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How to get a bit more positivity in the Lemmy feed ?
  • I mostly subscribe to tech and news, which is mostly sad. I get suggestions to subscribe to Cyanide and Happiness which is supposed to be sad (I guess). Interesting suggestions, thanks 👍

  • How to get a bit more positivity in the Lemmy feed ?

    I know a lot of shitty things are happening in the world right now. But I get this feeling that most of the posts I see in lemmy feed are sad or depressing.

    Are there any uplifting communities that I'm missing out on ?

    Edit1: Thanks for the suggestions everyone

    Giving Windows total recall is a privacy minefield
  • What's the point of this feature ? If it were not evil, what problem would it solve ? How often do you go to your PC and think "what was that thing I saw but never thought to create a bookmark or save the link/image".

    Even if people use it, it would be for something they missed because they thought it was unimportant or didn't interest them, which is a very rare use case.

    And still it is a highlight feature !

    I wonder if it is lack of ideas or lack of commitment to create a good idea , given a technology, when these kinds of useless features are launched.

  • What would you ask to a potential partner in a partner compatibility survey?
  • "What is the greatest value a person should seek ?" and try to understand their point of view. Tell yours and see if they understand it. It doesn't have to be the same, just both need to accept each other's point of view.

    My answer - humility

  • People left seriously creeped out after woman shares how to find out everything Google knows about you
  • Also one or a few people turning it off doesn't matter much. The tech giants still get their demographic statistics from the ones who haven't (which is the larger percentage of the population). You could be spending money on things based on targeted ads for your demographic.

    In other words, you are creeped out about wondering what they could do with your personal data if you turn it on. But you should be even more creeped out about how your daily decisions are already influenced by them using others data

  • What are some things that you like to watch in the side or in the background when you do stuff ?

    Edit: I'm basically looking for new topics to explore to add to my YouTube feed/subscriptions 😁

    Edit2: Great recommendations. Thank you everyone

    Using gaming controllers for anything other than gaming ?

    Wondering if anyone has experimented with using controllers (PS/xbox/other) to do anything other than gaming ?

    Are the languages that can be fluently spoken only if you are descendent of a particular community/country ?
  • Ok. I thought I'll clear things up. Yes I had received the relevant responses and I'm happy with the answers I got.

    But I'd like to bring attention to comments like yours or the one prior to it, because I see such comments throughout lemmy. It assumes the worst from someone's post/comment and gives a negative spin for the discussion.

    My question was genuine and if you must know it arose from my curiosity that if there will be a language that I cannot be 100% fluent in even if I try. Thought I'd ask with others.

    But now I'm wondering if any of my comments were offensive and reading through them again I don't think I was (hence this response). Again since I'm a non native English speaker, I apologise if it were.

    But the whole discussion has moved away from the original point. I had never heard of Eugenics, which from the little I read now, are deeply disturbing concepts. I'm sad that my question could be compared to it.

    The point is to ask stupid questions here. And mine was stupid enough. I got my responses from others. But please stop this trend of putting words into people's mouths and negativistic spin on things. It doesn't brew a healthy community. People will fear asking questions here (or anywhere in Lemmy).

  • Are the languages that can be fluently spoken only if you are descendent of a particular community/country ?

    I find it amazing that if a child is brought up in a community/country different from the origin of the child, the child is still able to pick up and speak their language fluently. Our ability, as humans, to imitate and communicate is incredibly complex regardless of where we are from.

    So my question is, is there a language that cannot be spoken like this? One which only people with a certain genetic advantage can speak fluently during upbringing.

    Of course anyone can learn a language by putting effort into it. My question is only for one learnt during upbringing (native language).

    (Not sure why my responses are downvoted. I'm a non-native English speaker. Sorry if I didn't communicate something properly. It's just a scientific curiosity.)

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    In the darkest of nights, you won't be scared, UNTIL the red pigeon arrives

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