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Eat the rich?
  • According to this wikipedia page - Median wealth per adult globally is estimated at $8,654 for a total population figure of 5.5 million, quite a bit less than the global population estimated at 8.1 billion. I'm guessing because this is "per adult" rather than per person. The children of the world are all on the low end of the wealth spectrum and probably would be a large share of the 3.6 billion.

    Also questions can be asked about how they value wealth, do we consider debts, which case there's a lot of people with zero wealth or less, as well as a lot of people who don't have bank accounts and whose wealth is hard to measure is any ordinary sense. Point being, this particular comparison is kind of meaningless without more context. There's probably ways you can do it to get an even larger number than 3.6 billion.

    But a more useful and perhaps more surprising metric is that 8 people have as much wealth as 158 million median people. Which is still ridiculous, like those 8 people are worth a Russia's entire population's worth of people. And not just of poor people, but your average adult person who likely has a job and may even be considered on the well-to-do side within some poorer countries.

  • Arizona toddler rescued after getting trapped in a Tesla with a dead battery | The Model Y’s 12-volt battery, which powers things like the doors and windows, died
  • The typical argument against that is "but then it should be up to consumers to not buy a car that poses an unacceptable risk of killing their children rather than letting big government decide for them." And as silly as that argument sounds, it's been pretty successful in the halls of congress. So shitting on Tesla is kinda all we have.

  • What do you think the Great Filter is?
  • There's a lot of possibilities.

    My top contender would be a desire to explore, which probably requires consciousness. Given that we have pretty much no idea what leads to consciousness, it can be guessed (dubiously) that if it arose more easily then we'd have an explanation by now. It could be that it's an extremely rare phenomenon, and there may even be other planets with "intelligent" but mechanistic beings that act entirely for their own survival and don't build civilizations or explore much.

    Second would be intergalactic and to a lesser degree interstellar travel. If we assume both 1) intelligent civilizations are extremely rare and 2) faster-than-light transportation is impossible, it could be that everyone is just too spread out to make contact.

    Third, and the one I most feel is right but it requires pretending I understand quantum physics (which I don't) and probably offending many that do, is the notion that the concrete universe is not large but small and has no objective existence independent of our respective perceptions, and any part of the universe that's invisible is a mere wave function that will only have concrete reality upon our perceiving it. I make the further dubious assumption that conscious beings can't be part of the wave function. So there.

  • Removed
    What's the best possible justification for vandalizing a library?
  • I think it makes sense to care more about problems that are solvable. If anyone out there has a realistic plan to reduce the suffering of the people of Gaza in any sort of lasting manner, I've yet to hear it.

    But people spray painting the library? Yeah that can be solved. Report them to the police, take pictures. No tanks necessary.

  • Why are Republicans/Conservatives embracing fanaticalism these days?
  • I'd suspect it's reaction to large cultural shifts in the last couple of decades - including gay and trans rights, George Floyd and increased racial integration in media, me too, etc. For whatever reason, perhaps loss aversion, many people tend to react angrily and violently to change and the threat of change. Perhaps it's analogous to how communist movements in the early 20th century led to fascist movements a decade or two later.

    I also don't think it's the US only, so you can't put it all on Trump. I'd argue Trump and similar figures around the world are the result of the above counter-reaction.

  • It's how you turn a goth gf into a goth wife
  • I mean do girls actually like that thin moustache? And I feel like if I walked around in one of those velvet jacket things everyone would just be creeped out and/or think I'm wearing it inside out. And I'd be hot, like sweaty kind of hot.

  • NASA finds humanity would totally fumble asteroid defense
  • "Sustaining the space mission, disaster preparedness, and communications efforts across a 14-year timeline would be challenging due to budget cycles, changes in political leadership, personnel, and ever-changing world events," the report says.

    First administration: "We must do something about the asteroid. I've started a plan to divert it, but it'll take several years."

    Second administration: "The asteroid is a corrupt globalist conspiracy. We never needed to divert asteroids in the past, why do we supposedly need to spend all your hard-earned tax dollars on this all of a sudden? I will prove my anti-elitist attitudes by cancelling the asteroid program as soon as I take office."

    Third administration: "Yes we recognize that the asteroid is a threat, but as we saw last time there's just too much political resistance to solving it. Let's focus on other priorities that we can solve."

  • Tea Time
  • I guess I'm an ingredient purist, preparation rebel. If your house is surrounded by tea plants, and the tea leaves fall in the gutter, how is that different from brewing tea the normal way?

  • Elon Musk Begs Advertisers to Return as Twitter's Revenue Plunges
  • He deserves to lose every dollar, it's the most arrogant business move in history and he disrupted thousands of lives of workers with good jobs in the process. Unfortunately it's only like 10% of his net worth, he's the one who will suffer the least relatively speaking.

  • Fuck oil.
  • Start with a carbon tax. It's crazy that the one thing in the world that's free everywhere is air pollution that destroys the whole planet. And many of the activities that contribute to it are heavily subsidized. Just make things cost what they should cost, and the rest solves itself.

  • Why are fuel perks at grocery stores so ubiquitous?

    This seems insane to me. I live in a city where maybe 50-60% of people have cars, and most don't drive them that much. Yet every grocery store I'm aware of with the sole exception of the expensive Whole Foods has a fuel rewards points program. Reasons this should be controversial enough to enable a low-cost alternative:

    1. Many people don't drive and therefore pay a little more for groceries because it includes a perk they don't use
    2. It seems like a very ardent pro-fossil fuel move that you'd think would cause some sort of negative attention from environment activists.
    3. The subsidy typically applies as an amount off per gallon, so you end up really subsidizing big vehicles with big gas tanks. Again, really makes some customers subsidize others and you'd think people (other than me) would be annoyed at this.

    But yet, virtually every grocery store does this. Anyone know why? Does the fossil fuel industry somehow encourage this?

    Roger Stone Caught on Tape Discussing Trump’s Plan to Challenge 2024 Election
  • Well that's an even older decision:

    Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137 (1803), was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court that established the principle of judicial review, meaning that American courts have the power to strike down laws and statutes they find to violate the Constitution of the United States. Decided in 1803, Marbury is regarded as the single most important decision in American constitutional law.

  • Child Advocates Back Surgeon General's Call for Tobacco-Like Warnings on Social Media
  • The point isn't to have it be a lie detector but a factual claim detector. So you have an neural network that reads statements and says "this thing is saying something factual" or "this is just an opinion/obvious joke/whatever" and a person grades the responses to train it. So then the AI just says "hey this thing is making some sort of fact-related claim" and then the warning applies no matter what.

  • Blocking users is easy

    Being a mod carries great powers and pretty much no responsibility.

    New rule: multiple rule violations results in a ban. Applies ex post facto.

    Is it dumb to create a wiki in this day and age?

    I have a vague idea to create a wiki for politics-related data. Basically, I'm annoyed with how low-effort, entirely un-researched content dominates modern politics. I think a big part of the problem is that modern political figures use social media platforms that are hostile to context and citing sources.

    So my idea for a solution is to create a wiki where original research is not just allowed but encouraged. For example, you could have an article that's a breakdown of the relative costs to society of private vs public transportation, with calculations and sources and tables and whatnot. It wouldn't exactly be an argument, but all the data you'd need to make one. And like wikipedia, anyone can edit it, allowing otherwise massive research tasks to be broken up.

    The problem is - who creates a wiki nowadays? It feels like getting such a site and community up and running would be hopeless in a landscape dominated by social media. Will this be a pointless waste of time? Is there a more modern way to do this? All thoughts welcome.

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