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How has no one stopped him?!
  • I see I chose wisely hexbear-shining

  • anyone else use the upbear to track read/unread?
  • yes, but have you considered clicking the bear = dopamine? it spins and turns gold. and other people get dopamine because bigger number. win win win

  • anyone else use the upbear to track read/unread?

    it's helpful to know what I've already read. if it's not a shit reply, it gets a bear. ofc, this means I read shit replies multiple times and get angry all over but at least I know what's probably new (to me).

    you get a bear, and you get a bear, and you get a bear, and everyone gets a bear.

    They’re finally talking about replacing Biden
  • when he walked on stage, his left eyelid and eyebrow were drooping and my immediate reaction was "he's having a stroke live?" never really got away from that impression. wonder which ghoul decided possible brain damage was less important than the debate because lmao.

  • The terror against homeless will continue as scheduled
    1. work with local advocacy orgs. food not bombs is also a great way to meet local leftists, in any case. but generally there are already orgs in every city attempting this fight on the ground. they provide services and serve as a nexus for direct action.
    2. show up enmass to local government meetings to cause a stink when they try to enact harmful policies.
    3. prevent the cops from targeting encampments by putting bodies in between (preferably armed).
  • Locked
    I tried to explain ADHD math to someone and they didn't understand at all
  • wait, no, this is how everyone does math. right? ...right?

  • CIA Uncovers Chinese Plot
  • the CIA admitting facts? hasan-stfu

  • Back off I'll fuck you up, headstrong to take on anyone
  • in a shocking, unforeseeable twist they turned out to be fascists

  • We Do Not Trail Behind Hamas, and Neither Should You | Reform & Revolution
  • We criticize Hamas not to justify Israel’s assault on Gaza nor to isolate ourselves from the Palestinian struggle, but to win more US workers to oppose Israel’s war.

    not sure I've ever seen someone provide such a cogent example of tailism before.

  • News this morning wants Biden to bow out of the race.
  • I haven't gotten my check yet kitty-birthday-sad

  • Made a Hexbear account, howdy everyone!
  • be the content you want to see posting

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • coup as long as site maintenance is peak collapsing empire

  • Stores like CVS are now making employees paid $7.25 an hour wear police body cams to stop someone from stealing a $2 tube of toothpaste.
  • I thought they don't want line employees to stop shoplifters because it costs them enormously in insurance and lawsuits if the employees get hurt? did the courts rule that it's all on the workers if they want the job now? not that they won't eventually, just asking if it already happened.

  • Note Taking: What's Your Strategy
  • I don't, it takes more mental energy than it's worth, personally. I need to focus on what I'm reading or hearing or I'll learn nothing and reading my notes won't help. it's an ADHD coping strategy though so I don't recommend it for anyone else. if you're in the group of people who need to ignore that advice, you already know that and don't need my permission.

  • Final boss of Quora
  • they're supposed to all be versions of that one, it's just not always very easy to see how - joke was mainly about that. category theory calls things compact if they're "small" in a very particular sense. algebraic compactness also has nothing to do with the topological notion, at least on the surface (abelian group that's a direct summand of every group containing it as a pure subgroup). basically, every area of math where the topological notion makes no sense will invariably call something compact eventually, because mathematicians can't resist.

    sometimes if you squint you can see how it relates back to the topological notion but frequently it's anything but obvious if you don't already understand the field - which means when you're trying to work things out for yourself, you just have to treat it like one more definition of the same word until you finally get it one day.

    I think it's easier if you have a prof who can just make the analogy clear from the start.

  • god damn there's nothing more satisfying than listening to D*stiny get dunked on by Norm Finkelstein for 5 hours

    jesus christ the arrogance of this man. what the fuck possessed him to get on this stage with people who wrote the books that his Wikipedia research is summarizing. this man couldn't find israel on a map until a couple of days ago and thought Erdogan is the president of israel. and Norm just calls him on it over and over while continuously mispronouncing his name.

    my favorite quote: "if Israel nuked Gaza and killed all 2 million people living there, I'm not sure it would count as genocide."

    bonus: Hasan's coverage was so brutal that he rage quit his own stream 2 days in a row. he knows he got owned.

    PSA: ExpressVPN, PIA, and Cyberghost are all run by Israeli intelligence

    they were all owned by the same company and sold to Kape, which has ties to the Israeli intelligence service, a few years back.

