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Linux has reached 2.32% in Steam Hardware Survey for May 2024
  • You are valid, and we love you

  • Fan suing Madonna for ‘forcing’ them to watch sex acts during concert
  • Wait, the rolling stones are still touring? That's wild, that bands more than 60 years old. I am amazed

  • Coreboot Progress - Update on the AMD board
  • It should be distro agnostic, yes. It's a bios replacement so once it hands off to the OS it should be chill

    The reason why many people like coreboot is ownership over your system. The codes freely available to you, what it does is known, and this it's harder to backdoor.

    As for functionality, by my understanding, this allows for updates way past what manufacturers are willing to support. Making older hardware much more secure.

    Other than support for older systems and peace of mind there's not anything I'd know myself. It may be able to allow features that the bios doesn't allow but the hardware supports as well but I don't have any examples

    I'll admit, I'm a paranoid man, so peace of mind and ownership over my system is the main allure. Also, I hate branding, and love to remove it where possible. Coreboot allows this

  • Coreboot Progress - Update on the AMD board

    Saw this a bit ago but didn't think to post about it

    To be clear, this doesn't mean coreboot is available now and what is working for devs includes quite a few binary blobs. It's still progress though and good to see.

    It's been 5 months but you did ask me to inform you of anything happening

    Another link from that article shares more info:

    More info tends to be posted here:

    Here comes the FUEL OwO
  • As an entirely un-related party with no further knowlage I can confirm that yeah, it definitly happened.

    My source? I just want to believe man

  • When the DM tries to make it as obvious as possible
  • If my players said that from this image the spear would suddenly become a pretty sick magic item.

    It's also cursed though, like the one ring, to cause jealousy and greed

  • Unexpected encounter
  • It's a 2001 documentary series about a small paper company in the city of scranton, Pennsylvania. It follows the life of many workers throughout their day with a focus on the boss.

    Personally I enjoyed it as I could see what a real american office setting looked like and the struggles they endure. It now stands as a time capule for it's age.

    Hope that helped man :)

    (Seriously though, forgot where I was. Sorry man, I'm very tired)

  • Unexpected encounter
  • It's the guy in the background, don't think she's famous.

    The dude behind her plays dwight in 'the office'

    Edit: shit, sorry, very tired and didn't see the community name. Yeah, that sounds dickish re-reading it with that knowlage

  • Inflation.
  • At this point? Industries who had to raise their prices due to a large number of concurrent issues a while ago didn't drop them afterwards keeping the difference as profit. They're now still raising their prices without any economic factor driving the need to. To the common person, the main contributor is the supermarket.

    Putin's war does slow Ukraines food output straining the international food market. However, this is a minor factor which has been mitigated, and even if the war ended today the market has shown nobody will lower their prices.

    Profits drive inflation.

  • near zero
  • Hi there friend, I am here to inform you that many woman also like the titty. Gay girls exist my friend, and the gender of the three professionals is never specified.

    I'll assume ya ain't trying to be homophobic my buddy but I hope you keep that in mind for future refference.

    Edit racism comment was another guy, sorry, very tired

  • Question about ownership of the means of production
  • To answer the "are you a boss" question the answer is kinda, but yhat's the idea of socialism. Everyones a boss. The idea is against non-workers owning the industry, and ensures workers have control over it. If you see an issue with your suggested practice I understand but I'll clarify it' not anti-socialist. At your scale, with the other options available, I can only see your option being a better one.

    I think you see the possible issues inherent in renting as well as the coercion in it. There's certainly ways in which one can exploit the relationship. As long as you're not doing so however there's no moral flaw. In fact, on an environmental note you're likely helping. If you're undercutting the massive industry and treat those who rent from you well you're doing them a kindness.

    Of course, one can do evil here, but understanding that and actively making effort not to do so is a good place to be in. All economic activity can cause harm no matter the system. As a socialist, I believe that when more people with a stake in the work have control over industry the outcome is better

  • Question about ownership of the means of production
  • Hey man, I understand the confusion and would like to correct some notions. Particularly with some comments here conflating socialism with other ideas.

