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Supreme Court weakens federal regulators with Chevron overturning, threatening net neutrality, right to repair, big tech regulation, and more
  • The truth is the winners have already won, and no one else ever will. They do not intend to make the American Dream obtainable for anyone but Those Approved.

    It's a big club. You aren't in it. I'm not in it. everyone you or I know isn't in it. You know when your in it, because you benefit from this. If you will likely lose benefits, like all of us will, you aren't in the club.

    How do you fight those in power uninterested in giving up that power?

    You take it from them.

  • Life pro tip: Maybe give her some pointers if it's her first blow job.
  • And then there's me. Who has been with one woman, who was actually appalled by the whole attachment thing, but controlled so much of my life that I became permanently awkward, uncomfortable AND stuck with super low self esteem.

    I don't know if I suck at sex, or just suck in general. If I survive this divorce I'll take that win right now.

  • CNN's debate was no fair fight
  • Or maybe we shouldn't have anyone debating a Facist anti-intellectual. Because you can't.

    It's like arguing with a toddler. You can't, because even when you are right you are wrong

  • When existing becomes illegal
  • Jeez. It's sort of the worst kind of dystopic future there is.

    Concrete walls, iron bars, hard labor, and an ever increasing debt.

    Maybe I'm dumb, but how hard would it be to just not agree to work? They gonna beat you to death? Sounds better than being a slave

  • How long would it take to create a Pyramid today?
  • If anyone wants to understand the pain of fissile uranium production, play factorio. Gives you a little tiny fraction of what it's like to produce enough fuel for a powerplant. You need a lot more for a bomb.

  • South Korea: Exploding lithium batteries spark deadly factory fire
  • So, maybe this is hindsight, but why were battery inspections and storage in the same location? If the batteries failed inspection (which I'm guessing the exploding ones would have, or at least do now) they should be kept separately from known good batteries right?

  • If you need me, I'll be over here banging my head on my desk repeatedly.
  • It's not even a hard thing to recognize. The most authoritative piece on Monsters, Monster Hunter, explains this in detail. And here I am in Elden Ring with all "dragon this, dragon that" and I'm like where are these fucking dragons? Dragons have 6 limbs, these fuckers all have 4.

    Then I realized George RR Martin made the same mistake with his "dragons" in SOFA. So now I'm thinking he worked on Elden Ring as a propaganda piece to try and push the idea of 4 limbed dragons, or at least try to get the four-legged with wings attached to two to fall into that category. I can understand the confusion, but developing a whole videogame to push your mistake isnt very cool.

  • Popular weight loss drug may help treat severe sleep apnea, new research finds
  • So my insurance currently covers a lifetime benefit of like $20k or something for these meds. I used to be on Saxenda, but I couldn't get it filled and the weight came right back.

    However, I actually started gaining weight before I stopped taking it - because some big stressors re triggered my poor eating habits. Had that not occurred, and I was able to continue to lose weight and not sought out my poor habits before, I think it would have been significantly easier to keep the weight off.

    That being said, I think insurance companies are trying to delay as much as they can for these drugs to go generic. They currently just cost way too fucking much for something that can benefit most Americans because of shit eating habits.

    On another note: my sleep apnea didn't go away as I lost weight. I was very disappointed.

  • Who's a Little Tripping Hazard?
  • My ex wife has the family's neck breaker. He sleeps on the stairs like this, and purposefully darts between people's legs while they are walking.

    It's only a matter of time before he succeeds at breaking a neck

  • Garlic bread is communion with the divine
  • I love garlic, but it is a painful stressful experience for me if I each too much. Garlic bread is 100% effective at getting me to eat too much garlic.

    I regret nothing. Garlic bread and it's holy cleansing fire will be consumed.

  • How do long time married couples with a single income split finances (not seeking legal advice, literally the how)

    I'm talking like one person brought in all the money for a decade, then a divorce happens. Some of it makes sense - a house with mortgage, one spouse buys the other out of the house. Which is great, but if one spouse doesn't have the income to take a loan out to buy the other, does that mean that the spouse who does have the income has the choice to buy out or sell?

    Similarly, things like 401ks and pensions I imagine you can't just take out half the cash in them and give that to their spouse. Or does that have to be a loan for the amounts in those plans?

    Is it debt all the way down for both?

    In Today's Cliche Post: How the fuck do I meet new people locally?

    Let me set the stage: Newly single dad of a young kid. After COVID-19 I haven't done much outside of my home and taking care of my kid. I work full time-remote, and between the kiddo and leaving room for a hobby or taking care of the house, it seems like the only other thing I have time for is sleep.

    The thing I know is that this is likely an issue with my anxiety and anxious attachment. The conclusion we've arrived at in therapy is that I gotta meet people. I apparently forgot, or don't know how to do that. Where to meet people. It's not a big city, but 200k-300k people in the county.

    Maybe I'm looking for something of a strategy more than anything.

    edit: thank you guys, I really appreciate it!

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    woah holy shit a bio?

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