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Hollywood writers went on strike to protect their livelihoods from generative AI. Their remarkable victory matters for all workers.
  • Writers are people, not AI that improves its output quality the more money (hardware) you throw at it. The writers of the Halo TV show should have just been replaced with an entirely new team that actually understood the source.

  • this one goes out to the arts & humanities
  • Downvoted for truth. Too bad for them this isn't reddit

  • this one goes out to the arts & humanities
  • AI art tools democratize art by empowering those who weren't born with the affinity, talent or privilege to become artists themselves. They allow regular people the freedom of expression in new dimensions. They are amazing.

    They are not made to replace human art. They are made to supplement it. The "artists" who feel threatened and offended at its existence are probably not very good at their art.

  • Avast ordered to stop selling browsing data from its browsing privacy apps
  • there were several free antiviruses that were considered good back then


  • Rolling back nvidia driver to older version? (Debian 12)
  • Debian bookworm (12) ships with version 525, so that's all you'll get officially.

    Debian bullseye (11) is the one that comes with version 470. So clean-installing that is the best bet.

    Or you can try to download a driver package from Nvidia's website and try to manually install it in an overcomplicated process that involves patching your kernel with dkms. In my personal experience this almost always breaks things and is not recommended.

    This is one of the drawbacks with Debian's "stability". Every stable version of Debian is a standalone, monolithic bundle of software that rarely allows for version changes.

    If possible I'll suggest you shift to Mint. It comes with a dedicated GUI driver manager for installing and switching multiple driver versions.

  • Avast ordered to stop selling browsing data from its browsing privacy apps
  • No, it was the only free one. Freeware antiviruses weren't common back then.

  • PySimpleGUI is now closed-source
  • If this project has other contributors, imagine how betrayed they must be.

    Opening the project as FOSS until it becomes popular and then closing it to make money is such a scummy tactic

  • Microsoft in their infinite wisdom has replaced the Hide Desktop icon with Copilot.
  • This being "smart" is entirely based on the assumption that the average user who's actually trying to just get to their home screen won't be pissed when the bloated chatbot pops up instead. And that assumption is wrong.

  • China foreign minister warns against decoupling at Munich Security Conference
  • They are obsessed with their status but the reality is that the US's proposed "decoupling" can be healthy for both sides, including China, in the long run.

    You have suffocated yourself with the obsession of manufacturing stuff for the world for too long. It is time to move on to the next stage like Western Europe, diversify into services and focus on building high quality of life for everyone.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Yeah there are lovely solutions for everything if you can self-host, but the general crowd only has standalone websites hosted by some brave pirate captain.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • With regard to ebooks, a clean Kindle-friendly website that immediately downloads the .azw3 file for any book selected.

  • Is weird that I like and use both Fedora and Debian?
  • No, though it is weird that you feel like you should ask such nonsensical questions in public forums.

  • ‘It Is Suffocating’: A Top Liberal University Is Under Attack in India
  • NYT detected, appeal to attention rejected.

  • I love Mastodon and ActivityPub. But I think Nostr is going to win. Here's why.
  • Bluesky and their AT Protocol sound much better.

    They follow a federated model quite similar to Mastodon, except with better feeds powered by a variety of user-choosable post ranking and content discovery algorithms. It is the true federated Twitter/X clone.

  • Mishaal Rahman: Google seems to be quietly rolling out a new security feature on Android: scanning for deceptive apps.
  • Yeah we all know this "security feature" is to root out ReVanced and other mod users.

  • PC gaming's many launchers, reviewed for 2024: Steam still puts the rest to shame
  • From other launchers like Itch, Epic & GOG as well?

  • PC gaming's many launchers, reviewed for 2024: Steam still puts the rest to shame
  • There is ChimeraOS too, based on Arch.

    The problem with Linux is that you will always have to tolerate a nontrivial section of games being straight-up unavailable, of games breaking, running suboptimally and requiring hacky solutions to run, and the complete absence of first-party support from hardware manufacturers and game developers. It's not suitable for HTPCs despite having terrific UI unfortunately.

  • PC gaming's many launchers, reviewed for 2024: Steam still puts the rest to shame
  • Is there a universal launcher like Lutris available for Windows? I was looking to build a gaming HTPC and want to interface with it with just only a controller, just like a console.

