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Fuck this place indeed
  • Kamala is bringing JOY to you worthless plebeians, isn't that enough? bourgeoisie

  • Be careful
  • Bourgeoisie couple that can afford a chair to fuck on.

  • yakubposting
  • You're gonna get got for this post but I laughed hahaha

  • Kazuya Mishima Costume Tier List (Tekken)

    Tekken 2 with the jacket with the devil on the back is !chefs-kiss

    Ancient demon named "Balboros The Shade" summoned on a European battlefield in 1129 A.D. by alchemist Chimdorf The Wicked endorses Kamala Harris.

    The demon now in human form as an anonymous member of a Fortune 500 company said it likes what the Harris Campaign has to offer.

    "For a hu-mon I think she'll be a competent manager of the blood soaked empire that continues to ruin the world and subjugate the global south. Unlike DRUMPF who's in it for himself".

    It commented to The Times.

    Caption this.
  • Literally me as a kid with my toy guns. Though I didn't have a stuffed tiger.

  • needs to be slower
  • Get Out Of Here STALKER!

  • NSFW
    (CW: Transphobia, sexual harassment) Pennsylvanian school to place windows in "gender-inclusive" bathrooms
  • Jokes aside, but just like all the projection the right already does onto the left they took their very own child abuse and said anyone to the left of Trump MUST be a pedophile r*pist.

  • More like Star Shitizen am i right fellas?
  • Attention midlife crisis dads who hate brown people being in their video games! Chris Roberts is in trouble and he needs you to buy another $60,000 ship jpeg! Just grab your mom's credit card and enter the 16 digit number, expiration date, and the three numbers on the back to stick it to the blue haired baristas looking to queer up your vidya games and get the win!!

  • The house I'm camping in front of started blasting opera music to make me leave—good thing I have a bad ass speaker and Spotify premium
  • Homeowners are the adults in the room sweetie, instead of simply asking you to move they instead blast loud music at you passive aggressively.

  • Petite Bourgeoisie be like (CW: fictional Murder)
  • So you're telling me it's legal to use the katana I found on top of the juice bar in the mall on a super market manager ONLY if it's the zombie apocalypse?

  • NSFW
    (CW: Transphobia, sexual harassment) Pennsylvanian school to place windows in "gender-inclusive" bathrooms
  • Grooming children is when two adults get gay married or someone is trans and not when we're doing literal CSAM on children morshupls

  • NSFW
    (CW: Transphobia, sexual harassment) Pennsylvanian school to place windows in "gender-inclusive" bathrooms
  • You see it's about protecting our children [installs windows in the girl's bathroom] the-republican pingu-horny the-republican

  • I opened up my facebook and reached out to an old friend of my mom's for some help getting to the store and she said no, again, after MONTHS of not talking to me.
  • Sorry you felt you had to go so far as delete your entire social media account.

    Today was the first day in almost a year I even opened up my fb, I don't use it, so it's nbd to delete it. I have other reasons too because I think, a hunch at least, that she talks to my aunt privately through fb and tells her what I'm up to. My aunt is another one who has fucked me over numerous times in the past and I cut her out of my life.

  • I opened up my facebook and reached out to an old friend of my mom's for some help getting to the store and she said no, again, after MONTHS of not talking to me.
  • Also worth mentioning that she hurt me really bad before in the past. Right after mom died I went into rehab, it was kind of a spur of the moment thing and I ended up being admitted with just the clothes off my back. So I needed someone to swing by my home and get some clothes for me. So I called her, thinking maybe this time, since it was kind of urgent, she'd help. NOPE! She didn't even bother to return my call, she just called the rehab facility and left a message with them for me that she couldn't be bothered.

    I've given this lady NUMEROUS chances now to be a stand up human and help me out and each time she's given me the finger.

  • I opened up my facebook and reached out to an old friend of my mom's for some help getting to the store and she said no, again, after MONTHS of not talking to me.

    After my mom died this lady swore up and down that she would always be there for me, to help me, so I took her up on her word and asked her for help, NUMEROUS times now, and each time she said no and had an excuse.

    It got to the point where I was so fed up with her and her two-facedness that I stopped using facebook and unfriended her thinking maybe she'd get the hint, but no she didn't, the last time I saw her in public she acted like nothing had happened and she was like "sooooooo happy" to see me! :)

    So I tried one more time today to see if maybe things had changed with her and, what do you know, she said no, again.

    I started on the process of permanently deleting my facebook. It takes 30 days so long as I don't log back in. I'm also never speaking to her again whenever I see her.

