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Nightfall vs Unchained: what's changed and why

Minecraft players outraged as Microsoft deletes accounts that weren't transitioned
  • +1 for Minetest

    I run a server on our local network that kiddos love

    It was fairly simple to setup including which game type and mods

  • It's almost the week-end, what are you guys going to play?
  • Kiddos have gotten back into the Pokemon card game so we're likely playing Pokemon TCG Live

    Also hoping to finally break in the Nexalis ttrpg I've had on the shelf for a while now with the teens

  • It's Friday, what are your plans for the weekend?
  • Firing up the grill for Father's Day and inviting over both sets of parents; will have 4 generations together <3

    Will likely throw some wood on the coals after to roast marshmallows and make s'mores for dessert :)

  • What jobs were you horrified to learn are done by people with little to no experience or training?
  • I'm a certified forklift trainer and the training I needed for that was a single day that ended in a simple test...

  • What's something weird and mostly useless that you can do with your body?
  • I can do this as well and find it useful for other devices that use a lot of button presses such as TV volume etc

  • Depressed Husband
  • That's great! He's welcome to message me as well if that might help break the ice a bit more.

  • Depressed Husband
  • This may help:

    In short: making yourself vulnerable (such as processing these issues) is courage - it's not weakness

    Sometimes us guys need to hear that - I know I personally absolutely hate to break in front of others and that makes processing a very isolating experience that feeds depression unless I'm intentional about that processing

  • What's a good name for a black cat?
  • We have a 3-week old black kitten we've named Slate

  • Too Many Bones just arrived; excited to play

    TMB has been on my wishlist for years but the price tag has been too high... this week I noticed it was in stock and a bit of extra funds had came in as well so I decided it was time to finally buy a copy.

    The game arrived today and I'm super impressed with the component quality. Even the tuck boxes and other component containers are well beyond the quality I've come to expect in a high quality board game.

    Hopefully will find time in an upcoming busy weekend to squeeze in a first play.

    Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing?
  • Started playing FFXIV again after not playing since 2013. Decided to delete my character and start fresh as I don't remember the story etc. and am just going to take my time enjoying everything over again.

  • Unconventional kitchen utensil you can't live without?
  • Yep! I have a Cosori kettle that's been working great (and outlasted my first two pots lol)

  • Unconventional kitchen utensil you can't live without?
  • Steel tea pot - I drink a pot every day but last couple pots were both glass and only last a couple months before breaking (both my fault) so upgraded to steel and so far my clumsiness hasn't yet managed to break it

  • How do you Lemmings like your tea?
  • I drink a pot of camomile every day. 1st cup is still hot while rest is more lukewarm.

  • My opinion on Bone conduction earphones
  • The ones we tested were these:

    Unfortunately the project they were originally for was cancelled fairly quickly so we didn't test any others

  • My opinion on Bone conduction earphones
  • We tested some nicer ones for use in an industrial environment where hearing protection was required. They were great and let workers hear clearly while still being able to use their preferred PPE.

  • Are there any addons as essential as uBlockOrigin?
  • Started using this one recently and am loving it

  • Why you should spend more money on underwear
  • In a similar thread years ago there was a recommendation for Exofficio brand which I bought a few of to try out and have since replaced all of my underwear with. Their boxer briefs are fantastic.

  • Which DE/WM do you prefer?
  • I've ran GNOME for years until this month. Something randomly broke and then on fresh install the dark theme wasn't working correctly. Switched to KDE and everything looks and works perfectly. Think I'll hang out here for the foreseeable future.

  • Smart devices are turning out to be a poor investment
  • Yep! I have a Pi 4 running Pihole blocking ads on network and often get thanks from the teens when they're away from home and they realize just how many ads they would otherwise be exposed to

  • Smart devices are turning out to be a poor investment
  • We replaced ours with a refurbished business desktop, installed Linux and Jellyfin then use with a wireless keyboard with built-in track pad

    Plays media great, emulates up to Wii and can use for general web browsing too

  • Do you usually purchase digital or physical books? Why?
  • I work at a computer and find it easier to continue using a screen for reading

    However I do also purchase some paper books for when wanting to disconnect for a while

  • Looking for online coop between Switch and PC

    Buddy of mine just picked up No Man's Sky on Switch but it lacks the multiplayer features of other systems.

    He only has Switch and I only have PC so I've come here to ask:

    Aside from Minecraft or Terraria what other games are available on both Switch and PC that we could play cooperatively together?

    Also it's totally fine if I need to host a dedicated server for it.

    Edit: specifically need PC version playable on Linux and ideally something open world.

    s3rvant s3rvant
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