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The real reason liberals and other right-wingers hate us is because we DO want to effect change
  • Sorry, your meme didn't say anything about racism or genocide. I'm assuming you were too busy getting arrested and dragged through the mud while fighting for your causes to clarify the text.


  • It's true.
  • Well if the same ever happens to me, I'll let you know how it goes down.

  • It's true.
  • I know that a percentage of society do in fact believe that and then the numbers are inflated by the edgy comments some people need to make so I wouldn't be surprised by it. I'm really failing to find a scenario where I would care about someone's tweet dancing on another's grave. It's so common for netizens to pride themselves on being flippant about deaths other than their own.

  • It's true.
  • Why would the living care about what you think of a dead person? I couldn't give less of a care about what you think of any dead person I happen to have known.

  • It's true.
  • I don't think the dead are losing much sleep over your reaction to their demise.

  • 😠Meta just showed off Threads’ fediverse integration for the very first time😠
  • I think it will be very easy to find a host that federated from them, making it easy to mitigate the damage.

  • Removed
    We're building a search engine to compete with DuckDuckGo. No JS, no WASM, no spying. Just a statically generated results page.
  • Please post when you're ready for beta waters. I'm looking forward to seeing it.

  • Rant: My recent experience of trying to install windows for gaming and why I'm really thankful for Linux
  • Never trust a rant from a person that can't install Windows.

  • The Covid-19 pandemic killed off one strain of the flu, and that will change the next vaccines
  • I loved the social distancing aspect of the pandemic.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • There's some people that can't come up with positive references, even when cherrypicked. I'd probably fall into that group.

  • Problem with Mull and Duolingo
  • Just because you don't know something, that doesn't make it a secret, you just haven't bothered to do a tiny bit of searching.

  • Problem with Mull and Duolingo
  • I wouldn't call user-agent switchers a secret.

  • Removed
    Whoopi Goldberg clashes with 'The View' co-host on millennial homeownership under Biden: 'Go out and get a job'
  • It's not newsworthy that a boomer thinks the housing crisis is just millennials.being lazy.

  • [Solved] Is the 'trending' section of 'search' an app or lemmy suggestion?
  • The trending section has always been a waste of space on the site. I used ad blocker to hide it.

  • [Solved] Is the 'trending' section of 'search' an app or lemmy suggestion?
  • The trending section has always been a waste of space on the site. I used ad blocker to hide it.

  • Virginia House approves assault weapons ban
  • I wonder what database is in place that would allow them to determine what weapons were made after that date. It seems there would be a lot room for getting around that aside from just buying used.

  • My Laptop
  • Looks awesome, would you mind sharing your conky?

  • Ah yes, smart lights need Tor.
  • I hope you update the post with any info you find.

  • Removed
    The public paid for "Moderna's" vaccine, and now we're going to pay again (and again and again)
  • Both my GP and my neurologist suggested not getting any more boosters for the time being. The GP was wordier about it, citing the initial overselling of the benefits that has been disproven and the discovered heart risks of the boosters for someone of my age being greater than the supposed benefits. He suggested just the normal flu vaccine for this year.

    Up to this year, I had religiously taken the vaccine and booster. I got COVID for the first time this year and it was brutal. I have no idea how bad it would have been otherwise but the pie-in-the-sky sales pitch that it made COVID fairly painless was a crock.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Yes, that's definitely the only time emergency services are useful.

  • Why is lemmy so bad at determining trending communities?

    Trending: adjective

    1. emerging as a popular trend: trending fashion accessories.

    2. widely mentioned or discussed on the internet, especially on social media websites: trending topics on Twitter.

    Over the months, I've come to the realization that the trending communities section is absolutely useless. Whatever algorithm is used, it doesn't have anything to do with the community being new, active or changing in participation. Literally, the same empty 0-post communities will sit in that block without change, aside from rarely one 0-post community will get bumped by another 0-post community.

    Will there ever come a time where the trending section will provide trending communities or is what's shown actually intended?

    Any Freetube pros? Have a question FreeTube - The Private YouTube Client

    FreeTube is a feature-rich and user-friendly YouTube client with a focus on privacy.

    My question is regarding vids that won't play. I don't know the reason for them not playing in Freetube(they are viewable on the YT site) but the one thing I've noticed is that the fallback methods have** never ever, not even once worked **in playing a video that failed to load.

    Has anyone made changes in the settings that positively effected the second-chance playing of these problem videos?

    Thanks for your time!

    schwim Schwim Dandy
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