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How water could be the future of fuel | A new generation of fuels could power planes and ships without warming the planet.
  • Batteries have an environmental impact too. I am no expert, but I can see why researchers are trying to find alternatives.

  • If there was a political pop quiz here and now, and you were quizzed on what political figures said as well as passages in different manifestos, would you bet on your success?
  • Assuming you have read the book is the issue. Is it going to he Marx? Or maybe Judith Butler? What about other thinkers that write about race? What about anarchism, is Kropotkin out of scope? Should the quiz also cover market economies? What about Thomas Sowell?

    My point is while I have barely scratched the surface, I have already mentioned a wide variety of authors which most people haven't read (some of them for good reasons).

  • If there was a political pop quiz here and now, and you were quizzed on what political figures said as well as passages in different manifestos, would you bet on your success?
  • IMO such a quiz would be impossible for anyone but professionals. I have been following local and international news, but the amount of things happening on a daily basis is simply too much.

    Also, constructing such a quiz would be impossible, picking questions would introduce political bias.

    For example, Berney followers are likely to miss Trump quotes, even though arguably they are among the most politically educated groups in America.

    To answer yoyr question, I believe I would score within the top 10% for most quizzes. But, there are a lot of quizzes I wouldn't get a single question right.

  • Beware: Dr. Daniel Amen may be a grifter
  • We should create a list of adhd resources... Wondering if we can get a sticky from the mods.

  • Europeans of Lemmy, what places in Europe should foreigners avoid at all cost?
  • I don't think there is any way right now to come without negatively affecting the locals. Essentially, the tourists to locals ratio is out of hand. A few of the problems we are facing:

    1. Everything is overcrowded. Our public infrastructure is barely equipped to handle the population of 10M, on top of that add the 36M visitors we saw in 2023. It may be fun and exciting if you are here for a couple of days, but living through that all year long is exhausting.
    2. Everything is overpriced. Most people coming to Greece have expendable income we don't have, along with overcrowding, this sets prices we cannot afford. Airbnb has definitely exaggerated the housing crisis, but it's not the only issue. When you are eating, drinking, visiting historical sights, or doing any activity, you are contributing to that.
    3. Our economy is over-reliant on tourism. As someone else commented, no other type of industry can compete with tourism, every year more places lose their identity as they adapt to the ever-growing needs of the tourism industry.
    4. Our history is being erased. Visiting a historical sight may a wonderful experience for you, but every step you make, every photo you take, every trash you throw, impacts the place you are visiting, destroying little by little thousands of years of history.

    As a personal note, my income is a few times the national average, and yet I cannot afford to go on vacations this year...

    As a (not) fun challenge you can try to limit your budget to around 30 eur per day per person. You will fail, probably won't even find living accommodations within that budget, but it will give you an insight on our struggles.

  • What's the greatest invention of 21st century, in your opinion?
  • Well, I can see your point of view, after all computer science has been used for a lot of sinister things in our time. However, science is a neutral thing on itself, how we use it makes the difference.

    A great example are corporate social media vs the fediverse. While we can all see the good a social media platforms can offer, they way corporate social media have been shaped introduces a lot of problems. Given the circumstances I may argue they were a necessary step, but it's definitely time for change, and a lot of people (including us right now) are working hard for that change.

    Social Computing as field would study this change, how people made decisions, and how it influenced both their lives and the society we live in. It involves asking questions like: How the fediverse came to be? How the transition could have been faster? Or, How it can be used for the greater good?

    Of course, these questions can be shaped in an exploitative way like: How the evolution of the fediverse could stopped or slowed down? How the fediverse could be exploited for the gain of the few? etc...

    In the end, I believe the question is who is more powerful, a few people with a lot of money, or a lot of people with little money? Right now the few seem to have the upper hand, but if the access to resources is the only difference, then I believe that we can be optimistic as science and technology have always been about doing more with less resources.

  • What's the greatest invention of 21st century, in your opinion?
  • The 21st century has been mostly focused on finding new applications of existing technology. A lot of things are changing in pretty much every aspect of life, but nothing is entirely new.