    Manipulative toxic fucker, fuck her.

    Quitting smoking woes.
  • Have you ever quit before? My longest stint was for 7 years before relapse

    I did 20 days before, and before that I had a month. So it feels like a month is the best so far.

  • Quitting smoking woes.
  • Oh sorry misread that. Yeah I'm just afraid though I'd get addicted to the pouch. With the patch you step down after a week to a lower dose so it's supposed to make quitting easier. Plus I can get it for free through the quit line.

  • Quitting smoking woes.
  • I vape now and it's bad I hit it all day like a fiend. So I'm looking to just stop all together.

  • Quitting smoking woes.
  • I hate the dreams so much, they're so vivid and make you feel like you did smoke and your wanting one when you get up.

  • Quitting smoking woes.

    Back on my bullshit, quitting, again. This time I called my 1-800 quit line and ordered the patch to help. But it's so ass backwards their shipping is 7-14 days usps. So with that logic by the time I get the patch the cravings will have stopped since they normally subside by day 4 or 5, fucking stupid.

    I'm in a bad mood and want a smoke.

    *edit: wow I'm really in a bad fucking mood, like I want to fight someone. Being sober fucking sucks.

    Jeff Dunham planning comeback tour with Carlos Mencia, plans to unveil new puppet "El Soy" a latinx gay democrat cuckold in Las Vegas.

    "Durr hurr" Carlos Mencia belted out to the crowd that largely groaned. "It's 2024 and he's still making in fun of people with mental disabilities" said Dan Bongos of Los Vegas, "this s*it is old and not funny".

    "The new puppet 'soy boy' or whatever was weird and creepy" remarked Caitlin Degeogeo of Reno, "it's like supposed to make in fun of people who vote for Biden, I think, but also call them gay? It was very weird like I said and made no sense."

    The duo ended their premiere show with an urge for the audience to vote Republican in November or else "the republic will fall".

    Neither Mencia nor Dunham have responded to our emails to clarify.

    Is the Tomb Raider Remaster any good?

    Or should I just wait for OpenLara to get caught up with TR 2+3?

    Conservative video game commentator Asmongold sits down with Donald Trump in exclusive interview.

    The fascist weirdo's heart broke when he asked Trump to comment on the recent censorship of Sonja Blade in Mortal Kombat 12.

    "What the fuck is that? Some stupid video game shit? Anyway, I got treated very rudely, very badly by the media, more and more people are saying it, they've never seen anything like it."

    He went on, crushing the young fascist man who lives in garbage's hopes of a Trump commentary on video game SJW censorship.

    Tim Walz shocks CNN and world as he comes out on debate stage in "Mayonnaise Man" costume.

    He went on to yell obscenities at his opponent JD Vance while calling him a "cracker" and shockingly didn't condemn Hamas. "More like, HAM ASS, BOOM GOTTEM!" he yelled out to a shocked crowd of 65 year old retirees.

    Swedish indie developer "Sexx Tricker" poised to release via Steam Greenlight world's first "Whites Only" video game.

    The Arena Shooter called "Burden" will utilize Mr. Tricker's patented DNA technology to ensure the racial purity of players. In it players will insert their penis into the controller which will take a DNA sample and prove they are white and get an encrypted key to play.

    Anti-racist groups have already taken to X (formerly twitter) to denounce the project. One user named "Ann_Tifa" said he's already reverse engineering the dick scanner to allow any race to play.

    It's so funny how all these new types of dudes they keep inventing are trying to kill Trump for the wrong bad reasons.

    Who's next, Dan Bongos who's racist against the Irish who wants Trump dead because he disrespected gold star families and he comes within 15 feet of him with a bomb or something?

    Kenji Oguro explains in new interview how his video game idea for Monster Hunter came from the battles he'd wage with his cat.

    "My cat Tinkerbell. Well she's mean. I'd come home from work and she'd slap the hell out of me. Slap, slap, slap, I was like a punching bag, so I fought back. I constructed some swords out of cardboard and I went to town spanking her bum. I spanked her so much into submission she stopped. And I thought, what if this was a game, complete with cats that slap you sometimes?"

    I use my dad as a good barometer of what reactionary libs are thinking, even he now admits that Biden has dementia.

    So thanks libs for 4 years of gaslighting our asses that nothing was wrong with Biden and YOU were the crazy one to think otherwise. Glad we wasted more years on yet another do nothing empty suit while fascism has had more time to consolidate and not to mention the ever worsening climate disaster.
