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[Feature request] making Community links clickable
  • Clicking ! works Clicking this still doesn’t work. Is it the formatting? Maybe I’m doing it wrong. I use the „share“ function and it generates this link: So I assume it should open fine.

    [edit] test [edit2]

  • [Feature request] making Community links clickable
  • Clicking ! works Clicking this still doesn’t work. Is it the formatting? Maybe I’m doing it wrong.

  • Looking for games that will make me cry
  • I may be a bit late to the party but The last of us 1&2 had a pretty emotional impact on me. The game is pretty brutal, in every meaning, but the overall experience and story telling is hard to top.

    I highly recommend to not get spoiled and play it in order of release!

  • [Feature request] making Community links clickable

    In this post are links to communities that aren’t clickable. Are you planing to implement that, so I can click the link and the proper community will show up?

    [edit] I also just noticed that clicking the link above will open the browser and not in app. In app would be cool too…

    Today, Reddit forcibly removed me (and everyone else) as mods of /r/iOSProgramming, a subreddit of about 130k users. I was keeping the sub private / NSFW | Tanner B 🦕🧁 (
  • I learned he’s not but I’m a simple person, lol. Adding 1 & 1 takes a bit sometimes. Thanks for letting me know.

  • Today, Reddit forcibly removed me (and everyone else) as mods of /r/iOSProgramming, a subreddit of about 130k users. I was keeping the sub private / NSFW | Tanner B 🦕🧁 (
  • Never mind. Maybe he’ll read it, maybe not. He did the right thing imo and all i wanted is giving back. Thank you for informing me about the topic and my misinterpretation.

  • Featured
    Bean is Now Available on the App Store
  • Thanks a lot. Keep up the great work and say hi to Jazzy from me.

  • Featured
    Bean is Now Available on the App Store
  • Yeah, I know. I’ll get Pro in the official release and wonder if I’ll keep the Pro status if I support the betas in the TestFlight.

  • Featured
    Bean is Now Available on the App Store
  • Finally my go to Lemmy app is in the AppStore. Your app made the transition from reddit over to Lemmy much much easier for me. Thank you very much! Can’t wait what the future is brining… Will Pro carry over to testflight?

  • German buyers be warned: smythstoys is selling the Baby version of the Longshot Pro

    I was excited getting the Longshot Pro in Germany finally. At home I put her on the shooting range and was like wtf… it’s worse then Nerf. I checked the PT but it looks fine. I’ve then seen the label on the box: only up to 66ft / 20m

    Don’t buy at smythstoys or you have to mod it !

    Elegoo Neptune 4 Pro Shipping?
  • I ordered in Europe but shipping here is about 3-4 weeks because of high demand. I ordered July 17th and expected delivery is about 14th of august. For that specific printer it was mentioned during ordering process. [edit] yeah I just checked. US delivery is within august and from the day of shipping it takes 3-5 business days. So you should get it before September I suppose.

  • Crash Reports
  • 2023. iPhone 14pro iOS 16.5.1

    I updated the App and it crashed after scrolling through all in card layout, black theme. It crashed at the 16th post and it was the first start for about 20-24h. After restart I could scroll past the 16th post without hiccups.

  • Crash Reports
  • It happened two times today. On different posts, can’t say it was something specific. Seems it happens when bean wasn’t open for some time (hours).

  • Crash Reports
  • 2023. iPhone 14pro iOS 16.5.1

    App crashes browsing All, scrolling over the first about 5-10 posts (card layout). After the restart it was stable.

  • Locked
    [Megathread] v0.1 Feedback
  • The overlay is a bit confusing at the bottom of a thread and it’s hard to reach the upvote on the left. [edit] bean is still my go to Lemmy client btw. Can’t wait for the upcoming releases. You’re a blast, Steve. Thanks a lot.

  • Please help me choose my next trilogy trilogy
  • Heya, i may be a bit late to the party (as I am with my games, lol) but I can highly recommend the Gears of War Franchise. If you’re into action games with interesting characters and we’ll balanced gameplay, this is perfect for you. Awesome pacing between action and story. I’ve binged through 1-4 in a few weeks. Now I’m a bit stuck on 5 because of that one Boss fight, but so far the series is amazing imo

  • If you have really bad tinnitus, you can use your iPhone and Airpods Pro to get some relief.
  • There’s an App called Mimi Hearing Test It’s self explanatory and you’ll get a sound profile for your AirPods. It’s like HD hearing after you saved it to your phone. It levels out your frequencies. Once done you can’t go back.

  • Locked
    [Megathread] v0.1 Feedback
  • Thank you. Relaunching the app got me the floating buttons. Haven’t seen them before.

  • Locked
    [Megathread] v0.1 Feedback
    • If I want to reply to the OP-Post I can’t swipe it but have to press the little speech bubbe/ comment count.

    • it would be a nice QOL feature to open posts by clicking anywhere instead of the headline only (card layout).

    • I can’t see my comments in my own profile (maybe .world problem).

    • I can’t find the button to create a post in a community

  • [Self Promo] My Lemmy client, Bean is now available on TestFlight
  • You‘re faster then light buddy. Thanks a lot. I really love your app. As soon as everything is working properly I can uninstall every other Lemmy app.

  • UNESCO cathedral in Odessa after Russian missile attack
  • He can’t because he’s an orc bot

  • Roast Beef and vegetables…

    …backwards and slow cooked in the oven for about 4 hours.

    Mommy for Lemmy

    Hey Dudebros. There’s finally a native App for iOS. Memmy for Lemmy. Unfortunately it has no N-Strike barrel lug but you can download it here:

    robmexx robmexx
    Posts 5
    Comments 48