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A match made in heaven! 😍
  • I've never had Mountain Dew, but I always imagined it would taste like shower gel or shampoo. The scents/flavors even have similar names.

  • Can you think of any others?
  • Split Horizon sounds really high-level.

  • Nach Chaos im ThĂŒringer Landtag: Innenminister Maier fĂŒr ein Verbotsverfahren gegen die AfD
  • Ich lasse mal diesen Artikel hier, aus gegebenem Anlass. Bisher war ich immer skeptisch bzgl. der Erfolgsaussichten eines Parteiverbotsverfahrens. Bei dem Vergleich mit den VorgĂ€ngen im ThĂŒringer Parlament lĂ€uft es mir aber kalt den RĂŒcken runter:

  • This might also apply to conferences.
  • Yellow = weak bladder

  • Ich_iel
  • Alternativ können sie ihre Brötchen von mir aus einfach durchnummerieren. Eigentlich ist mir alles recht, was nicht von mir verlangt, am Tresen zu stehen und Dinge wie "Ich hĂ€tte gerne zwei GoldschĂ€tzchen und einen KĂŒrbistraum" sagen zu mĂŒssen.

  • ichUwUiel
  • Barbarei, man kann es nicht anders nennen.

  • Fond memories
  • That was my first smartphone, and I absolutely loved it! Shame nothing like it ever came out again.

  • I HATE
  • The logo in the bottom right is from a German satirical TV show, so "fake" is a good bet (dunno though, haven't seen it).

  • ichđŸ„™iel
  • ichđŸ„™iel
  • Und Kiel.

  • Old school rig
  • I recently bought a Brother Innov-IS and found it really easy to get started with. Didn't think I would enjoy sewing this much.

  • I've gotten my work to pay a "Neovim subscription" for two years
  • How I imagine this conversation went: "Look, I realize you don't want to pay for something that's free, but you have to understand that it's virtually impossible to exit this program."

  • Calls for J.D. Vance to resign after he admits that he 'created' pet-eating story about immigrants
  • The crazy thing is: If he hadn't admitted this, there wouldn't have been calls for his resignation. The Republican party is fine with spreading harmful misinformation, but admitting to it is a no-go.

  • ich_iel
  • Und sind diese richtig guten Maimai-Ideen jetzt hier mit uns im Raum?

  • Anon scentmaxxes
  • Coincidentally, this is also what the French smelled like centuries ago.

  • If it works it works.
  • Not sure I've ever seen an Arch user say that (not saying that never happened, just not anywhere I could've encountered it). It's a meme at this point.

  • elucidating đŸ€ŒđŸŒ
  • Doing the Lord's work. The longer I work in academia, the more radical I become about keeping it simple.

  • Tabasco on pizza: Yay or Nay?

    My wife puts Tabasco sauce on her pizza, while I am convinced that an Italian person dies every time she does that. Help us sort this out, please.

    TIL that Joe Biden is from Scranton, PA

    Learned something new today while listening to a podcast about US politics.

    Etappensieg: Belgien scheitert mit Abstimmung zur Chatkontrolle

    Die EU-Staaten einigen sich heute nicht auf eine Position zur Chatkontrolle. Die RatsprÀsidentschaft hat die Abstimmung von der Tagesordnung genommen, weil sie keine ausreichende Mehrheit hat. Damit ist Belgien gescheitert, jetzt geht die PrÀsidentschaft an Ungarn.


    Are there any third-party clients for Android that allow posting to both X and Mastodon?

    I realize I may be out of luck here, because Twitter/X seems to have locked out third-party apps real good. Still, my line of work still has many folks on Twitter/X, which makes it difficult for me to fully switch over to Mastodon, and I would love a client that could ease the pains that this social media limbo currently imposes on me.

    Anlasslose MassenĂŒberwachung: Recherchen decken Netzwerk der Chatkontrolle-Lobby auf Anlasslose MassenĂŒberwachung: Recherchen decken Netzwerk der Chatkontrolle-Lobby auf –

    Ein breites Netzwerk aus Tech-Firmen, Stiftungen, Sicherheitsbehörden und PR-Agenturen lobbyiert auf höchster EU-Ebene fĂŒr die Chatkontrolle. Eine Recherche von mehreren europĂ€ischen Medien deckt nun die millionenschweren ZusammenhĂ€nge auf.

    Anlasslose MassenĂŒberwachung: Recherchen decken Netzwerk der Chatkontrolle-Lobby auf –

    Ein breites Netzwerk aus Tech-Firmen, Stiftungen, Sicherheitsbehörden und PR-Agenturen lobbyiert auf höchster EU-Ebene fĂŒr die Chatkontrolle. Eine Recherche von mehreren europĂ€ischen Medien deckt nun die millionenschweren ZusammenhĂ€nge auf.

    Link zum Original-Artikel bei Zeit Online (Paywall):

    Software Disenchantment Software disenchantment

    Everything is going to hell and nobody seems to care

    Recently re-discovered this gem of a blog post, written in 2018 by Nikita Propokov, about his disenchantment with the state of modern software. Do you think it's still relevant today (perhaps more/less so than it was when it was written)?

    rustydrd rustydrd
    Posts 24
    Comments 415