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Configurable OpenSCAD calendar
  • Heh, indeed I wrote a proper code to calculate the day, it's called Zeller's congruence and feels like magic.

  • Configurable OpenSCAD calendar Configurable calendar by Rikudou

    A fully customizable calendar created in OpenSCAD!FeaturesThe days are always correct - uses an algorithm to calculate the correct day for any date. So if you want to print a calendar for 2077, rest assured that the model will calculate the correct day for the 1st of January (it's Friday, btw).G...

    So, a few days ago I've written about a then work-in-progress configurable calendar model and now we're ready to roll!


    • The days are always correct - uses an algorithm to calculate the correct day for any date. So if you want to print a calendar for 2077, rest assured that the model will calculate the correct day for the 1st of January (it's Friday, btw).
    • Generate only select months - the full model measures 240x240 mm, which might be quite large for some smaller printers. You can generate only months 1-6 and then separately months 7-12 and voilá, it fits.
    • Choose how many months are on each row - what would it help cutting the calendar in half by only selecting half of the months if you couldn't fit 3 columns on your print bed? Well, just change the amount of columns, of course! Set it to 2 and the model fits again.
    • Custom holidays - every country has different holidays and here you can put them all easily!
    • No AMS or MMU? No problem! - supports printing both with AMS/MMU and without. With a simple toggle you can switch between multi material mode and a mode where each colored part has different height for manual color switching
    • Are Saturdays worth celebrating? - you decide! A simple toggle to toggle whether Saturdays have that holiday/Sunday color or not
    • Magnet or hook holes? - or both? You can configure the diameter, width, height and whatnot of either or both.
    • What the f…ont! - choose your font, choose your font size.
    • No hablo English? - just translate the calendar to your language! Title, month names and day names are all translatable.
    [Work In Progress] Parametric OpenSCAD calendar
  • What algorithm did you use?

  • [Work In Progress] Parametric OpenSCAD calendar
  • Just a calendar to hang on the fridge. To be fair, my main reason for doing it was to see if it's possible. Do you have any other use cases in mind?

  • [Work In Progress] Parametric OpenSCAD calendar
  • It doesn't currently, don't know if it's possible like that. But you can input your own holidays, which is what I did for the screenshots.

  • [Work In Progress] Parametric OpenSCAD calendar

    So, I'm making a fully customizable calendar in OpenSCAD with the following features:

    • correct columns for every date - uses an algorithm to calculate the correct day of the week for any date, you just change the year and the calendar is correct
    • fully translatable
    • supports custom holidays
    • supports both MMU/AMS and single extruder (with the help of M600 or similar)

    Planned features:

    • configurable holes for magnets or holes for hanging the calendar
    • configurable first day of the week

    I can share the SCAD file, though beware it's a work in progress and I haven't test printed it yet.

    Some screenshots:

    Click here to view the screenshots

    UK calendar with holidays 2024:


    UK calendar with holidays 2025:


    Czech calendar with holidays 2024:



    What do you think?

    10 has 200 indexed pages in search engines?
  • I wouldn't say it's too much or too low, in the end it doesn't really matter due to the nature of the fediverse. Some of it is indexed here, some of that somewhere else, the important part is that it's indexed.

  • [OpenSCAD] Configurable household task planner Configurable Household Task Planner by Rikudou

    V3 updateAdded support for choosing a different font due to the inability to use Korean. For Korean I recommend downloading the font Noto Sans KR and then setting the font in the customizer to Noto Sans KR:style=Regular. You can also use the Makerworld customizer which has the font installed.V2 upda...

    I made a configurable Task planner that you can easily edit using OpenSCAD customizer (or various compatible customizers like the one on Makerworld).

    I've posted this here once already some time ago, so here's what's changed:

    • tasks can now be provided as a comma-separated items
    • font can be changed in customizer (added due to a request for Korean language support)
    Hamas Wants Guarantees Ceasefire Will Actually Happen, While US Says Hamas Is Rejecting the Proposal
  • How am I supposed to answer a stupid question like that? Should I elaborate or what? They asked a stupid question, they got a stupid answer, end of story. Look through my history if you fancy so, I'm not a troll, I'm just tired of people like you. I'm all grown up, so guess I'll have to fuck off. Not engaging with you does not sound that bad.

  • Hamas Wants Guarantees Ceasefire Will Actually Happen, While US Says Hamas Is Rejecting the Proposal
  • At least I'm not too disgusting, otherwise I might go around and start calling people names online to feel like a big boy. I'm tired of you tools supporting terrorists and somehow pretending that's fine because Israel is bad.

  • Redout 2 free on Epic Games

    Store description:

    > The fastest racing game in the universe. Redout 2 is a tribute to classic arcade racing games and the sequel to the critically acclaimed Redout, where racing through the dystopian wastelands of a semi-abandoned Earth is one of the galaxy’s most popular sports.

    Stream reviews: 79%

    Redout 2 free on Epic Games

    Store description:

    > The fastest racing game in the universe. Redout 2 is a tribute to classic arcade racing games and the sequel to the critically acclaimed Redout, where racing through the dystopian wastelands of a semi-abandoned Earth is one of the galaxy’s most popular sports.

