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[Discussion] Do you still use your Steam Deck much?
  • Yes.

    I don’t have a desktop pc, so before I got my Steam Deck, I was using my laptop for pc gaming.

  • If you fail to pull Gale through the portal, can you recruit him later?
  • I had the same question; it’s nice to find out the answer. … if I ever play again, I was probably going to start a new save file anyway.

    I don’t think I even got entirely through act one.

  • When the DM tries to make it as obvious as possible
  • This looks like a job for my unseen servant (or phantasmal minion for people who play the Pathfinder Remaster)!

  • The world we live in. I'm sure we will see someone bragging on the dark web
  • I think that comment said something along the lines of;

    Did you seriously just assume the gender of the DDOSers?!?

  • Here's Why Microsoft Buying Valve Is A Terrible Idea
  • I would. There’d hopefully be an exodus.

  • Shinobu's Fangs [bakemonogatari]
  • Cute!

  • Removed
    when google bought datasets from reddit
  • Then it’ll get worse again.

  • Removed
    when google bought datasets from reddit
  • I’d call that karma for Reddit and Google.

  • print('butt')
  • Me: “Is bugger a term that denotes a bugged state?
    Senior: “No. That’s just what I have it print to show if something has failed.”

  • It's always there
  • I dislike cheese.

  • Schools won't be allowed to teach children that they can change their gender ID, reports say
  • If you’re going that far; just ban gendered pronouns altogether.

  • Schools won't be allowed to teach children that they can change their gender ID, reports say
  • “But my reality is how it’s always been” - Torys

  • It's complicated
  • The AI can give a variety of answers.

    1. First, take the goat across to the opposite shore.
    2. Then go back to the original shore to get the boat.
    3. Finally, take the boat across to the opposite shore.

    This ensures that the goat is never left alone such that it could wonder off.

    I got something like that.

  • Solve a puzzle for me
  • The bot was even joining in on discussion about the bot. We’re long past the Turing test.

  • Solve a puzzle for me
  • I got this:

    Certainly! This classic river crossing puzzle involves a bit of strategic thinking. Here’s a step-by-step solution:
    The man takes the goat across the river and leaves it on the other side.
    He then returns alone to the original side to get the boat.
    Now, he crosses the river again, but this time he leaves the goat and takes nothing with him.
    He goes back to the original side, picks up the goat, and crosses the river one last time.
    This way, both the man and the goat are safely on the other side of the river. The key is to never leave the goat unattended where it could be harmed or cause harm. Enjoy the puzzle-solving! 🐐🚣

    When asked to use fewer steps:

    Apologies for the confusion. The puzzle you’re referring to is a variation of the “river crossing” problem. The traditional version includes a wolf, a goat, and a cabbage, but in your version, it seems we only have a man and a goat. The solution with the fewest steps would be:
    The man takes the goat across the river and leaves it on the other side.
    He then returns alone to the original side.
    This ensures that both the man and the goat are safely on the other side of the river, and it’s done in the fewest steps possible. If there were more characters or items involved, the solution would require additional steps to ensure everyone and everything crosses safely without any harm.

  • Am I doing this right?
  • WTF? Only $20? Please tell me that people could get more. Especially if it isn’t automatic.

  • ★ (by Ye Jji)
  • Is that an oc? Or is she from a series?

  • シロップ [Nichijou]
  • いただきます!!

    What is wrong with me lol.

  • [HELP] Updates stalling in desktop mode
  • Are you able to share a screenshot of the update that’s failing?

  • The “Require videogame publishers to keep games they have sold in a working state” petition just got a response.

    The recent stopkillinggames campaign has been my first exposure to UK petitions.

    Link to petition: Link to campaign: Link to the campaigner’s video

    Update: Link to the campaigner’s video on the response

    Why does transparency seem to get replaced with black in img2img? How to fix?

    I’ve been having a go at using Stable Diffusion through Easy Diffusion. I made a png with alpha for img2img, but the transparency seems to be getting replaced with black, ruining the image. I was expecting the transparency to get replaced with noise. Are there any good fixes/workarounds?

