astuce pour bloquer les résultats Ai de Google (bien que je ne l'utilise pas régulièrement, ça peut servir)
Nice, that's remind me that I have also a printer card/page to create
I have forgotten about bubble card, thanks. Started a test with a vertical stack then insert horizontal stack. I've tried with mushroom card but might replace those with bubble card
Thanks for sharing
Hello everyone,
Haven't deal with my dashboard for a long time so want to take advantage of some recent features like visibility condition (not sure that's proper wording) to create a new clean adaptive phone and tablet dashboard, but missing inspiration so curious how yours looks like. How did you organised it? which card (also card combination) is your favourite?
Haven't read so can't tell you but you will find info at
Everyone knows those small bags of forbidden “Do not eat” candy that come with fresh rolls of FDM filament as well as a wide range of other products. Containing usually silica gel but s…
cross-posted from:
Cura can ignore what's below buildplate as long as part isn't too big for X Y axes. For cutting this, I would use 3d builder. Very easy to use. Just open model, and go to modify to cut model
Try following that guide
Can second that email works great to send Epub, never had issues in years
Si jamais, il y a une fonction sur les smartphones pour partager internet via USB (je dis ça car je suppose que tu as pas de carte wifi sur ton pc)
While turning down temperature might help as it will be less fluid, i tend to think that increasing retraction might give him other problems (unless is settings are really low). On pictures we only see stringing at the top where printing areas are very small which means much more retraction are needed. His issue could be related to maximum retraction count and/or minimum extrusion distance, when those numbers are reached, printer will not retract filament to protect grinding too much filament. Others parameters to look out are retraction speed and prime speed but since OP didn't share settings, no way to tell what he could try.
To OP, please share your printing settings.
I have used darktable, but doesn't seem to fill your need as it is more a lightroom replacement than Photoshop
Wondering something, Can you get wireguard client to only be used for HA app and leave everything else threw normal routing on your phone? (Not sure I have proper wording). So that wireguard will always be on but only being used for HA app
Will check that, thanks
Nabucasa is what I do as I never managed to understand properly network rules. What your thoughts on wireguard?
That is useful but I guess you can't get HA app notifications unless you toggle that setting on your phone? You are using telegram or else for that purpose?
Ok, so wireguard seems a better alternative for him. Thanks
When you say it is doing a better job, can you explain how ?
Can you explain why you don't use wireguard for jellyfish/lmmich?
(Network things are something I never get to fully understand)
Hi everyone
So, that's a 2 in 1 post. First a more general question then looking for advice for a friend.
What is your preferred way to access HA from outside (and why)?
a friend of mine use duckdns and I often read (recently) that some people are having issue with it. Is wireguard a better way or another solution that is not too techy to deal with?
Hello everyone,
When I first installed music assistant, it was recommended to get the beta version, so I did but for some time now, I have 2 music assistant server.
Was wondering if there a reason I should keep both?
Bonjour à tous
Pour des questions de simplicité, j'avais pris un abonnement à Google photos puis j'ai changé de forfait en avril dernier pour avoir plus d'espace de stockage passant de 1€99 à 2€99/mois
Cependant, je viens de m'apercevoir que Google à continuer de me facturer l'ancien abonnement en plus du nouveau. Après vérification sur mon compte, un seul forfait apparaît dans la rubrique "abonnement" et le stockage disponible indiqué correspond uniquement au nouvel abonnement. J'ai donc contacter Google et ils ne veulent me rembourser qu'un seul mois. Selon eux, j'ai mis trop longtemps à m'en rendre compte...
Je souhaite donc savoir si il y a des médiateurs (un peu comme pour les médiateurs des communications électroniques) ou autres services/instances que je peux contacter afin de les forcer à me rembourser.
Sinon, vous vous en douterez peut être, je vais arrêter mon abonnement et essayer de passer sur du selfhost, je ferai sûrement un autre post à ce sujet pour avoir vos avis et vos conseils.
I'm looking to buy ups as I have few power outage (last between 1 to 5 seconds max) where I live but I have never used one so don't know what specs should I check for
Ideally I will plug my 3d printer (about 100-160w when printing), a pi 4 with nvme drive (no idea of wattage) and a mini pc with n100 processor (around 10-20W)
Thanks for your advices
SBC Case Builder V3.0 case design utility has just been released with the ability to create over 1,000 standard cases - not including customization - for
cross-posted from:
> SBC Case Builder v3.0 can create thousands of cases for popular SBCs and standard motherboards
L'histoire vraie d'Ersin Karabulut, célèbre artiste de bande dessinée turc.
Il raconte son histoire, mais aussi celle de son pays, la Turquie. Dans ses excellents « contes ordinaires » (fluide glacial), l’auteur nous entraînait dans une époque et un monde semblable aux nôtres, y glissant subrepticement une touche de fantastique pour mieux pointer une dérive, une aberration de notre société.
Rien de cela dans ce nouvel album : Ersin Karabulut s’ancre dans la réalité. Il parle sans détour de son parcours, celui d’un gamin amoureux du dessin avant d’être un militant ; de son pays, tiraillé par de violents antagonismes politiques et sociétaux. Ce récit sans concession – ni pour l’auteur lui-même ni pour la Turquie – est porté par un graphisme exceptionnel qui entremêle caricature et réalisme. On retrouve, car c’est une habitude chez Ersin Karabulut, la force des émotions qu’il dessine à la perfection.
Ce « journal » est la première partie d’une autobiographie aussi drôle que grave ; un manifeste pour la liberté de pensée, la liberté d’expression et la liberté de la presse ! (Tome 2 en cours d'écriture)
English version: (might not be perfectly translated)
The true story of Ersin Karabulut, famous Turkish BD artist. He tells his story, but also the one of his country, Turkey. In his excellent “ordinary tales” works, the author took us into a time and a world similar to ours, surreptitiously slipping in a touch of fantasy to better point out a drift, an aberration in our society.
None of that in this new album: Ersin Karabulut is anchored in reality. He speaks frankly about his journey, that of a kid in love with drawing before becoming an activist; of his country, torn by violent political and societal antagonisms.
This uncompromising story – neither for the author himself nor for Turkey – is carried by exceptional graphics which interweaves caricature and realism. We find, because it is a habit with Ersin Karabulut, the strength of the emotions that he draws to perfection. This “diary” is the first part of an autobiography that is as funny as it is serious; a manifesto for freedom of thought, freedom of expression and freedom of the press!
Note: unsure this BD is available in English.
We’re building an open voice assistant that does not share your data. Join us for our fifth progress update. You don't want to miss this one.More about Year ...
i have swapped my conbee 2 to sonoff dongle (p version) and have a few issues.
I have 2 xiaomi temp sensor (same model) and i've only be able to link one, other one i shown as unsupported. Same thing happened with 2 tuya temp sensor, only one is shown as supported.
I have updated sonoff dongle firmware but that didn't change anything, chnaged batteries and tried to pair multiple times but no luck
Any reason why, any tips?