    Stream reviews: 79%

    Redout 2 free on Epic Games

    Store description:

    > The fastest racing game in the universe. Redout 2 is a tribute to classic arcade racing games and the sequel to the critically acclaimed Redout, where racing through the dystopian wastelands of a semi-abandoned Earth is one of the galaxy’s most popular sports.

    Stream reviews: 79%

    [Epic Games] Redout 2

    Store description:

    > The fastest racing game in the universe. Redout 2 is a tribute to classic arcade racing games and the sequel to the critically acclaimed Redout, where racing through the dystopian wastelands of a semi-abandoned Earth is one of the galaxy’s most popular sports.

    Stream reviews: 79%

    [Epic Games] Redout 2

    Store description:

    > The fastest racing game in the universe. Redout 2 is a tribute to classic arcade racing games and the sequel to the critically acclaimed Redout, where racing through the dystopian wastelands of a semi-abandoned Earth is one of the galaxy’s most popular sports.

    Stream reviews: 79%

    Simple GOG client for Linux Minigalaxy version 1.3 is out now
  • Isn't that what Heroic does? Or does this do something else (or better)?

  • Hamas Wants Guarantees Ceasefire Will Actually Happen, While US Says Hamas Is Rejecting the Proposal
  • They aren't the good guys. Neither are the terrorists who murdered Israelis long before the current conflict. You realize you don't have to support terrorists to be against a genocide, right?

  • Hamas Wants Guarantees Ceasefire Will Actually Happen, While US Says Hamas Is Rejecting the Proposal
  • Did I say that? Just to clarify: I didn't and I don't think so.

    I know it's hard to grasp, but there are people who think the hamas terrorists are disgusting and at the same time the Israeli genocide is disgusting.

    You know that you don't have to support terrorists just to condemn a genocide, right?

  • Hamas Wants Guarantees Ceasefire Will Actually Happen, While US Says Hamas Is Rejecting the Proposal
  • Not a straw man, but whatever. If you fail to see that the comment I was replying to is basically "they're not the good guys, BUT...", not much to discuss. I'll maybe just add that a few years ago, when comments like "I'm not racist, BUT..." were everywhere, people like you were going around telling everyone that the part before the BUT doesn't count, so I took the liberty of ignoring it.

    So, is it hypocrisy or just cognitive dissonance?

  • Hamas Wants Guarantees Ceasefire Will Actually Happen, While US Says Hamas Is Rejecting the Proposal
  • How the hell Hamas are the good guys when they're the ones that pushed Israel for so long that it finally snapped? Have we forgotten them proudly parading a dead/unconscious girl nude around the streets.

  • Photographer Disqualified From AI Image Contest After Winning With Real Photo
  • So, the photography competition that was won by an AI image shouldn't have disqualified the image?

  • Removed Deleted
    MAJOR: Russia Officially Becomes World's 4th Largest Economy, Passing Japan
  • What a load of bull crap. GDP PPP does not mean they're the 4th largest economy, even if the numbers could be trusted (no idea if they can, I don't really care).

    Also the comment from that Russian fella is hilarious - apparently they have larger salaries than Americans! Especially funny given the context where the USA is above Russia in GDP PPP.

    Usually when you talk about "largest economies", you talk about nominal GDP. And congrats Russia, thanks to waging a war, you have apparently fallen out of the top ten!

    In short, this is a propaganda piece which is intentionally very misleading and full of lies and half-thruths.

  • Andrej Karpathy endorses Apple Intelligence
  • What the hell is the fella smoking if he thinks Apple would ever let others use their on-device LLM? Like, the company that deems it too dangerous if apps could change a wallpaper?

  • Andrej Karpathy endorses Apple Intelligence
  • Hey, I love my kernel processes! Especially my LLM kernel processes.

  • Open source ebook reader recommendations?

    Currently I'm using Google Play books and there are few things I'm used to and can't live without:

    • turning pages by volume keys
    • cloud syncing (doesn't have to be their cloud, but implementing some cloud services would be nice, bonus points for S3 compatible)
    • searching text in the book
    • supports epub

    I want to switch to something open source because I'm often using my S-Pen to turn pages and I'd like my book reader to support it too. I'm fine with contributing the code myself (as I've done for the comic book reader app I'm using), but if there already is one, it would save me some work.

    Open source ebook reader recommendations?

    Currently I'm using Google Play books and there are few things I'm used to and can't live without:

    • turning pages by volume keys
    • cloud syncing (doesn't have to be their cloud, but implementing some cloud services would be nice, bonus points for S3 compatible)
    • searching text in the book
    • supports epub

    I want to switch to something open source because I'm often using my S-Pen to turn pages and I'd like my book reader to support it too. I'm fine with contributing the code myself (as I've done for the comic book reader app I'm using), but if there already is one, it would save me some work.

    [DallE] Pollution

    Was originally meant to be a meltdown, but well, this is dystopian enough.

    [DallE] Pollution

    Was originally meant to be a meltdown, but well, this is dystopian enough.