    • I don’t really want to add my own noise to the input image itself, because wouldn’t that make the randomness produced by stable diffusion useless?
    • Could I manually script it to automatically layer the image over the noise, or over the image after a few steps in?
    • I don’t have a dedicated graphics card yet, so I’m CPU only.
    How easy is it to run stable diffusion on framework’s amd graphics card?

    I don’t know much about graphics cards, but the framework laptop seems to offer an “AMD Radeon™ RX 7700S” and stable diffusion requires Linux ROCm.

    It’s not completely clear if ROCm runs on AMD Radeon™ RX 7700S, so I was wondering if anyone had any experience with setting it up on framework.

    [Help] GPU not found when trying to run Easy Diffusion in desktop mode.

    When I try to turn off Use CPU in settings, it says "No compatible graphics card found!".

    During the instillation, I got an error "hipErrorNoBinaryForGpu" which I looked up and found the command export HSA_OVERRIDE_GFX_VERSION=10.3.0 which got me through the instillation.

    I don't know much about GPUs, so thanks in advance for any help/advice!

    How do I change font colour in code (Godot 3) (Solved)

    I want to create a "gradual colour change" effect in Godot.

    eg: some_set_font_color_func(Color8(255,n,n) where n gradually decreases to make the text fade from white to red.

    I can't figure out what function I would use in place of some_set_font_color_func to change a font's colour.

    Godot themes are somewhat confusing. Given some var var UI:control how would I set the colour of any font(s) contained within that node?

    Not exactly an animeme, but I might as well cross-post since there's not much content here.

    cross-posted from:

    Any tips for creating memes using FOSS. I made this in Impress, then copy-pasted it into gimp, and it reduced the quality a lot.

    > In PowerPoint, you can just select everything, then right-click -> save as image, and it saves whatever you have selected rather than the whole slide. There doesn't seem to be a way to do that in Impress, but I realised you could copy-paste into Gimp and that would copy the objects as an image, so I've been making memes that way.

    Anyone else suddenly having Steam Deck issues?

    Baldur’s Gate 3 worked fine before. Now it returns to the game’s library page just before it would normally show the game’s logos.

    We tried switching to proton experimental, as suggested by people who were having a similar issue back in August, but this gives the same result.

    Has anyone been experiencing anything similar, or does anyone have any advice?

    Thanks in advance.

    Edit: I tried setting “gamemoderun --skip-launcher” or “--skip-launcher” as a launch option, but this didn’t work.

    Account anniversary day meme. Thought I might as well.

    Ah. It's still called cake day over here. Wasn’t sure if it had to be called something different on Lemmy.

    "sgx: There are zero EPC sections" When trying to install Debian with existing /home in encrypted lvm in vm.

    I want to install Debian over an existing Debian install with an existing home partition in an encrypted lvm (to upgrade to testing), and I have been practising in a vm.

    After trying to follow the advice on, I successfully reached the end of the installation, but when I try to boot into my system, I get the error(s) shown in the attached screenshot.

    Any idea what I did wrong/need to do?

    Edit: "sgx: There are zero EPC sections" is something that displayes when booting successfully into a machine that works too.

    Any tips for creating memes using FOSS. I made this in Impress, then copy-pasted it into gimp, and it reduced the quality a lot.

    In PowerPoint, you can just select everything, then right-click -> save as image, and it saves whatever you have selected rather than the whole slide. There doesn't seem to be a way to do that in Impress, but I realised you could copy-paste into Gimp and that would copy the objects as an image, so I've been making memes that way.

    Thought I'd try digging up this old meme I made 5 years ago. Seems kind of edgy looking back. Hope this is alright for this community.

    I'd known I had Asperger's practically all my life, but it wasn't until much later that I'd heard it be called "a disability" and I took a lot of offence to it. It looks like this was actually the first meme I ever made.

    s12 s12
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