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The cycle of pants continues
  • That reminds me that I have cheesecake in the fridge.

  • Elon Musk Begs Advertisers to Return as Twitter's Revenue Plunges
  • What are you talking about? There is no law or regulation requiring that text to be censored. They did it because they wanted to.

  • For the dudes here... What "girl" song you secretly love?
  • I’ve never checked a songs genitalia myself.

  • Removed
    TBH 6 was kind of a downgrade from 5
  • Who actually plays Civ multiplayer?

  • Poll: More than 60% of middle class say they’re ‘struggling financially’ and are not expecting things to turn around for the rest of their lives
  • As if Americans have any control over the change. Even if they/we did want it our capitalist overlords would never allow it to happen. They only want the illusion of freedom.

  • ‘It’s time we put a felon in the White House,’ California sheriff says
  • Only if an electoral tie happens and that is t very likely in the upcoming election.

  • After the Trump verdict, most Republicans say they're OK with having a criminal as president | YouGov
  • How are those two things even comparable? One is a fascist and the other an old man. They don’t belong in the same sentence let alone a discussion about who is a qualified candidate for president. Get the fuck out of here with this garbage.

  • High Rates and Prices Leave Many Stuck in a Starter Home
  • People don’t need 10+ kids either.

  • Minecraft 15 years
  • Feels like much longer.

  • Meet my new puppy: Ass!
  • Meatloaf

  • Morgan Spurlock, documentary filmmaker behind 'Super Size Me,' dies at 53
  • Depending on how you define the time frame and and a celebrity I would say they come in the dozens if not hundreds.

  • I'm in!
  • Given the example from the comic the email he sent would be sufficient proof.

  • Fry wonders
  • It’s still a work in progress. I can be patient while the community and support grows.

  • TIL in Japan raw eggs are generally safe to eat. This is because the country has developed a "super egg machine" that checks the inside of the eggs for salmonella using spectroscopic analysis. It a...
  • Most eggs sold in American stores are pasteurized. It is most likely fine to eat raw eggs bought in America as well. You just need to avoid the unpasteurized ones which I have never seen sold in stores. I’m not saying they aren’t, I just don’t see them.

  • Do you think younger generations will enjoy Futurama (both new/upcoming episodes and older content)?
  • My son who is 15 just started watching it and loves it. Seems like it has appeal across generations.