    The internet has really changed the shape of our world, but, even though it really kicked off after the year 2000, it was invented during the 20th century.

    Something to keep in mind is that humanity is redifining what counts as an invention, a lot of ideas are created all the time, so the bar has been raised significantly.

    Also, we need to keep in mind how big corps have been killing innovation in the name of profit. New products are being created all the time, but they are bought by bigger companies and burried. This is happenig because these innovations carry a certain risk that an established company with a good revenue flow is not willing to accept.

    Personally, I am excited about the field of Social Computing, it is still at its infancy and has a lot of potential. The main idea is to create alogirthms based on human interactions that solve real world problems. A few questions one may ask include: How misinformation is being spread, and what is the optimal way to fight it? How do we fight corruption and authoriative power? These questions have been approached by a lot of fields, but creating algorithms and proving their effectiveness requires a deep understanding of computer science.

  • Europeans of Lemmy, what places in Europe should foreigners avoid at all cost?
  • Don't come to Greece, over tourism is a huge problem here...

  • is ADHD harder to manage with time?
  • I feel pretty much the same way... Do you feel more lonely than before your excitement run out?

  • Gen Z are desperate to be eco-friendly but LinkedIn says they’re so underskilled they actually pose a ‘risk’ to climate progress
  • It's so ironically beautiful that accessing the report costs $1.3K...

    O mighty pirates of the high seas, I need your help!!!

  • Locked
    Is Donald Trump a Narcissist?
  • Yes.

  • EU passes law to restore 20% of bloc’s land and sea by end of decade
  • As someone whose country reelected a party that outright ignores EU regulation, I wish you a better luck...

  • I suffer from this thing called object permanence
  • Reminds of the "out of sight, out of mind" phrase which is used a lot by the ADHD community. Essentially, we tend to forget stuff either because we are hyperfocused on something (common ASD trait too), or because our working memory sucks. As a result, whenever something gets out of our sight, we tend to forget about it.

    For example, yesterday I almost burnt my food because I decided to quickly reply to a message. Before I realized it, an hour had passed and I was rushing to the kitchen to save whatever I could.

    Are you experiencing something similar?

    Thanks btw, I wasn't aware of the term "Object Permanence", here is a wikipedia link for anyone interested:

    Object permanence is the understanding that whether an object can be sensed has no effect on whether it continues to exist (in the mind). This is a fundamental concept studied in the field of developmental psychology, the subfield of psychology that addresses the development of young children's social and mental capacities. There is not yet scientific consensus on when the understanding of object permanence emerges in human development.

    I wish a good day back at you 😁

  • Why Python Is So Slow (And What Is Being Done About It)
  • While I agree with most of what you say, I have a personal anecdote that highlights the importance of performance as a feature.

    I have a friend that studies economics and uses python for his day to day. Since computer science is not his domain, he finds it difficult to optimize his code, and learning a new language (C in this case) is not really an option.

    Some of his experiments take days to run, and this is becoming a major bottleneck in his workflow. Being able to write faster code without relying on C is going to have a significant impact on his research.

    Of course, there are other ways to achieve similar results, for example another friend is working on DIAS a framework that optimizes pandas in the runtime. But, the point still stands, there are a tonne of researchers relying on python to get quick and dirty results, and performance plays a significant in that when the load of data is huge.

  • identifying triggers for overload
  • I don't really have an answer, but I am pretty much in the same situation. A big problem for me is the troggers I cannot avoid, like economic problems, the heat wave, having sleep issues due to leaving in a noisy area.

    I have noticed that sometimes I get an intense feeling, I cannot describe it, but it happens sometimes when I am triggered. When I notice it, which is rarely the case, I try to look for potential triggers.

    Hopefully, someone will have a better answer, I am interested in reading the answers myself.

  • Age caps on political office are a bad idea
  • The wilipedia article was an interesting read.

    On 2 June, Deng Xiaoping and several party elders met with the three PSC members—Li Peng, Qiao Shi, and Yao Yilin—who remained after Zhao Ziyang and Hu Qili had been ousted. The committee members agreed to clear the square so "the riot can be halted and order be restored to the Capital". They also agreed that the square needed to be cleared as peacefully as possible; but if protesters did not cooperate, the troops would be authorized to use force to complete the job.

