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Come watch mecha anime 🌈
  • Brave Bang Bravern at least has this:

  • Come watch mecha anime 🌈
  • Bottom left is Brave Bang Bravern, which is extremely gay. Bottom middle is Cross Ange, which I'm not too familiar with. Top right is I think Mobile Suit Gundam SEED. Bottom right I have no idea.

  • the struggle
  • This is me rn but with gunpla kits

  • Does it still count as low hanging fruit if it's an OP from a lib on an instance we are federated with condemning HYPOTHETICALLY killing ACTUAL FUCKING HITLER?
  • If I had a time machine, I would simply go to the future and pick up some cool weapons first, then go back and give Rosa Luxemburg a mech suit and a badass plasma sword.

  • Kabin Crew - The Spark
  • Scarlet Johansson?

  • Smashing Pumpkins - 1979
  • I kinda feel like a lot of the original more melodic Smashing Pumpkins sound was due to D'Arcy/Iha and not Corgan, given that Corgan's later stuff just wasn't nearly as good, but I could be wrong.

  • Smashing Pumpkins - 1979
    Someone mentioned that Hexbear shows up high in search results on Yandex and holy shit
  • How do we get boosted on Baidu now? Xi pls help us

  • calling out from work tips for someone bad at lying
  • Yeah, if they try to push more, implying diarrhea almost always stops the discussion right then and there.

  • Can anyone here explain link tracking tokens and why they are or aren’t something to be seriously concerned about?

    Recently I’ve become a little more paranoid about this. I also try to remove them when I post anywhere besides private discord server, but I’m wondering how justified my paranoia is and if it’s something I should encourage others to be cautious about.

    This is what happens when you don't have a vanguard party
  • I can't believe they're letting kids see this kinda filth

  • Any Dermatologist not in bed with Big Soap will agree!!
  • Yeah, for some reason I was thinking Angles and Saxons were considered Vikings but I was totally wrong on that. You are correct.

  • Any Dermatologist not in bed with Big Soap will agree!!
  • Well, I mean, the modern English are sort of descended from Vikings (Anglo-Saxons). Scots and Irish are still mostly Celtic though (I think) and those places are way cooler, so not sure this argument holds

  • Any Dermatologist not in bed with Big Soap will agree!!
  • I think the Romans also attempted this with the British, from what I've read.

  • This "My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted..." Facebook post is probably a fake. But what if it's not???
  • It’s almost certainly fake but that isn’t going to stop chuds from inventing a new conspiracy theory about it

  • What in the mother of fuck is going on with LinkedIn influencers
  • Holy shit, are you telling me we all just got bamboozled here? If this really is a bit, it certainly fooled me.

  • What in the mother of fuck is going on with LinkedIn influencers
  • Throwing baby Hitler into a wood chipper just seems so much easier tho

  • Found a coworker's reddit account and they post a lot of misogynistic, transphobic, anti-family (?) comments. What should I do?
  • There's already some good ideas here, but another one I'll throw out is that you can fill out a form online (or call 1-888-LDS-7700) to request a mormon missionary. Just give them your coworkers name and address, including maybe work address. They are extremely annoying and hard to get rid of, and your coworker will suffer for it.

    You can also mail them a giant cardboard penis anonymously with, though I haven't tried this myself.

  • So which is it?
  • New site tagline???

  • Japan’s latest bizarre delicacy: armpit rice balls made with cute girls’ sweat Japan’s latest bizarre delicacy: armpit rice balls made with cute girls’ sweat

    A strange new twist on a classic Japanese snack, which involves the underarm sweat of the women who prepare it, is being proudly promoted in some high-end establishments.

    Japan’s latest bizarre delicacy: armpit rice balls made with cute girls’ sweat
    Calva Louise - Con Corazón
    pooh pooh [she/her, any]
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