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Progress, not perfection (or, why I'll consider it a win if I'm still tracking calories at the end of this month)

So I'm currently on my fifth or sixth attempt to lose weight. Historically, I've tracked my calorie intake for a few weeks or a few months, lost a few pounds, fallen off the wagon and gained it all back.

There are a number of things going on this month that I'm choosing to participate in that are going to have to be cheat days or cheat meals. Without disclosing too many details, my workplace is holding an event where there's going to be a lot of free food. Another one is that I'll be traveling for work for a few days and I'll be eating out since I won't have access to a kitchen.

Progress, not perfection is the mantra I've been repeating. I'm gonna want to stop counting calories on the work trip - a work trip was the hurdle that made me give on my last weight loss attempt. I'm trying to give myself some grace - it's okay if I gain some weight, because I can lose it again if I keep tracking my intake. Even if I don't limit what I eat at all on the trip and the other events, if I get back on the weight loss wagon that's still progress.