    According to Ezra Vogel, Deng at 2:50pm told General Chi Haotian that his troops could use all possible methods to clear the square.

    On 9 June, Deng Xiaoping, appearing in public for the first time since the protests began, delivered a speech praising the "martyrs" (PLA soldiers who had died). Deng stated that the goal of the student movement was to overthrow the party and the state. Of the protesters, Deng said: "Their goal is to establish a totally Western-dependent bourgeois republic." Deng argued that protesters had complained about corruption to cover their real motive, replacing the socialist system. He said that "the entire imperialist Western world plans to make all socialist countries discard the socialist road and then bring them under the monopoly of international capital and onto the capitalist road."

  • Age caps on political office are a bad idea

    Deng Xiaoping (Chinese: 邓小平[a]; 22 August 1904 – 19 February 1997) was a Chinese revolutionary and statesman who served as the paramount leader of the People's Republic of China (PRC) from December 1978 to November 1989. After Chinese Communist Party chairman Mao Zedong's death in 1976, Deng rose to power and led China through its process of Reform and Opening Up and the development of the country's socialist market economy. Deng developed a reputation as the "Architect of Modern China" and his ideological contributions to socialism with Chinese characteristics are described as Deng Xiaoping Theory.

    PS Not OP, I just searched "Deng political leader" and found the above wikipedia article, the age matches so I think this is the person OP is referring to, but I may be wrong.

  • You may not know,

    Seriously though, I wanna know what happened!!!

  • My Hotel Has An Adaptive Outlet
  • That would have been a life saver on my last trip 😳

  • Self-hosted diary
  • Here is a list of note-taking apps:

    By the way, I am building my own Journaling system, it's still early stages and I am looking for ideas!

  • What's a moment in your life where you felt fully alive?

    I am reading "Unmasking Autism" by Devon Price and the introduction has an exercise that requires you to come up with 5 moments in your life where you felt fully alive. I have spent the better part of yesterday trying to remember such moments, but I am not even sure what it means... I was hoping the community here can provide some insights, either by sharing their moments or their definition of being "fully alive".

    Full text of the exercise for anyone interested: > Instructions: Think of five moments in your life when you felt like you were FULLY ALIVE. Try to find moments from throughout your life (childhood, adolescence, adulthood; school, work, vacation, hobbies). > > Some of the moments might leave you with a sense of awe and wonder—“wow, if all of life was like that, life would be amazing!” Some of the moments might leave you feeling deeply recharged and ready to face the next challenge, or satisfied and fulfilled. > > Write down each of these moments. Tell the story of each moment in as much detail as possible. Try to think specifically about why the moment stuck with you sodramatically.

    Trouble logging in with jerboa

    For the past 3 days I have trouble logging in reddthat using jerboa. I am able to log in to other accounts, including LW. Also, I am able to log in reddthat with the web app and Eternity. When I log in, I get a message Illegal input field, public_key is required (the full message is not visible).

    I am using a password manager so I am sure I am using the correct credentials. I have reinstalled jerboa and deleted all data.

    Anything I can try? Anyone else facing the same issue?

    Edit: I have tried every version from 0.60 to 0.65, some of them I have used successfully in the past.

    Μπακαλιάρο θα φάτε σήμερα;

    Είπα να ανοίξω ένα πιο κοινωνικό thread εδώ πέρα.

    Εγώ θα πάω σε ένα φίλο που θα μαγειρέψει, δεν είμαι πολύ φαν αλλά το παιδί είναι καλοφαγάς και μου αρέσουν τα έθιμα που έχουν να κάνουν με φαγητό.

    Εγώ θα ετοιμάσω brownies για την παρέα.

    Any fedivision submissions from reddthat members?

    Hi, are there any reddthat members submitting to the #Fedivision2024 contest?

    If you are planning on making a submission, let us know. I would be happy to support members of our community!