    Socialism is simply workers controlling industry. This may mean many things including each business being controlled by it's individual workers, all industry being collectively owned by society as a whole, or other similar ideas. Personally I believe in the former. As long as the people working in a business control said business this is socialism

    What if that industry is the rental of tractors? Well, then all workers involved in this business must control the business. If you are the sole worker, the only one operating this business, then you have sole control.

    If you were to, let's say, buy 10 tractors and bring on a receptionist to manage calls and schedule tractor usage well then that receptionist would also own, and control, this business as well. Same goes as it grows. Just as a person selling wheat to a grain mill doesn't need to hold any ownership over the grain mill nor the mill over the farm you selling your tractors usage doesn't need those using it to own your tracker.

    Socialism does not necessitate the collective ownership of property nor does it mean industrial rental isn't an option. It only necessitates that the workers control industry. This may mean that each individual business operates as it's own entity, controlled by it's individual workers.

    Workers seizing the means of production can mean does not mean, necessarily, society owning it collectively nor does It mean all who use it may have ownership.

    I feel that socialism and communism often get conflated. Private ownership of property and the means of production is allowed under socialism, just not ownership over industry. You can personally own and rent out a tractor but you cannot personally own a tractor rental company. Under communism, all is owned collectively

    Now, the morals of renting are another thing altogether and entirely detached from socialism. Personally, I think it mostly immoral. Under your circumstance I see no issue selling excess time with a tool you use for the majority of the time. The issue comes when a single renter start to pay entirely for maintenance with excess profits. In my opinion, this should grant them partial ownership. Once more though this is detached from socialism entirely

  • Anyone running Nobara who can answer these questions?
  • Even if it does it looks to be a simple bttf sub module, which isn't a full partition. This is something you can change manually without much issue. I'd warn you that it may require some terminal work and editing your fstab which is an advanced topic but as an endeavor user you should be good to do it.

  • Deleted
    Share the software, eat the rich!
  • But they are now, they exist currently. The fuck are you talking about. If we became an ancap society they wouldn't magically disapear. What, you think that any ancap would ask for these companies to disolve before they're society started? To go back to square one? Nah, that's not what the guy pictured or any popular ancap has suggested. That's not randian, that's some fantasy. Rands suggested solution necesitates the lalrger corporations gaining control. To be allowed to freely operate. Name me one ancap thought leader who suggests a mass reset and that in no world a large corp could form.

    Also, even if ancap sociaty started from scratch eventually a company would gain power over an industry. With nothing to stop them, the biggest companies would inevitably grow bigger. That's capitalism, the need to grow is constant and one cannot stagnate. Not neccessarally a bad thing but with no guide rails it logically means monopoly. No, a lack of copyright law wouldn't stop any company from growing to a size where they could kill competition.

    When there's a new industry too, they'll be the ones to pioneer it. What, do you think Microsoft came fully formed from bill gates forehead? No, the current companies at the time would have taken gates designs and copies them. They, with their distribution networks, would easily outcompete. What if bill made a better product? Well, no copyright, it's now theirs.

  • Deleted
    Share the software, eat the rich!
  • Nah, that just means they can take whatever they want from others too. Now they own all the smaller projects as well, and any changes they make to linux don't have to be shared. Linux is now winix, and they've paid the computer companies to nolonger allow linux to be installed at all via hardware. What, that's anti-competative? Yeah, who's gonna stop them? You? You don't have the resources.

    What, could you make a windows clone? Could you then out-compete the multi-billion dollar company in the market? What PC would allow you to install your windows clone? Also, Microsoft now owns the land you live on. You must leave, they are the owners of that land and thus make the rules. Want to fight back? too bad, they own the private police force too. Policing is an industry, and currently the government has a monopoly over it. Without regulations they're now a free org who takes the highest bid. You don't have enough money to live while copying Microsoft Windows. Nobody does.

    What? Another company will use they're resources to compete with windows? Why would they win? Microsoft has more resources, will buy more output, will pay more companies for exclusivity, and can have them put a system in to brick the PC if you try not using windows. Sure, they may be able to get a small industry set up, but none of what they make will inter-operate with windows and now this small fraction of PC users is isolated. Why would anyone switch?

