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Ain't no way 💀 Live updates: Iranian President Raisi is confirmed dead in helicopter crash

Follow NBC News live updates for the latest coverage after Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi was killed in a helicopter crash.

Live updates: Iranian President Raisi is confirmed dead in helicopter crash

President Ebrahim Raisi and foreign minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian of Iran have died in a helicopter crash. I'm sure this is mere coincidence of course

To be fair, the weather was incredibly bad and the helicopter wasn't in great condition but damn. The timing

I've made a silly goofy terrible mistake
  • I've seen my friend nic sick and it looks incredibly unpleasant. Really lucked out here I think

  • I've made a silly goofy terrible mistake
  • Honestly it barely affected me, I got dizzy and twitchy and my legs still feel weird but I wouldn't really say I got high. I'm chalking it up to my seemingly very high baseline tolerance to nicotine but it was probably just not enough leaf to be a big deal

  • I've made a silly goofy terrible mistake
  • Make sure the amount you chew is smaller than a quarter (about the size of what I had) and probably don't chew it any longer than it takes to break the surface and taste it. Hell you could even crush it with something and then lick it to get the flavor without being too affected.

  • I've made a silly goofy terrible mistake
  • Made an edit, feeling pretty weird but not overtly bad. Don't think I consumed enough to cause serious problems but I was concerned bc I couldn't find a straight answer on how much was bad. Even poison control couldn't tell me how much raw leaf I'd need to feel sick

  • I've made a silly goofy terrible mistake
  • Well you aren't missing out on anything lol, genuinely one of the most bitter things I've ever consumed and I've taste tested a lot of plants. This is my first poisoning though and of course it was as a result of my hubris.

  • I've made a silly goofy terrible mistake

    Ate raw tobacco leaf because I wanted to know what it tastes like. It does not taste good, so glad I know that now. Anyway turns out raw tobacco leaves contain a lot of nicotine and are considered "very poisonous". I have 0 tolerance to nicotine. It was just a small piece of the leaf but I'm almost definitely going to be nic sick for a while. Called poison control and they confirmed with me the point at which I should visit a hospital.

    I have some hope in the knowledge that the few times I've smoked nicotine containing products I felt absolutely nothing even at high doses. I pray this means nicotine doesn't affect me as strongly as it does the average person and I don't get nic sick.

    I already feel weird so probably not. I mostly just wanted to vent my misfortunes but if anyone has advice I'd be happy to listen lmao.

    Edit: looks like I'm gonna be alright, I feel very strange but it's been over an hour and no nausea so I think I'm ok

    Police arrest more than two dozen pro-Palestine protesters on UT-Austin campus amid tense standoff
  • Friend of mine was there. A palestinian american was stabbed and has a punctured lung. article

    Edit: They were not stabbed yesterday but the perpetrator is being indicted as of yesterday

  • ok but who's on your dream blunt rotation

    I'll start


    • Fidel
    • Che
    • Posadas

    After writing Fidel and Che it was really hard to think of anyone that would match up but I ended up choosing Posadas because I just have to know.

    I was a user
  • Lmao i was in fact sharkfucker on reddit as well 👀

    If i followed you its bc i thought you were funny

  • I was a user
  • Its an open source adroid client for lemmy made by lemmy devs such as dessalines

  • I was a user
  • Truly a clown world

  • I was a user
  • I too have questioned my gender, still haven't really figured it out tbh

    This seems to be a trend I've noticed

  • I was a user
  • You wouldn't believe how I got my name

  • I was a user
  • Citations needed is pretty solid from the few episodes I've listened to

  • I was a user
  • Just started today actually lmao

  • I was a user
  • I was gonna change it to ComradeFishfucker bc my .ml account is ComradeSharfucker

  • I was a user
  • I fell into the youtube antifeminist mysognist pipeline as a kid, I grew out of it pretty fast thankfully but I definitely hurt some people with my words in those times. I've worked to make it up to them where I can but it fucks with my head pretty often. I was still very liberal after I grew out of it but not bigoted (as much as a liberal can be). Shockingly it was actually reddit that pulled me out of that pipeline; after I realized I was bi I sought out queer communities on reddit (which I had only just downloaded like a month before this) and found 196 which was pretty far "left" for me at the time. Then I used lemmy and found hexbear. Fuck I really have been raised by the internet, dammit.

    I was gonna go somewhere with that but I am high and lost my train of thought. Basically I'm glad y'all exist and post as much as y'all do, genuinely helped me grow as a person.