    Is there an ADHD med shortage in Asia?

    When reading about the shortage, they always write about Europe or America. This got me wondering, is there an issue in Asia? if not could we order from there?

    Any good articles on designing applications that can be self-hosted?

    I am developing a platform, the details don't matter, but it's a system the hosts personal data. As a result, I want to avoid hosting users in any way, and I am trying to make it as easy to self-host as possible.

    I have some experience self hosting applications and I have some intuuition what to do or don't, but I wanted to see if I can pull from the collective wisdom.

    Got any good resources to share? Any tips? Or, maybe some bad experiences or things to avoid?

    Why there isn't a "Typescript" for python?


    Being a full stack developer, I have decent experience with both python and Typescript. I often use python for API development and I have been trying to write code that is pep-484 compliant (aka fully typed). However, often I get the feeling that if I was using TypeScript it would be much easier.

    That got me wondering why there isn't a fully typed language that compiles to python.

    I am aware of some arguments, so I am going to get the conversation started by providing my thoughts on them.


    > ts2python is a TypeScript to python compiler.

    Unfortunately, it covers only a small subset of python's capabilities. I am not sure why this hasn't been adopted and/or expanded to cover more of python's capabilities, but I can see possible issues with some python features that are not supported by TypeScript like context managers or operator overloading.

    Still wondering if it would be possible to extend the TypeScript compiles so it would support such features?


    > pep-484 describes how to provide type hints for python, it's not ideal but good enough that don't have to invent a new language.

    IMO that's a trap, pep-484 (and other typing related peps) are not a good enough solution, on the contrary sometimes they are straight up misleading.

    For example, consider the stubs for comparisons with built-in types, you would notice that they are defined as __op__(self, other: Any) -> bool: ... which is not correct as when other implements __opposite_op__ that is called instead of builtin.__op__, and it's return value may be of a different type.

    Typing tools have not caught up with it, right now only pyright has full compliance with pep-484 (and other typing related peps). For that reason, SQLAlchemy had to introduce more than a couple of workarounds so MyPy can understand what's is happening behind the scenes, even for features that are pep-484 compliant.

    Use Another Language

    > Python was never meant to be fully typed, and they make it clear.

    True, but there are a bunch of libraries unique to python that make it a mandatory choice for many tasks. Things are changing and other options become available, but it's going to take time until there is another viable alternative.


    Interested to read your thoughts.

    1. Is there another reason typing support hasn't advanced?
    2. Are you satisfied with typing support for python?
    3. Are you transitioning to another language?
    4. Are you aware of any new and exciting typing tools?

    Of course, if typing is not an issue for you, that's okay, every software has different constraints.

    What's the equivalent of physics constants for social studies?

    In physics, it's common to develop a formula and then stick a constant to explain the unknown. For example, Newton's theory of gravity uses the gravitational constant G on the formula F = G * m_1 * m_2 / r^2, later on Einstein gave a more accurate explanation with the theory of relativity which does not rely on a constant E = m * c^2. Constants provide a good enough explanation of the laws of physics that's useful for centuries.

    I was wondering what's the equivalent in social studies? How do researchers deal with the uncertainty of human behaviour?

    Edit: Comments made me remember how much I don't understand the theory of relativity, terrible example, sorry for the confusion. I need to rephrase the question but I don't know how.

    I am looking for "glue" concepts, things that help connect observations with theory, aka if I calculate m_1 * m_2 / r^2 the result is slightly off but if I account for G, an empirical constant derived from observation, then everything makes sense for the observable universe.

    Also, as someone said, I am referring to social studies.

    Gray matter asymmetry alterations in children and adolescents with comorbid autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder Gray matter asymmetry alterations in children and adolescents with comorbid autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder - PubMed

    Despite the high coexistence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (ASD + ADHD), the underlying neurobiological basis of this disorder remains unclear. Altered brain structural asymmetries have been verified in ASD and ADHD, respectively, making brain ...

