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Poachers claim to have killed one-third of all Javan rhinos, Indonesian police say
  • I am not normally a supporter of the death penalty, but I can get behind this:

  • Israel-Palestine and the FALLOUT-universe [43:18]
  • I don't normally watch long winded youtube videos but the premise of this was irresistible. Very articulate bloke that one.

  • A Zionist, a pedophile, and a washed up comedian walk into a bar…
  • the only reason it's a bad joke is because we all knew what the punchline was before we even clicked

    otherwise, it's chefs-kiss

  • Zionism is antisemitism, and Palestine
  • I remember this article was posted shortly after it was written months ago. Both then and now I still do not comprehend this part:

    Why was it necessary to create a State of Israel instead of a plurinational and pluricultural free state of Palestine where Christians, Muslims and Jews could live together and be represented? This question cannot be answered, because the only answer betrays the ethnonationalist roots of Zionism: "We deserve to have a country just for us".

    Therefore we see that Zionism is antisemitic, and it cannot be anything else.

    I get that Zionism could be considered antisemetic because they don't think Jews should live in Europe, but if someone is able to elaborate on this more I'd appreciate it.

  • Parenti: In doing some googling for something else, I came across this old Reddit thread, and was curious about people's take on it.
  • I don't really understand why people say Blackshirts and Reds is poorly sourced; the book contains plenty of sources?

  • TikTok wants to be YouTube now, tests 60-minute video uploads
  • I would use TikTok if I could disable autoplay agony-consuming

    It is a violation of my consent

  • Am I the only one that genuinely likes Piranha Plant and was happy to see them added to Smash?
  • Piranha Plant is legitimately the only DLC character that isn't pay-to-win toxic bullshit. It's a balanced character with a solid moveset and (surprisingly) generally not-toxic playerbase.

    Bigs ups to PP kim-salute it's a good character.

    Maybe we'll play each other during tonight's tournaments solidarity

  • bUt BoTh SiDeS dA sAmE - Lemmy.World
  • largest climate change legislation in human history


    I guess that would make sense if you didn't know anything about any other country's climate legislation, which is presumably the case here.

  • Local himbo stumbles into a better stance on Gaza than liberal media and policy makers.
  • pardon me, who/what is macklemore and why is it remarkable that he has a good take on something?

  • Israel attacks Rafah after Hamas agrees to cease-fire
  • Pure evil.

    It's really hard to understate what a mass-radicalisation event this whole live-streamed genocide has been, for young people in particular.

  • Intel officially introduces pay-as-you-go chip licensing for servers. Intel's Xeon Sapphire Rapids CPUs to activate additional features on demand.
  • Waiting for windows to become an "os as a service" in a few years

    That was the original plan for Windows 10 IIRC, something something "the last version of windows that will ever be released". guess they had to kick the can down the road

  • Ghouls
  • The videos of the pro-Israel brownshirts look like the most insufferable fucking meat head frat boys that you can imagine. Can't say I'm surprised in the slightest.

  • Windows 11 is losing market share to Windows 10
  • I built my PC in 2018 and it cost thousands of dollars. It does not meet the hardware requirements.

  • NSFW
    Musk fan nearly cuts his own finger off testing the Cybertrucks safety feature (CW: Dumbass crushes his finger)
  • yo weren't all these recalled recently due to a jamming accelerator pedal or something

  • I want to get this bike but it costs 700-800
  • isn't that just a standard BMX? you could probably get something very similar used on craigslist or whatever

  • as someone who worked in kitchens for many years this hit very close to home

    RIP. Pour one out for our comrades just trying to help. Death toll has risen to 7 foreign aid workers.

    Damn you, Israel.

    Link to post (fixed)

    Rest in power, chefs !fidel-salute, and the same to the countless thousands of Palestinians murdered in the last 6 months who just wanted to live a normal life.

    I'm so fucking gutted.

