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Mended dog harness

My dog chewed her harness. Here's the mending job. Mended with embroidery floss by hand.

This is Eggplant. Eggplant is not a smart cat.

Eggplant is one of my MIL's rescue cats. On my trip to see her, he has:

  • gotten into my car (luckily I noticed him before driving away)
  • attempted to nurse on a nonlactating dog
  • stuck his head into a pen holding the dog who tried to chase him
The other inflation issue
  • This meme is art

  • Deleted
    Does anyone put a foot on its side while sitting?
  • No, but I cross my legs while standing so that my feet are close to perpendicular. It's comfy.

  • Deleted
    Neurodivergent Math
  • Exactly! It's called planning ahead, get with it NT folks

  • SV: 7kg lost
  • Congrats

  • Second darned sock

    I've recently started darning my worn-out socks (shoutout to that one poster who posted a tutorial) and so it's going really well! My socks are still comfy, and the woven patches do the job.

    SV: lost the weight I gained over vacation

    I had a week-long staycation while relatives visited recently, and weate out several times. I gained a couple of pounds. As of this morning, I have officially lost it all and am down to 152lbs.

    [Vote] Which banner do you prefer?
  • noooo it's horrifying

  • How often do you brush your teeth?
  • I floss and brush religiously every night, have for many years. I had a cavity when I was young and the whole experience was terrible.

    I still ended up with multiple cavities as an adult.

  • How does this instance feel about this growing pact against federating with Meta?
  • Great article, very enlightening for those of us who are too young to remember the early internet.

  • What are the main excuses from people who don't care about digital privacy?
  • Not an excuse, but an explanation: ignorance.

    Most people don't know how ads or data collection works beyond the obvious uptick in a product after you search for it. They don't know what impact it might have.

    Full disclosure: I'm mostly in this camp. I only recently started using firefox over chrome, for example. I know that big tech collects obscene amounts of data, and monetizes it by targeted advertisements, but...beyond that, I don't know what FAANG can do with the data collected on me. I only have a vague idea of what's being collected.

  • SV: 7 lbs down since mid-May

    I started CICO, once again, mid-May at 160 pounds. Now at the end of June, I'm down to 153 lbs.

    [vent] does anyone else get frustrated at larger folks who want to lose weight?

    I'm a short person. I'm also sedentary and classified as overweight but not obese. As such, my TDEE is around 1600-1700 calories. So, to lose weight at the pace I'd like, I have to restrict myself to 1200 calories a day.

    My partner is taller, fatter and has more muscle mass than me. He's talked about wanting to lose weight to get healthier, but when it comes down to it he won't do anything. Which is baffling to me, because his TDEE is high enough that he could eat waaay more than me and still lose weight.

    Ugh. It's frustrating.

    how long does it take to learn a song + process question

    How long does it take you to get from never seeing a sheet before to playing at the recommended tempo? Just wondering what's typical.

    It typically takes me several weeks at a minimum, with the caveats that I have little time for practice and am self-taught because I don't have money for a teacher.

    My process is this: practice each hand independently in chunks, bring each hand up to the 'normal' tempo, then put the hands together at sloooow tempo and gradually raise the tempo. The last part takes the longest. Does anyone have suggestions for improving my process?

    Is learning programming worth it? Outside of a career, what can I do with programming?

    I learned a little bit of python back in college with the hope that it would give me a competitive edge in the field I hoped to enter. Lo and behold, I got a job in a different industry entirely and any knowledge of coding I once had became irrelevant.

    Would it be worth it to pick up my python textbook again and self-teach in my free time if I don't want to make a career of coding? What exactly can python be used to create?

    Progress, not perfection (or, why I'll consider it a win if I'm still tracking calories at the end of this month)

    So I'm currently on my fifth or sixth attempt to lose weight. Historically, I've tracked my calorie intake for a few weeks or a few months, lost a few pounds, fallen off the wagon and gained it all back.

    There are a number of things going on this month that I'm choosing to participate in that are going to have to be cheat days or cheat meals. Without disclosing too many details, my workplace is holding an event where there's going to be a lot of free food. Another one is that I'll be traveling for work for a few days and I'll be eating out since I won't have access to a kitchen.

    Progress, not perfection is the mantra I've been repeating. I'm gonna want to stop counting calories on the work trip - a work trip was the hurdle that made me give on my last weight loss attempt. I'm trying to give myself some grace - it's okay if I gain some weight, because I can lose it again if I keep tracking my intake. Even if I don't limit what I eat at all on the trip and the other events, if I get back on the weight loss wagon that's still progress.

    pedantichedgehog pedantichedgehog

    Reddit refugee #2643.

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