    Gray matter asymmetry alterations in children and adolescents with comorbid autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder - PubMed

    > This finding demonstrates that ASD + ADHD is neither an endophenocopy nor an additive pathology of ASD and ADHD, but an entirely different neuroanatomical pathology. In addition, ASD + ADHD displayed altered GM volume asymmetries in the prefrontal regions responsible for executive function and theory of mind compared with ASD-only.

    Integrity Watch Greece

    Παρατηρώ ότι οι βουλευτές του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ έχουν περισσότερα δηλωμένα έσοδα το 2022 από τους βουλευτές της ΝΔ... Καθόλου ύποπτο... Ειδικά από μια κυβέρνηση που προσπαθεί να παταξει την φοροδιαφυγή...

    I want to study the Fediverse

    TLDR; I would like to study the Fediverse and I am looking for recommendations and connections with like minded people/researchers.

    I have a CS degree and I have aspirations for an academic career. In the past, I was interested in programming languages and the theory of computation. The past year I have been more interested in social issues like isolation, freedom of press, misinformation, and access to information. I have been following the fediverse closely and I truly believe in its potential.

    My goal is to study social media as a computational system, how a bunch of people interacting with each other can generate reliable information. Topics I have been thinking about include: How neurodivergency awareness has been booming through social media, how scientific research can be done in a global collaborative environment instead of an institution focused, and how misinformation could be combatted with small interconnected social circles like mastodon.

    I have been considering getting a master's degree in a related field like social computing. The Human Technology Interaction program of Eindhoven University seems interesting, especially the Behavioural and Social Computing track. Also, there is the option of diving into a PhD right away.

    Either way I am broke right now, so I should probably start studying on my own while I try to create a safety net that would allow me to make my next step in 2025.

    So, if you made it through my autistic info dump, I thank you and I was hoping to get your feedback. While any feedback is appreciated, I have the following questions in my mind:

    1. Are there any other terms like social computing that would help me understand the field?
    2. Are there any researchers you would I suggest I follow?
    3. Any books or papers recommendations?
    4. If you are a researcher/student with similar concerns, would like to have a chat? You can find my matrix handle on my profile.
    5. Any other universities I should look into?

    Last but not least, let me know if you are interested for me to make a follow-up post with any information I gather.

    I am mortified by how hot it is right now

    The title says it all. It's November and I have yet to wear anything but shorts and a t-shirt. It's 25C outside and whenever I go for a walk I sweat like a pig. This time of the year I should be taking out my heavy coat, jeans and a jacket should be the bare minimum.

    I am located in Athens, Greece where the weather is usually nice but not this nice...

    It's like a daily reminder of the doom that has to follow. How are you coping with this?

    Buying medicine late at night in a car dependent city

    Tonight my sister had an asthma attack and her inhaler ran out. It was late and the nearest open pharmacy was 3km away. Our options were:

    1. Walk 42 minutes to the pharmacy.
    2. Wait 40 minutes, walk 10 minutes to the bus station, take the hourly night bus (pray the route isn't skipped), and walk 15 minutes to the pharmacy.
    3. Drive 8 minutes.

    Fortunately, I have a car, so that was an option. However, tomorrow I won't sleep at home and my sister doesn't have a license, and maybe that happens the next time she forgets to refill... We live in Athens the capital of Greece, not a rural area, not a small town, but the fucking capital.

    Car dependency sucks.

    Edit: While ambulances are an option, no matter how unreliable they may be, having to escalate, when it shouldn't be necessary, is increasing the load of an already overloaded health care sector.

    How do you relax/rest?

    I understand that I have to relax every now and then, however I am really struggling with it, being constantly in an endless loop of:

    1. Having a lot of energy and doing a bunch of stuff for a couple of weeks.
    2. Getting exhausted to the point I cannot control my impulsions and wreck my daily routine
    3. Try to rest only to fall in a depressive state for a couple of weeks.
    4. Collect myself up and repeat from step 1.

    Trying to do low effort activities like watching a series or playing video games, is addictive, I stay up late without being able to stop, and end up more tired.

    The hobbies I like require focus, and that's what I am trying to avoid. Examples include programming and chess.

    Going out with friends is nice but drains my social energy, after a couple of weekends out I need to stay in.