    Israeli government passes draft bill to shutter Al Jazeera

    > Israel's government approves in telephone vote a draft bill to close Al Jazeera's Israel offices, following revelations that one of their 'journalists' was a Hamas commander.

    I'm honestly surprised it took them this long tbh.

    Moroccan hashish suppliers 'boycott Israeli dealers' over Gaza war

    > Moroccan hashish suppliers are refusing to sell to Israeli dealers in protest against the war in Gaza, according to a report in Israeli media on Friday.

    > The Israeli news site Mako cited several Israeli drug dealers complaining about the drop-off in trade.

    > "The hashish dealers in Morocco are not willing to sell us more hashish either directly or through intermediaries," said one dealer.

    > "They decided that because of the war they are boycotting us. Since the war, we have lost a lot of money. Tens of millions of shekels at least."

    > The outlet also quoted a Moroccan hashish dealer saying they were refusing to sell to Israelis over the war.

    lol, lmao even

    My favourite Biden gaffe of all time

    Biden's team seems to have tried to scrub this video from the web almost entirely. It used to be easily available on YouTube, but it was replaced with a shortened version which cuts off the part where he just goes off the rails about Xi Jinping. I guess then they can just blame it on his "stutter".

    Anyway, I found it on an old Facebook post from a year ago, so enjoy, and save it to your devices folks lest it be permanently memory holed.

    Ok apparently it is still available on YouTube, it was only showing up with the shortened version when I looked earlier.

    In any event, still an amazing gaffe.

    Edit: PolitiFact: Joe Biden described America as “the foothills of the Himalayas with Xi Jinping.”FALSE Five Pinocchios ! !maybe-later-kiddo !maybe-later-honey

    Edit2: I replaced the stupid Zuckerberg URL with the regular YouTube one as pointed out by comrade because apparently I don't know how to use a search bar

    So this pic is AI generated, right?

    There a lot of little details in this picture that seem off, I dunno.

    KISSENGER IS DEAD Dr. Henry Kissinger Dies at Age 100

    Dr. Henry Kissinger, a respected American scholar and statesman, died today at his home in Connecticut.

    Dr. Henry Kissinger Dies at Age 100

    !crab-party !crab-party !crab-party !crab-party !crab-party !crab-party !crab-party

    Edit: My wife says that I seem happier than the day that we got married. She's not wrong.

    Edit2: I realised that I spelled Pissingers name wrong in the title. Pity.

    Behind Israel’s ‘end game’ for Gaza: Theft of offshore gas reserves Behind Israel’s ‘end game’ for Gaza: Theft of offshore gas reserves

    By Betsey Piette November 14, 2023 In 1999, British Gas (BG) discovered the existence of natural gas in the Gaza Marine fields, 20 nautical miles off the coast of Gaza, at a depth of 375 miles.

    Behind Israel’s ‘end game’ for Gaza: Theft of offshore gas reserves

    > In 1999, British Gas (BG) discovered the existence of natural gas in the Gaza Marine fields, 20 nautical miles off the coast of Gaza ... In 2019, UNCTAD estimated the net value of the Gaza Marine natural gas at $4.592 billion

    > The Palestinian Authority was “granted” the right to exercise sovereignty over its own maritime territory by the Oslo Accords in 1995.

    > In December 2008, in total contravention of international laws, Israel declared sovereignty over the Gaza Marine area, and BG closed its offices in Tel Aviv.

    > ... Israel continued to prevent Palestinians from developing and benefiting from their natural resources, in clear violation of international law that governs who has rights to these resources when a country is occupied.

    > Renewed interest in pursuing development of the Gaza Marine field surfaced in early 2022 following the war between Russia and Ukraine, the destruction of the Nord Stream Pipeline, and the sanctions placed on Russia that caused a global energy crisis.

    > On Oct. 29, Israel announced that it awarded 12 licenses for exploring additional offshore natural gas fields to six companies

    North Korean news sources?

