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[Discussion] Do you still use your Steam Deck much?
  • I hardly use mine. I bring it with me on plane rides but find myself just watching movies instead. Trying to play on a plane and having to share an arm rest, idk it works out better in my head than in practice.

    I find I really need to play a game consistently to stay interested, and that makes the deck hard cuz I reserve lighter games for it, like ori, but since I play so infrequently I don't really end up being interested in the game I startup on there.

    OTOH I play PC regularly, no battery concerns, much larger screen, better visual fidelity. The deck just isn't reinforcing enough.

  • I wish I could finish video games
  • I've had this problem. My solution was when starting a game to play regularly and semi exclusively. I.e. I only have one single player game I'm working on at a time, and I play it multiple times per week to make progress.

    And I just keep playing until I beat it. I then may take some time off gaming for a few days or weeks, but will eventually pick up another game and repeat.

    This works for me cuz when I don't play consistently and decide to take, say, a one week break from a game, I find I end up not returning. So it's crucial to keep revisiting the game and sensing that progress or it feels like it never ends and drags on and on. There's also things like muscle memory and strategy that if I don't keep fresh at least a few times per week, it makes returning to the game feel like more work rather than just jumping back in.

    I don't have diagnosed ADHD so it may not apply to you but that's what worked for me (and continues to work). I've played many dozens of games following this system for some years now.

  • A sergeant with the City University of New York’s Department of Public Safety told pro-Palestinian protestors he supports “killing all you guys” during a graduation ceremony.
  • There are a lot of good cops. ACAB is about pointing out that they all might as well be bastards because enough of them are that people don't feel safe around them.

    But that doesn't mean we shouldn't have police. We need much harsher penalties for misconduct, external investigations into misconduct, and better training to avoid misconduct in the first place.

  • Despite strong reviews, Hellblade 2 is struggling on Steam
  • I really wanted to like the first one but felt like the puzzles and movement were so tedious.

    To be fair I generally play videogames stoned, which generally I always find enjoyable even on cerebral puzzle games like talos principle. in fact, I like being high cuz it makes it harder.

    But senuas first game trying to walk around and match the pattern against the environment was absolutely miserable to do high, and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have enjoyed it sober either.

    I loved the combat, but that was so infrequent it didn't keep me engaged. Finally after dying and having to restart and do a puzzle section all over again I said fuck it and uninstalled.

  • Pray they don't alter it any further
  • Exactly. I was trying to be conservative by choosing only 6 and sticking to the cheaper plans.

    But it is entirely conceivable today that, if someone has literally all the subscriptions, they could be paying more than cable costs.

    Another factor I ignored for brevity is, at least when I was a kid, the price of cable was often bundled with Internet and telephone services. I can't speak to how accurate the numbers would be, but I'm pretty sure my dad was paying $100+ for cable and everything else, meaning the cable likely wasn't the entire cost of the bill. But I digress....

    Streaming has gotten out of hand, and anyone who disagrees with me today will eventually agree within a decade.

  • Pray they don't alter it any further
  • But the direction is certainly heading towards the realm of cable prices...

    • Netflix: $15.49
    • Amazon Prime Video: $14.99
    • Apple TV+: $6.99
    • HBO Max: $15.99
    • Disney+: $10.99
    • Hulu: $14.99

    Total: $79.44 per month

    So maybe when you account for inflation it is still only half of what cable costs,.perhaps. but those are the cheaper plans. For HDR support for Netflix it's like $25, and it's the reason I cancelled Netflix.

    I don't think the meme is dumb, just ahead of it's time, but it's calling out what is certainly happening.

    Most streaming services now include ads in the paid subscription.

    Inch the ad ratio and prices up another 40% and we are getting pretty close to cable experience/cost. And that's only a few years away when we look at how much costs have raised over the last 10 yrs.

    If each service raises price $1/month every year and you have 6 services, then in 5 yrs you're paying $30 more per month, prob around $100+.

  • This is a rule for help
  • I'm eager to revisit NV and 3 soon... I did 4 modded survival mode about a year ago and that was some fun shit.

    76 is also on my radar as I've heard it has improved tremendously to be a respectable offering, even if not the best in the series.

  • Sailing the high seas
  • Same. It's the thought that counts. Better than just blindly pirating without any attempt to participate in the market. But when the market gets absurd like this, this is the only recourse.

  • Sailing the high seas
  • Does anyone know how I can get on a private tracker site. I have a whole containerized home server setup but still stuck on TPB. I'm ready to serve. Would love an invite.

  • how do you make friends if large gatherings arent your thing?

    I do like large gatherings, but I don't really do well meeting people and making friends in them. I find it too chaotic and difficult to "be myself" with so many people. I also feel there tends to be more shallow conversation in these settings making it great for banter and social energy but less great for connecting and getting to know new folks.

    I am looking to meet new people to be friends, as in capital F friend, not just a random person I know. Someone who wants to hit me up and go do something fun, check in on me and see how I'm doing, etc.

    How do you go about meeting people and finding social settings that foster deeper connections?

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