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Louisiana becomes 1st state to require the Ten Commandments be posted in classrooms
  • Welp...I was gonna visit NOLA one more time before moving from Texas to Oregon this summer and leaving the Deep South once and for all. But, as a public school teacher, I have to say this is completely and utterly monkeyfucked, and Louisiana isn't getting a thin-ass dime from me.

  • Limericks
  • 4 + (6! - 0.5(12^2 + (403 + 1))) = 2(15^2)

    Four plus the difference between

    The factorial of six and the mean

    Of twelve squared and four

    Hundred three (plus one more)

    Equals double the square of fifteen.

  • What are things considered romantic, to be avoided in a relationship?
  • Bad news. This is sound logic, but in NT world, there are all sorts of implied social contracts.

    Almost stopped reading here. There is no "NT world". It's just...the world. And it's made up of all sorts of people. I don't give a fuck about implied social contracts in relationships as they are bullshit. You talk together and figure out what your relationship is about. End of.

    Not everything needs to be spoken or written down. If I walk into a restaurant but there is no sign that says "please form a line to place your order," I'm not going to barge to the front and begin ordering, because "form a line and wait your turn" is understood to be how society functions.

    ...this is a gag, right? You're having me on?

    What you've written is not unlike a middle school persuasion paper: Written by someone with little understanding of the requisite material while using strained arguments to put forth an air of confidence in their position.

    Absolutely stopped reading here.

  • What are things considered romantic, to be avoided in a relationship?
  • You didn't do anything wrong, I don't think. Your partner has every right to feel hurt. She has feelings...she's a human being with human emotions, and they are telling her that she should feel hurt right now.

    But it is each individual person's responsibility to dig into why they have the feelings they do and not blame others for those feelings when it wasn't warranted.

    • Did she communicate to you that she wanted you to spend the entire evening with her on her birthday, and did you then agree to do that only to bounce early and then end up going to hang out with a friend instead? If so, then I'd probably feel less than important, if it were me, and Iight be questioning how important our relationship is to my partner.
    • Did she not communicate such a desire and is now indicating hurt by you spending time with a friend the same night as her birthday party? If so...if you didn't commit to spending the entire evening with her on her birthday...them she doesn't have a right to blame you for her hurt. You have a right to decide how you will spend your tiem and with whom, and if she wanted you to be at the party the whole evening, then she should have asked.
    • Or is it really more to do with her feeling jealousy and that she thinks you swimming with a friend is bordering on cheating (assuming you are monogamous together)? If so, then that is something you two will have to discuss together, to hammer out a relationship agreement in which you dig into what you will provide from the relationship, what you need from it, what you want from it, and what the dealbreakers are. If you've never had such a discussion and she is just assuming that you doing that was not kosher, then she would be in the wrong to expect more of you than you've committed to in your relationship.
  • Future Hitlers
  • As long as at least three out of every five people in your vicinity in an unhinged, egomaniacal racist who is just one criticism away from absolutely losing it, you can go get all of your blood replaced with everclear and then drive yourself home.

  • X now treats the term cisgender as a slur
  • They are being genuine. It is a terrific analysis. You are exactly right; in their minds, they are "normal", and anyone implying any sort of equal status between them and the "abnormals" pisses them off.

  • Why Republicans Are Targeting Socially Responsible Investing Why Republicans Are Targeting Socially Responsible Investing

    Republicans are on a “crusade” against responsible investing, says Andrew Behar, CEO of the nonprofit group As You Sow that promotes corporate responsibility through shareholder advocacy. His group was subpoenaed to testify before the House Judiciary Committee this week as Republicans probe whether ...

    Why Republicans Are Targeting Socially Responsible Investing

    tl;dr - House Republicans are targeting socially responsible investing, including investments that take into account environmental concerns like climate change.

    >And that’s a threat to them, because what they’re trying to do is to basically stop people from looking at the climate risk from the oil companies. And they’re saying, “Don’t look up.” They’re saying, “Put your head in the ground.” And what we’re saying is, “We need the freedom to invest.” Like, they’re trying to suppress our freedom to be able to make logical, good business choices. And in doing so, at the state level, their harming their own citizens. - Andrew Behar, CEO of non-profit group As You Sow which promotes corporate responsibility through shareholder advocacy, speaking to Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! - March 29, 2024

    Teacher who resigned after her OnlyFans page was discovered says new employer fired her for violating social media policy Teacher who resigned after her OnlyFans page was discovered says new employer fired her for violating social media policy

    Brianna Coppage said she made $1 million on the platform, which she was using to supplement her teaching salary.

    Teacher who resigned after her OnlyFans page was discovered says new employer fired her for violating social media policy

    Had to supplement her $42,000 per year teacher salary with OF and made nearly $1 million in six months (almost 50 times as her salary) before the school caught wind of it and forced her to resign. Got a new job out of education and was fired five days later when they discovered news articles about her.

    Edit: To those basically saying she had it coming because she made her OF account public...

    1. Sex work is real, valid work.
    2. There is nothing wrong with sex work. Sex-shaming is Puritanical horseshit.
    3. "But her students could find her OF!" is a problem their parents should have to solve. It is not her responsibility to use an alias, because of points 1 and 2.
    4. Every other argument criticizing her for her sex work during her non-teaching hours is fucking moot.
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