  • New gender gap
  • Read my comment again, slowly. What does "alienation in involvement" mean?

  • Random thought: Windows is largely successful because of Piracy

    Windows as a software package would have never been affordable to individuals or local-level orgs in countries like India and Bangladesh (especially in the 2000's) that are now powerhouses of IT. Same for many SE Asian, Eastern European, African and LatinoAmerican countries as well.

    Had the OS been too difficult to pirate, educators and local institutions in these countries would have certainly shifted to Linux and the like. The fact that Windows could be pirated easily is the main factor that led to its ubiquity and allowed it to become a household name. Its rapid popularity in the '00s and early '10s cemented its status as the PC operating system. It is probably the same for Microsoft Office as well (it is still a part of many schools' standard curricula).

    The fact that Windows still remains pirateable to this day is perhaps intentional on Microsoft's part.

    The simplest guide to pirating games on Linux

    This post will guide you on how to install and run pirate releases of games on Linux. Basic knowledge (how to install stuff, get around files, opening the terminal) is assumed.

    Step 0

    Ensure the game you intend to pirate actually stands a chance in running on Linux. Check the game's ProtonDB rank, if it's Silver or below chances are it won't work even with additional effort. If it has a good rank (Gold and above), get the cracked release from wherever you get those. If multiple options are available, the general order of preference should be: Steam/DVD Rip > GOG release > Repack

    Step 1

    Install Wine and Steam, then enable Steam Play for all titles (Steam → Settings → Compatibility).

    Step 2

    Make one central folder for all game files. Copy the game files to each game's subfolder (e.g. ~/games/). If it's an ISO file, extract its contents like an archive. If it is a repack/setup (e.g. GOG, FitGirl, Dodi, etc) run the setup by opening a terminal in the repack folder and entering: wine ./theGameSetupFile.exe

    ! Make sure in the setup you set the destination folder to the main games folder you've made. In Wine, access to the Linux file system is through the Z: virtual drive. e.g. in FitGirl's setups, just change the installation folder to Z:\home\yourUsername\games\gameSubfolder if the directory you made was ~/games/

    ! Make sure the installer is installing only the game, not anything else. Uncheck the option of installing Visual C++ runtimes, for example.

    Step 3

    Open Steam, in the menu bar go to Games → Add a non-Steam Game to My Library.., click on Browse and select the game executable (.exe) from the game's folder. Then in your Steam Library click on the new game and go to its settings (right click → Properties or open game page → Settings icon → Properties), go to the compatibility option and check the "Force the use of a specific Steam Play compatibility tool" option. In the dropdown, select Proton Experimental.

    Run the game from Steam. If it works, great!

    If it didn't work, you might be missing some software requirements (vcredist, etc). To add them, you'll need an additional step:

    Step 4 (optional)

    Install winetricks and protontricks. Open a terminal and run protontricks --gui Select the game in the list, click on OK, select Install an application, click on OK, click on Cancel and now you'll see a slightly different options window. Select Install a Windows DLL or Component option and click on OK. The new window will list all possible requirements/dependencies, install whatever the game needs. You can get to know the game's software requirements from its PCGamingWiki page (or just google it). Repeat for each requirement.

    That's it, with this you can run any game directly through Steam's Proton layer. No Lutris, no juggling multiple wineprefixes, no racking your brains around multiple Wine runners. Proton Experimental gets regularly updated, so you'll always be running your game with the best and latest compatibility option there is.

    What are your anime ranking hot takes?

    Hot takes in comparing anime from the same genre.

    Mine are:

    Castlevania > Demon Slayer (Kimetsu No Yaiba)

    Link Click > Monster

    What's more unsafe - Windows or Android?

    Which platform would a typical IT guy be more on guard against?

    While Windows has been known for decades to be a hot pot for all PC malware, Android phones are much more ubiquitous and personalized, and (as far as I know) aren't hardened against malware in any way. I mean, it literally takes just two taps to install a rogue apk and that is notwithstanding that most OEM implementations and apps on the Play Store are ad-ridden privacy nightmares by themselves. At least when it comes to Windows, Administrators have greater control over client machines and can put in restrictions. How would someone handling infosec in an organization control security on people's personal phones?
