

    I miss the jack. A lot. But it's hard to justify buying a whole new phone for one. Once this one dies, I don't know what I'll do.

  • Best Linux Distro For Playing On Steam?
  • I would check the linux gaming wiki's distro recommendations:

    Mint is fine for daily use type stuff, but there are some odd gaming bugs. IIRC Cinnamon (Mint's default desktop environment) specifically has higher input lag than Gnome or KDE, and Lutris dropped official Mint support due to issues from Mint's tweaks.

    I personally use Pop!_OS and it's been pretty good, although I have been a little frustrated about the 22.04 base, as I've noticed some packages (like Mangohud and GOverlay) are very out of date. But aside from that, I have no complaints.

  • The fix is scheduled for the next release
  • Gamepass isn't for me, but dual booting for it is understandable. But office? I've found LibreOffice and OnlyOffice are usually "good enough," and if you really need true MS Office, I believe they offer web editors now

  • Me in the pic
  • Both Bitwarden and KeePass are very secure, certainly much better than something like Lastpass...

    Bitwarden's server and client are open source and completely E2EE (similar to Signal, the server is zero-knowledge). And even if you don't trust Bitwarden's official server, you can host your own.

    KeePass is fine too, but it doesn't have a centralized server like Bitwarden. You have to use other tools to sync your vault between devices. Which some people prefer, but others dislike. Just depends on your preference.

  • Helldivers 2 will use a rootkit anti-cheat, nProtect GameGuard

    cross-posted from:

    > 50/50 chance this breaks Deck and linux support, especially since the commenters' inquiries about it have gone unanswered. > > Bogles my mind why a PvE game needs an anti-cheat at all - let alone something as invasive as a rootkit. > > Source is the dev's post on, unfortunately, reddit:

    Helldivers 2 will use a rootkit anti-cheat, nProtect GameGuard

    50/50 chance this breaks Deck and linux support, especially since the commenters' inquiries about it have gone unanswered.

    Bogles my mind why a PvE game needs an anti-cheat at all - let alone something as invasive as a rootkit.

    Source is the dev's post on, unfortunately, reddit:

    Looks like Valve is working on a 64bit and Vulkan upgrade to TF2's linux client

    cross-posted from:

    > For those unaware, the linux version of TF2 is still 32bit, and runs on ToGL - a DirectX to OpenGL translation layer. > > A few days ago, Valve published a TF2 private branch called "x64_linux_test": > > Then a few hours ago, Valve update TF2's "App Config" to include references to x64 Vulkan TF2: > > Looks like it's coming soon, in theory should bring some nice performance improvements. But "soon" in Valve Time is... who knows

    Looks like Valve is working on a 64bit and Vulkan upgrade to TF2's linux client

    For those unaware, the linux version of TF2 is still 32bit, and runs on ToGL - a DirectX to OpenGL translation layer.

    A few days ago, Valve published a TF2 private branch called "x64_linux_test":

    Then a few hours ago, Valve update TF2's "App Config" to include references to x64 Vulkan TF2:

    Looks like it's coming soon, in theory should bring some nice performance improvements. But "soon" in Valve Time is... who knows

    What cat food / brand do you use?

    We've been giving our cats a mix of dry/wet food (mostly dry...), but want to switch to 100% wet, since it is better for their kidneys.

    We're also trying to avoid Purina/Fancy Feast/Friskies, since they're owned by Nestlé.

    Any suggestions are appreciated!

    Edit: shoot, apparently Sheba and Royal Canin are owned by Mars, which isn't much better.

    Apex Legends is, yet again, falsely banning linux players

    cross-posted from:

    > This was a big issue ~5 months ago, and they ended up unbanning all of the linux players (I know reddit sucks, I'm sorry, but it's currently the best source of info I could find): > > However, three reports from this morning (including myself) just rolled in, as well as a few others from the past month (check recent replies): > > One of the banned players from this morning was also banned (then unbanned) when this was an issue 4-5 months ago. > > More recent reddit posts about it: > > > Valve's github issues:

    Apex Legends is, yet again, falsely banning linux players

    cross-posted from:

    > This was a big issue ~5 months ago, and they ended up unbanning all of the linux players (I know reddit sucks, I'm sorry, but it's currently the best source of info I could find): > > However, three reports from this morning (including myself) just rolled in, as well as a few others from the past month (check recent replies): > > One of the banned players from this morning was also banned (then unbanned) when this was an issue 4-5 months ago. > > More recent reddit posts about it: > > > Valve's github issues:

    Apex Legends is, yet again, falsely banning linux players

    cross-posted from:

    > This was a big issue ~5 months ago, and they ended up unbanning all of the linux players (I know reddit sucks, I'm sorry, but it's currently the best source of info I could find): > > However, three reports from this morning (including myself) just rolled in, as well as a few others from the past month (check recent replies): > > One of the banned players from this morning was also banned (then unbanned) when this was an issue 4-5 months ago. > > More recent reddit posts about it: > > > Valve's github issues:

    Apex Legends is, yet again, falsely banning linux players

    This was a big issue ~5 months ago, and they ended up unbanning all of the linux players (I know reddit sucks, I'm sorry, but it's currently the best source of info I could find):

    However, three reports from this morning (including myself) just rolled in, as well as a few others from the past month (check recent replies):

    One of the banned players from this morning was also banned (then unbanned) when this was an issue 4-5 months ago.

    More recent reddit posts about it:

    Valve's github issues:

    YSK how to block entire instances from your "all communities" feed and/or the "list of communities" page

    Disclaimer: I am just a random stranger on the internet who likes uBlock Origin, read a handy comment, and figured out how to press F12. I am by no means a webpage expert, and these changes may have unintended consequences

    I wanted to bring more attention to's comment on how to block entire instances (not just specific communities on those instances) from your "all communities" feed, as well as add my own method to block them from the "list of communities" page.

    This only works if you are using a web browser that supports uBlock Origin (so unfortunately, will not work on any of the mobile apps).

    Firstly, install uBlock Origin if you haven't already. Then, click on the uBlock extension icon -> "Gears" (settings) icon -> My Filters. Per, add:

    Then click "Apply Changes"

    So if I were not interested in any of's content, I would add:'s ELI5 explanation: - only use this filter on this site

    .post-listing - evaluate everything on the page with the class name post-listing

    has-text( - the text we want to filter. CASE SENSITIVE!

    Similarly, if you want to filter entire instances out of the "list of communities" page, you would add:

    I believe the tr is table-responsive, which is the type of table displayed on the "list of communities" page. If there are other responsive tables on a different Lemmy page that I don't know about, it may affect those. Also, if Lemmy's website is updated, these filters may no longer work.

    If someone knows of a better method of doing this, please chime in. But otherwise, enjoy!

    Why YSK: some instances have many communities that are centered around topics people are not interested in, and instead of blocking all of those communities one by one, it is easier to just block the whole instance.

    Edit: Note that this will remove posts if a blocked instance is listed ANYWHERE in the post body. I accidentally blocked my own post when I tested the lemmynsfw filter just now lol

    Edit(s): Further clarification/typos

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