    Chores sometimes work, but other times I feel guilty about the state of cleanliness of my home.

    So, how do you relax/rest? Got a magic recipe? Are you struggling like me?

    Edit: I just want to say this community is awesome, thanks for the support.

    Πως κλείνει η εβδομάδα σας;

    Αυτό το ΠΣΚ τα έχει όλα για μένα, εκλογές ΣΥΡΙΖΑ 3 πάρτι γενεθλίων 🎉 (2 διαφορετικών ατόμων), κάτι meeting στην δουλειά που θα μπω ενώ έχω ρεπό σήμερα.

    Επίσης, σκέφτομαι να φτιάξω brownies και κάποιο φαγητό φούρνου, ίσως λαζάνια, αλλά οι προτάσεις είναι καλοδεχούμενες.

    Τέλος, έχω 2 hobby projects που θέλω να κάνω πρόοδο.

    Δεν ξέρω τι παίζει με το Σεπτέμβρη, αλλά από εκεί που βαραγα μύγες όλο τον Αύγουστο, τωρα δεν προλαβαίνω.

    Εσείς οι άλλοι 4ης εδώ μέσα, πως πάει;

    Στα άδυτα του Ρουβίκωνα: Mιλήσαμε με αναρχικούς που έσωσαν μια Τράπεζα (και άλλα χωριά) - Jacobin Greece Στα άδυτα του Ρουβίκωνα: Mιλήσαμε με αναρχικούς που έσωσαν μια Τράπεζα (και άλλα χωριά) - Jacobin Greece

    Μπήκαμε στα άδυτα του Ρουβίκωνα και αναζητήσαμε τα όπλα του, αλλά προς μεγάλη μας απογοήτευση για την θεαματικότητα του βίντεο, τα μόνα «όπλα» που βρήκαμε είναι μακαρόνια, ρύζι και βρεφικές τροφές για να βοηθήσουν τους πλημμυροπαθείς και τους πυρόπληκτους.

    Στα άδυτα του Ρουβίκωνα: Mιλήσαμε με αναρχικούς που έσωσαν μια Τράπεζα (και άλλα χωριά) - Jacobin Greece
    «Πνίγηκε» ο μεγαλύτερος τροφοδότης της χώρας - Χάθηκε στις λάσπες το 5% του ΑΕΠ «Πνίγηκε» ο μεγαλύτερος τροφοδότης της χώρας - Χάθηκε στις λάσπες το 5% του ΑΕΠ

    Βαριές επιπτώσεις που θα «μεταδοθούν» στο σύνολο της ελληνικής οικονομίας θα έχει η άνευ προηγουμένου καταστροφή που βρίσκεται ακόμη σε εξέλιξη στην ευρύτερη

    «Πνίγηκε» ο μεγαλύτερος τροφοδότης της χώρας - Χάθηκε στις λάσπες το 5% του ΑΕΠ
    Με όσα συμβαίνουν τελευταία πως είστε;

    Την μια φωτιά, την άλλη πλημμύρες, κάπου ενδιάμεσα πετάνε και κανένα άνθρωπο στην θάλασσα (αλλά εντάξει 700 πνίξανε στην Πύλο, άλλος ένας τι θα πει). Νιώθω ότι τρελαίνομαι... 🤬

    Μιλάω με ένα φιλαράκι στην Λάρισα, δεν έχει κλείσει μάτι όλο το βράδυ, περιμένει από στιγμή σε στιγμή να πλημμυρίσει το σπίτι του καθώς το ποτάμι συνεχίζει να ανεβαίνει...

    Ο μήνας βγήκε δύσκολα οικονομικά, δεν μπορώ να σταματήσω να σκέφτομαι τι θα γίνει τώρα με τις καταστροφές στο Θεσσαλικό κάμπο.

    Ο Πορτοσάλτε βγήκε και είπε ότι "η κυβέρνηση τα έχει χαμένα", τώρα ανησυχώ ότι ξύπνησα σε λάθος παράλληλο σύμπαν 😂

    souperk souperk
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