    I get a lot of my news about the world from outlets like CGTN, Al Jazeera and Telesur but it occurred to me that I've not heard of any such news source out of Best Korea.

    A quick search for English-language North Korean news brings up Pyongyang Times, but does anyone have any other recommendations?

    virgin cyclist vs. chad skater

    now that autumn rain is here I can no longer skate to work and have to cycle instead so I made this meme as a coping mechanism

    Psychological projection in reactionaries explained by ChatGPT

    So I've always been fascinated by how reactionaries pick a "strong man" figure who is generally regarded as a clown by most of society. Hitler's the most obvious example (not blond, not Aryan, short, dumb mustache), but Trump of course is another one. I love how Ben Garrison is constantly horny on main for the guy and draws him as a muscular superhero when in fact he's a complete slob and borderline illiterate.

    I always figured there was some psychological projection at play since that's just how conservative's minds function on a basic level. Everything is projection. Every accusation is a confession. However, I've never quite been able to articulate it into words or properly wrap my mind around it.

    It took a while, but I managed to get ChatGPT to articulate what I've been trying to put into words for a long time and I thought you comrades might be interested. Here's a link to the full conversation.

    > Q: Yes, I think we are getting closer here. Let's go further - in what ways would psychological projection play a role in why they consistently seem to pick leaders that are the opposite of their rhetoric? not "strong men" and "protectors" but perceived by non-reactionaries as "clowns" and "buffoons" ? I feel like there may even be a sort of dialectical relationship here, But i don't know I'm just spitballing here. What say you robot?

    > A: Your observation is an interesting one and the idea of a dialectical relationship or a certain ironic twist in the projection of "strength" onto individuals who might not embody traditional ideals of strength is worth exploring. Here are some potential explanations:

    > Projection as Compensation: Some followers may project their idealized version of strength onto a leader as a form of compensation for their own perceived weaknesses or inadequacies. They may be drawn to leaders who, despite not fitting the typical mold of a "strongman," exude a certain confidence or defiance that resonates with their own desire for empowerment.

    > Anti-Establishment Appeal: Many far-right supporters are driven by anti-establishment sentiments, and they may view unconventional leaders as more authentic and relatable. A leader who is perceived as a "clown" or "buffoon" by the mainstream may be seen as a genuine outsider, challenging the status quo. The projection in this case may be about the desire for disruption and change.

    > Rejection of Elitism: A leader who does not conform to traditional standards of behavior or appearance might be appealing to far-right supporters who reject what they perceive as elitist or establishment standards. They might project their own disdain for political correctness or establishment norms onto the leader, who becomes a symbol of defiance.

    > Psychological Dissonance: Followers may project an image of strength onto a leader who is perceived by others as weak or buffoonish as a form of psychological dissonance. By elevating the leader and identifying with them, they are indirectly validating their own beliefs and convictions, even if those beliefs are contradictory or incongruent with the leader's actual characteristics.

    > Shared Vulnerability: In some cases, far-right supporters may identify with the perceived vulnerabilities or flaws of their chosen leader. They might project their own sense of being misunderstood, marginalized, or ridiculed onto the leader, who becomes a symbol of their own struggle for recognition and respect.

    > Dialectical Tension: The notion of a dialectical relationship is an intriguing one. There could be a tension between the desire for a strong, authoritarian figure and the rejection of mainstream ideals of strength and authority. This tension could manifest in the projection of strength onto leaders who defy conventional standards, creating a dialectical interplay between the ideal of strength and the reality of the leader's characteristics.

    > Ultimately, the psychological mechanisms at play are complex and multifaceted. Projection can serve various functions, and the appeal of certain leaders may be a reflection of the diverse and sometimes contradictory desires and emotions of their followers. The consistent selection of leaders who don't embody traditional ideals of strength could be the result of a combination of these factors, shaped by the specific socio-political context in which the far-right movement operates.