    > The issue is who he sold it to -- the notorious creator of some pernicious data-huffing ad-ware, Crossrider. The UK-based company was cofounded by an ex-Israeli surveillance agent and a billionaire previously convicted of insider trading who was later named in the Panama Papers. It produced software which previously allowed third-party developers to hijack users' browsers via malware injection, redirect traffic to advertisers and slurp up private data.

    I personally use perfect-privacy, which didn't turn up any red flags when I did research a few years ago. it's a little lacking in features but openvpn isn't that hard to set up on linux & android. no clue how well their desktop app works.


    my boss said he doesn't personally post here but some others might. and my boss thinks it's cool that I'm a leftist, he's one too, apparently, and that a bunch of our coworkers are leftists. some of them might post here?? it's a finance firm -- the last place I'd expect this. how the fuck do they have a positive opinion of this place??


    (I use tree style tabs so they can read my tabs when I share my screen -- I didn't hide this place because who the fuck has heard of hexbear)

    "standard time" is revisionist bullshit

    EST should be -4 not -5. this is fucking reactionary and you can't expect me to remember this shit. fuck congress for ruining this possibility after passing it.

    A real history of video games | Pay to Win

    cross-posted from:

    > an interesting look at the connection between video games and gambling - a lot of classic games companies started out building slot machines.

    Help - I have to interview someone from Palantir next week

    I won't be the only one on the call so I can't just give him an impossible interview. we're planning the interview together today. how do I make sure we can't hire him?

    luckily his background doesn't line up with what our team does, at least from his resume -- god it's the worst to read from the formatting alone. so maybe I can just lean into that? my team is part of a software infrastructure group and we're tasked with making the rest of the org stop sucking ass at software development -- secrets don't go in git repos type of stuff. so people skills and writing little bits of code that ensure the culture changes over time. his background is in operations and maybe a little software dev.

    I need suggestions for questions that will make him a no go. I can't take someone who worked for Palantir, for nearly a decade no less, seriously.

    when wikipedia is too accurate for you

    I love the slider that asks how well you know the topic so it can assess how much technobabble it needs to feed you to satisfy your credulity.

    edit: wonder what the slur any% run for this one looks like

    every time

    in which some nerd tries to call in a 4chan harassment raid

    feedback silent_water [she/her]
    I sometimes appear to be logged into some other user's account

    it happens when reloading a page or navigating back. it shows me a different user's account in the top bar -- worried that if someone hits stop during page load, they'd actually be able to impersonate another user's account. this appears to be random and I've seen several different accounts over the course of the day.

    sorry if this is an already known bug or if it's just a cosmetic issue that doesn't actually give anyone perms.

    feedback silent_water [she/her]
    I think this user is expressing a sincere gender identity

    these comments were removed for transphobia because they're kind of close to attack helicopter ahit but I don't think this is a tranaphobe making a joke, it's just a enby with an unconventional gender identity. it's not up to us to decide thir identity isn't valid. I'm open to having my mind changed - if it's invalidating others' identities somewhere - but absent that I don't think this is transphobia.

    PSA: nazis trying to poison trans women

    !this product sold by EstroLabs, a company started by nazis for the express purpose of selling fake HRT to desperate trans women, taken at the recommended dosage on the packaging is potentially fatal and will definitely make you sick. DO NOT BUY THIS.

    to no one's surprise, LTT is a garbage fire

    it calls into question LMG's ethics and business practices. what they did to the waterblock company of two people is obscene. they reviewed the only viable prototype the company had on incompatible hardware, trashed the product in the review, then sold the product act auction to a potential competitor. they effectively destroyed the company and in the WAN show said that they couldn't retest the product properly because it would have cost $500 - not of Linus's time, but of his employees. it's such a callous way to behave that I literally cannot fathom it.

    the sheer scope of the data errors from rushed video production are the icing on the cake.

    also anyone else remember the company paying out settlements to former female employees for what was suspected to be sexual harassment, forcing them to sign NDAs?

    capitalist enshittification continues on and on.

    Cracker News

    it's indistinguishable from the original. I for one welcome our javascript-speaking, dolphin overlords.

    silent_water silent_water [she/her]
    Posts 18
    Comments 1.4K