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  • This is good, I'm stealing it

  • This sub can be lame sometimes but this post has that old r/cth energy
  • This sub is mostly zoomers and you need to let kids be kinda lame sometimes, it's in their nature

  • Share your desktop wallpapers

    My dumb ass didn't back up /usr and lost some wallpapers, share your desktop wallpapers in this thread

    You could have fooled me.
  • "alternative food sources"

  • You could have fooled me.
  • You can literally eat those people when they die of exposure as well

  • You could have fooled me.
  • Tsk tsk tsk, you did a mass incarceration

  • You could have fooled me.
  • Did you pull the fascism lever and start the public executions or did you just make giant ass prisons?

  • You could have fooled me.
  • Did you do new order?

  • You could have fooled me.
  • I love frostpunk but it is a depression simulator

  • What made you into a class enemy?
  • Honestly, a leftist CCC would be an amazing thing for people to do. I've done a couple things like that for a local org and it was incredibly rewarding.

  • Centrists are just as annoying as chuds
  • Dark triad more like tri-and read some theory, amirite?

  • What made you into a class enemy?
  • Lmao someone said the US army

    Imperialist dogs

  • The greatest food item to ever exist.
  • So beernis is within reach it seems

  • The greatest food item to ever exist.
  • I thought potatoes were mostly starch, how does vodka work if that's the case?

  • She's at it again
  • Chat is this real?

  • Saturday Night Liberalism once again proves that every accusation is in fact, a confession Fast Fashion Ad - SNL

    A commercial promotes a fast fashion company from China.Saturday Night Live. Stream now on Peacock: to SNL:

    Fast Fashion Ad - SNL

    Friendly reminder that China doesn't use unpaid labor, the uyghur "genocide" is a myth and that the US has not ended slavery.

    ITT we share slurs for the honkaliods

    You know, the mayos, cumskins, seasoning impared, Wisconsinoids

    Are the people who think Biden legalized weed allergic to reading?

    Seriously, he moved it to schedule 2, all that means is that a few people might be able to use it medically. Meth is schedule 2 for Christ's sake.

    Turns out it's schedule 3, not 2. Roman numerals are the XIIth type of liberalism.

    Where do people buy things that don't break?

    Whenever I buy clothes they always end up getting holes quickly, I burn through socks fast, my bags keep breaking, my phones magically shit themselves and my chargers melt. I'm sick of everything being a wear part and I'm wondering where people get things that last.

    Man or Bear

    Yes I know this is a stupid question but I'm bored

    Recommend a video essay or podcast episode

    Quickly please the plane is about to take off.

    Also trans stuff is cool.

    I swear to God the people talking about the hostages are the hostages are the worst people

    It's like a hundred people, Israel killed a big chunk of them and a few Israel hostages is nothing compared to the tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians killed or sent to rot in an Israeli prison.

    Libs creating elaborate revenge fantasies about Trump Biden should just send Trump to jail since presidents can do whatever they want

    Posted in r/clevercomebacks by u/emilyblunt2023 • 27,582 points and 2,792 comments

    Biden should just send Trump to jail since presidents can do whatever they want

    Uncrititcal support for calling in an orbital strike to Reddit's servers (and why not take out AWS in the process)

    Sweden to join NATO It’s official: Sweden to join NATO

    Hungary finally lets Sweden into the military alliance, dealing a blow to Russia.

    It’s official: Sweden to join NATO
    How to deal with people that see capitalism as the issue but discourage any praxis or AES?

    How do people deal with left-leaning liberals that see that capitalism is leading to the inevitable destruction of human society, even recognize Israel is committing genocide, and other progressive opinions but refute every revolution or revolutionary action. The "communism won't work because human nature", "the USSR was communist", "(Stalin|Mao|Castro) killed x million but the US killed 5,000 in industrialization", state dept. parrots. How do people talk with those that get so close but refute any praxis. I know this topic has been discussed before and links to other talking points would be good.

    radiofreeval radiofreeval [she/her]

    The one true leftist

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    Comments 876