    No, anarcho capitalism won't stop Microsoft's existence because of copyright. Copyright in many ways protects smaller orgs more, and with no other regulations stopping the big orgs from stomping out the small orgs it won't matter. The only possible fight would be between the titans and when one titan wins, that's no more helpful to the small people.

  • Deleted
    Share the software, eat the rich!
  • That guy in the bottom doesn't want to eat the rich, he's an anarcho capitalist. He wants microsoft to be free from those pesky regulations stopping it from collecting and selling every tiny piece of information it can get it's hands on

  • Cruciferae
  • Honestly if you just bake them right they're still chill. Fry them up in stir fry, steam them with the other veg, they're just like broccoli misunderstood because people overcook them, or boil them. Always a bad idea

    You're ideas best though for a doubter

  • Keep finding these lil guys in my house
  • Aww, what a cute danger baby

  • How fast is Plasma on old hardware?
  • I've had bad experiances. Started the pc on mint with cinimon, but that had some issues so I installed xfce and plasma to see if another environment may work. Xfce worked like a dream but plasma was quite laggy.

    I'd say plasma has similar or possibly mildly better performance than win10. Any time I put it on older hardware it seems to bog it down quite a bit

  • Video Game Piracy Is Good, Actually
  • Mostly same here, save for legit indie companies. I'm still going to buy haunted chocolater, silksong, and arcane (by randy) when they come out. Maybe hades 2 as well but I'll have to look into the question of "are they indie?" beforehand. Alot of people claimed that helldivers was indie when I'd argue it really isn't

  • Barside ally meet (digital)

    Created a while ago from a DnD session where the PC's were stalking a leonin man meeting some friends in a shifty alley, beside a bar using krita along with it's perspective tools. Using Muses brush pack, I'll send a link if requested. Very nice pencil and charcoal brushes.

    Rust For Lemmings - Code Together | "The Rust Programming Language" book club meeting on twitch

    cross-posted from:

    > ## The concept > A streamed reading club focused on rusts The Book and becoming reasonably good rust developers through community collaboration. If you're interested, please comment so we know this's something you'd like to join in on. > > ## A Begining > To begin, I'll be setting up a twitch stream where we read through the book together and solve some problems together related to the concepts provided. We'll be able to collaborate in chat, and talk about it here after each stream. This way, we'll be able to lean on each other or just hang out while we learn the language Lemmy uses for it's backend. Other hosts will be welcome as the end goal is to create a group of people whose goal is to support our collective growth as developers > > Anybodies welcome of any skill set, whether or not they want to continue on once we get to lemmys code base. If you're completely new to rust this is a great place to start and if you already know the language we'd love to have you all the more. At the very least it's a good networking opportunity but you'll likely learn more than you thought. > > ## Timing > Please comment your availability so we can find the best time and day to do this. As a stand-in and default though, 6:30pm EST (New York Time) on tuesday will be the start time. I'd be available on most days myself after 5pm Eastern Time (new york) though so don't hesitate to suggest another time/date. > > ## Where? > For now, I'll be streaming this on a twitch channel I created a bit ago but never used. The link is here: > > Thank you for the idea.

    Experiances finding a group on the fediverse

    I've been trying for a bit to get together a group or find one to join here with no success. I've posted in two communities here on lemmy, replied to a few peoples posts, and each time it seems that I and the others don't get enough people together to start a game.

    My question is towards others experiance in the fediverse with getting together a group as a DM or a player.

    Have you been able to do so?

    If so, what's your experiance been? Where did you find success?

    Is mastadon or another service a better place to look?

    Any experiance or story is appreciated.

    Alternatively, if you've been looking yourself and have had the same experiance, I'd love to have you at my table. I am in the EST timezone though

    What the fuck have they taken from us

    Michael Jackson was apparently removed from CS2. This is a sad day

    This Morning Cemented My Love for KDE Plasma

    It is 5 am, I have not slept tonight, but what I have done makes me very happy.

    It was too easy and took no coding. Even though I'm a professional programmer I was not excited to learn qt and hate c++ with a passion. I did not need to. Seriously, it is my belief that anyone could have done this if they really wanted to

    The Problem

    I've not been able to find a theme which lets me have small floating panels and a nice brownish colour profile. All the brown themes I've liked have a massive border radius in the floating panels, and thus my two panel layout takes up an absurd amount of space. 64 pixels in total, though it seems a bit larger to me. Maybe that doesn't account for the bottom empty space.