  • I was a user
  • I've never had to unblur an image so that must be a non-jerboa thing

  • I was a user

    We can be radicalized

    Granted I only used because it was the first instance recommended to me. However, it was during the brief time when hexbear was a boogeyman to all that I was exposed to true leftist thought. It took about a month or two of reading yogthuos memes before I read theory

    Anyway I thought I'd give a hopepost, I genuinely was a turbolib !

    sicko owls

    Anyone have a higher quality version of this one?


    what is an autonomous region?

    I know their use case but I have no idea what it means for a region to be autonomous. Just how independant are they? What rights do they have? How are they still part of this state? How are they different from something like a canadian province or US state?

    Wikipedia was little help as usual and prolewiki doesn't ever define an autonomous region afaik

    I'm specifically referring to the modern day autonomous regions of china

    made mistakes

    Had some less than protected sex and did not pull out in time !

    I am not very smart and have very little self control, picked up some plan b but i live in a anti abortion state so im stressin i tell ya hwat. Just had to vent on the interwebs

    Idk why i do this to myself but as a wise man once said, "we all make mistakes in the heat of passion jimbo"

    mrbeast moment

    I'm going to preface this by stating that I am incredibly high so if this isn't very coherent I apologize but.

    CW: cognito hazard

    I never really watched Mrbeast much at all maybe like a few videos when I was idk 14 or something because it looked rediculous but I was vaguely aware that there was some contention on him being a good person or not for reasons I at the time never really cared about because all I understand was that he was just some guy doing shit charity. I saw him give people stuff and money and figured sure why not looks like good person to me no need to think about this further and moved on. Didn't really cross my mind until I was watching a Ludwig video where he lets YouTube autorecommend every next video starting with the first video ever posted and it immediately gave him a Mrbeast video and locked him in Mrbeast hell where every single video was just Mrbeast after Mrbeast and holy fucking shit he's just running a business, that's not charity hes just paying people for content. He's running a content farm and that's just production cost what those people aren't friends that's employees wtf. More than that though he ruined my stuff dammit! How could he. He's genuinely the reason that all my YouTube slop has spoiled. The thumbnail faces, the dead inside YouTuber voice, those really shitty content mill try to not laugh compilations where they really don't look like they wanted to laugh when they do. My stuff :( my slop :(

    God it's so mind numbing fuck me

    My illusion is shattered and my heart is broken :(

    last episode

    I'm on my last episode of the deprogram until I'm caught up !

    You're telling me I only get an episode a week now? Fuck that. Any other leftist podcasts y'all like?

    Other than chapo, aside from their intro music it's not really my vibe

    all available changes in Hamas . com since its creation in 1999

    ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

    The latest available that would load was from around 2017 unfortunately

    I think it was obvious that hamas . com (I'm not linking that) was Israeli propaganda from the get go because it is made on Wix which is an Israeli company. However, I was bored and decided I'd look into its history when I found out the domain went back as far as 1999. I'm unsure when the domain name began to be hosted by Wix and wouldn't know how to find that.

    make of it what you will, I found it interesting.

    am I being fucked with here?

    I really suck at knowing when I'm being trolled. I'm not the one in the screenshot but I'm in the thread. This comment was just particularly egregious.


    so about tibet

    I don't know much about it. I know that during the Chinese cultural revolution the tibetan culture was pretty much fucking obliterated but I don't know much beyond that. I recently saw an article talking about modern China's treatment of tibet and could identify a lot of very misleading language that treated seemingly normal things as dystopian as usual but I'd really like to know this history here as well as what is actually happening in tibet right now. Can anyone point me towards resources that may have information on this?

    hexbear sharkfucker420 [comrade/them]
    how do I use emojis

    :sicko: is the format right? But when I use it in posts or comments it never works. Is it because I'm on a mobile app (jerboa)?

    queer groomer association

    Looking for info to disprove this stigma, I don't really have much other than one academic research paper I found but I don't think if the guy I'm arguing with would be willing to sit through and read that. He dismissed it as queer theory which he says has been "debunked" idk what the hell queer theory is. Anyway from what I can tell with this dude the simple and more obvious the better but it must also be backed by peer reviewed research

    how do I search posts

    The search tab seems to only bring up communities

    so what's up with taiwan

    That's basically it really. What's the history? Why does the West defend is so vehemently? Should they? Should I? I don't actually know anything about it
