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Working on the setup this weekend now that the pantry is getting closer to being finished.
  • I can't help you with that but it brought to mind a funny story. I was at a customer's house doing some work and she was on a conference call so unable to be attentive. Her robot vac started working the bedrooms and bathroom where her catbox was and that glorious kitty had kicked out a sizable nugget that the robot grabbed and smeared all the way down the carpeted hallway and back.

  • Men who shave...
  • Every other or every third day depending on how I feel. Shaving cream in the shower, no mirror.

  • Sewer Vent Through Middle of Standing Seam
  • Unrelated to your concerns, I would suggest a screen or plumbing vent cap to keep rodents from dropping in through the vent. Most don't realize that this is a thing that happens.

  • Advice on wall insulation
  • Loose-fill insulation is not great in vertical applications. If you can afford it get spray foam. Otherwise you're probably best off with basic fiberglass batts.

  • Any HomeKit enabled desk lamps (UK)?
  • They all look like b-movie sci fi set pieces. Get a decent looking desk lamp and smarten it with a relay or plug.

  • Reusing vape batteries in flash lights? Is this a crazy idea.
  • I'm a vaper and a flashlight enthusiast. Used up vape batteries are basically flaccid shadows of their former glory. You will get a dim glow for a few minutes and that shit will fail on you. Buy new cells for your vapes and your flashlights. Old cells are for recycling.

  • Which Macbook and mini as home media server/backup target
  • Don't sweat the RAM. The M series really are different than the intel forebears. You'll be fine with all of your considered options.

  • Why don't we hear more about the 2017 Las Vegas shooting? It was the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history, we never found a motive, and it seems no one ever mentions it.
  • The dumb motherfucker who did this was just a homicidal twat. There was no "reason" or manifesto that was given, it was just some whack-job wanting to kill lotso-people.

    Gun control is a joke in America...I'm sad about that.

  • NSFW
    What does "araffe" mean?
  • I think, based on responses indicating AI influence, that this is a a worthwhile filter/exclude keyword. I have only encountered the word while viewing /all and it is normally in the /garterbelt forum. Perhaps there is a bot a play?

  • Laundry detergents with strong smelling aroma should be banned
  • I have to use fragrance and dye free detergent or I am a total mess - hives, pimples, inflamed irritation spots and even fever. I am flat-out allergic to that shit!

  • Relay and sensor for ice maker
  • The ice maker will have a dramatically different power draw if it is on or off. The Eve energy plug can monitor its draw and you can write logic to differentiate on/off. The Shelly can turn it off or on based on your needs.

  • Relay and sensor for ice maker
  • The shelly 1 is inexpensive and can absolutely be used as a momentary button controller out of the box (an advertised use case is garage door opener). For power sensing you will need something that monitors the input power - perhaps an Eve energy plug?

  • former smokers, do you ever have random moments months or years later where you just get textbook "cravings" symptoms?
  • I quit smoking by switching to vape about 12 years ago. I had smoked a pack and a half of Marlboro reds a day for 30 years prior to that. After 30+ years of being hooked on the coffin nails I found a way out and I (and my family) are so grateful.

    I still have my nicotine fix, obviously, but I am so much less a slave to it. It used to be that I could not imagine being without a box of Marlboros and a lighter if I was leaving the house. Now, I don't think twice about heading out for a few hours with no vape (nicotine) with's just not that important.

    I will probably always ingest nicotine in one form or another (vape, gum, patch), as I do caffeine. I no longer feel like I am controlled by it thanks to vaping.

    Give alternatives a try.

  • Report Finds ​Uvalde Police Waited 77 Minutes Debating Many Reasons Gunshots Could Be Going Off In Classroom
  • WTF is actually up with these "civil warriors" who abstained? I live in TX and the general vibe is "if someone needs killin' I'm down to do the deed." Most people are generally willing to wade in to conflict if it happens upon them. How, TF, did these diaper-wearing sacks of tears manage to get their law enforcement credentials stamped?

    If I ran away from my duties at work I would be fired immediately. They trained on their roles extensively - "how to neutralize an armed adversary, how to defuse an armed conflict situation, how to...for fuck's sake keep a child from being shot by an idiot." Every one of these cowards are still employed - whaat, the actual fuck, is up with that?!!

  • What's the best approach/pathway to learning iOS development?
  • Download Xcode and build a couple of small projects to get your feet wet. It is a really intuitive environment to code in. You don't need to pay anything to learn.

  • What's for dinner tonight? Sun 24 Dec 2023
  • I'm in US tonight (12/23) and we had Shrimp/jalepeno quesadillas. Tomorrow, Christmas Eve, we are planning on seafood chiopino - spicy broth and crab with bread for dipping. The grand finale on the 25th is a big "roast beast" - a large, boneless bib-eye roast salt crusted and served with fresh grated horseraddish root and au jus with Yorkshire pudding.

  • After Dallas reporter’s sudden exit, colleagues allege ‘culture of fear’
  • The DMN signed their own death warrant when they made obvious mistakes in their political endorsements in the previous presidential election cycle. They further obstructed their success with ridiculous subscription pricing changes making them inaccessible to most readers. The DMN is dead unless they clean house.

  • What is good to eat when you have no appetite?
  • My wife and friends think I am nuts, but when I'm feeling digestively challenged I go for the "burn it out" philosophy. I go to my local tex-mex place and wolf a couple bowls of spicy salsa. Follow up with a chile relleno covered in queso and I'm normally right as rain (after a quick stop in the quiet, tiled room of requirement).

  • Need help with lots of bug bits
  • Visit a dermatologist. I suspect that you're not dealing with bug bites but allergies or irritants. Bugs that bite are not invisible (fleas, ticks, bedbugs, mosquitos) - you would see them. By all means do not "bomb" or start spraying pesticides without positively identifying an actual pest.

  • Got my Drunken Slug account. What else do I need to get started?
  • You will want a download client - I prefer SABnzbd. You might want automators like sonarr, radarr. Someone will come along with a helpful start-to-finish guide for a complete automation setup. I set mine up so long ago I can't recall what workflow I used.

  • rouxdoo rouxdoo
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