    Fixing It

    I knew at this point I'd have to learn a bit about plasma theming in order to get what I wanted, and had been procrastinating for about a month. Tonight, I could not sleep, so around 2 I decided to try it out. I started online and found nothing on my specific problem, with people suggesting I just "try another theme". Perhaps I was googling wrong, but no useful information there. went back in to the settings though and found the edit button on the plasma theme section. Right there were all the SVGs needed to alter the theme and a nice button to get to the directory where it was all housed.

    I searched up panel, found three images, and tried something incredibly dumb. I just yeeted them into inkscape, made the borders on each image smaller, and changed my theme away and back. Fantastic, now the corners are smaller and I can shrink my panels to a reasonable size. It took about 15 minutes in total. To be fair, each corner was it's own path and I had to do this 4 times and be cautious of some shadowing but I seriously think anyone could have gotten this done. Fuck man, the theme I'm using is distributed under the GPL. That's place is wild.


    Plasma is built for people who want to change their experience and I love the devs for that. At this point I'd be surprised if I found something I couldn't do. If you're curious, here's the finished product. It'll take some more work with a colour picker to get the sliders the right way but for now this is fantastic


    LFG sorrybookbroke
    LFP - EDT - 5E - Online - Assault on gumdrop mountain - 5th level

    Hey everyone, didn't see any posts here so I've decided to make my own. Haven't DM'd in a while but if I can get 3-5 people together I'd love to do a one shot.

    We'll be playing:

    Assault On Gumdrop Mountain: A Drug-Fueled Adventure for 5th Edition


    A group of adventurers have been hired to climb a mountain of filth which has recently came into being, find out why, and hopefully put an end to this occurrence. In order to withstand the horror an alchemist has created a potent hallucinogen which turns the abhorrent into adorable, and sweet. Vast quantities of blood turn into orange soda lakes, flocks of maggots turn into red licorice bits, fecal fungus into cotton candy tufts, the ever present aroma of decaying corpses turns into a delicate sweet scent of pastries and jam, and black licorice turns red. The disgusting turned delicious. This makes the climb tolerable as the sights and scents are masked by this delicious delusion.


    This will be a fifth level adventure ran for adults using discord and owl bear rodeo. It'll likely take two sessions, and will likely be starting in two to three weeks. Once we get the players we will discuss date and time, likely a weekend after 6 EDT however. No racism, homophobia, etc. will be tolerated

    This will not be a sexual game and I as the DM will not flirt with you as an NPC. All attempts will be shot down quickly, and harshly.

    Homebrew must be vetted first but any official book is ok with me.Tashas, Unearthed arcana, etc. are all allowed


    I'd like you to comment or message me your age, a little about you, experience (none required), character concept, what you like in a game, and favourite DND moment (if any)

    Example: Hi, I'm sorrybookbroke a 23 year old Canadian guy. I've played DND for about 7 years, dming for quite a bit of that. I'm thinking of playing an artificer goblin named Ted. Ted does not know he is a goblin, and ignores all who try to explain this to him. In a game I like a fair amount of role play between characters with a healthy dose of combat.

    (To clarify, I will only be dming, there will be no dmpc)

    Compiler.nvim - Compile and run your files from inside neovim.

    Zeioth has created a fantastic plugin for those of you looking to make Neovim more like an IDE. Run the open command, tell it to build, have it compile, execute, and output your code in a really nice looking way all inside neovim.

    It's still pretty early but this is looking promising. It's already very customizable with support for a few languages, with more in the works.

    Give it a look:


    Does anyone like the Floating panel holes?

    When an application is maximized, the panel de-floats, but the sides remain empty. I understand that this is likely hard to implement differently, but mac also does this, and I wanted to know if anyone likes their floating panels to be so holey?

    Personally, I'd like to get my holes filled. sadly it's not possible for many linux users

    Unixporn sorrybookbroke
    If this is unix porn, this is poorly shot soft core where the actors obviously hate eachother

    KDE Plasma on EndeavorOS.

    sorrybookbroke sorrybookbroke

    Sorry, book broke

    Posts 18
    Comments 323