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xkcd #2899: Goodhart's Law
  • God this is too real. One place I worked loved to pick odd company wide metrics too. Instead of just like "profit", 50% of our bonus would be determined by how low a % held stock was against revenue, globally... I worked in marketing. Needless to say the "bonus" did not motivate anyone.

  • Oklahoma students walk out over death of non-binary student Nex Benedict
  • Kids these days are giving me hope that the millennial cynicism had lost. I know the bullies we zoomers too, but overall I see a lot of positive change coming from this generation and I hope we have their back.

  • two party system is a scam
  • These folks seem to have a different understanding than you.


    Since as many as 10 percent of the lowest-wage workers leave or start jobs every month, any decrease in the number of full-time equivalent jobs will mean that some workers will take more time finding a new job, or will work fewer hours. But many of these workers may still see their annual earnings rise because of their wage increase.

  • Anon wants parenting advice
  • Yup, you don't need poison. Just sprinkle some miniaturized union pamphlets on the infestation and the colony will collapse in few weeks. Of course you risk a new infestation of ants with free time, safety regulations, and disposable income.

  • Biden considering executive action to close southern border, sources say
  • I think that's why framing the debate is so important.

    1. This isn't magically closing the border, this is just adding a new punishment for a small subset of people who cross illegally. Whether or not it will be effective is very debatable (if barbed wire doesn't...)
    2. We should be talking more about the backlog in asylum cases, why aren't we providing adequate funding for the courts to do their job.
    3. Why do we make asylum seekers wait so long to seek asylum and get authorization to work, how does this do anything but place a burden on support systems?

    And so on. This isn't about stopping immigration, it's about punishing those who do. [Too] Many will still support that, but it's a harder stance to take.

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