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SSH as a sudo replacement
  • …I feel like openssh has a much larger attack surface than a simple binary.

    Right. This is just trading one set of security pitfalls with a second, much worse set of security pitfalls.

  • I miss console ads being this weird
  • No, the imagery was supposed to invoke the rave culture at the time. Lots of men, women, boys, and girls doing X, and the pills usually were white like that.

  • I miss console ads being this weird
  • Bottom line is it FUCKING worked. The PS2 sold like toilet paper.

    You really didn't need the ads. PS2 absolutely dominated because they were the ones with the all of the huge publishers. Sega, Nintendo, and Microsoft couldn't hold a candle to the sheer amount of great exclusives. It was only when Xbox 360 and later the Wii came out did the console wars start to shift.

  • RIP to the most noncredible tank commander of WWII
  • I told you, man! You gotta chill with those negative waves!

  • Useless Joker
  • Yeah, this is a scaling joker, which means you need to play sub-optimally (and with bad joker orders) to trigger the effect as much as possible. When you get to endless mode, you drop the weighted clothes, and suddenly, you're hitting millions of points.

  • $843 million lawsuit against Valve already has its own website: "The Steam Claim" accuses the biggest store in PC gaming of "overcharging" players
  • This is just a description of a standard business model. Most percentage-based revenue or sales systems have lower prices for higher quantities.

    It's called the "bulk discount" for a reason.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I wish it would combine comments for crossposts. It doesn't have to break per-server instance bans or anything like that. Just combine the comments for servers that are friendly with each other.

  • A follow-up to the legendary Disco Elysium might have been ready to play within the next year⁠—ZA/UM's devs loved it, management canceled it and laid off the team: 'For a while it seemed like miracles
  • I think the old ZA/UM developers still have a chance to reform as a new company and work on something new. After a while, this new company can buy off the remains of a now-defunct ZA/UM, get back the rights to Disco Elysium and the Sacred and Terrible Air universe, and make another game or three for it.

    But, it has to happen now, and we need to stop talking about ZA/UM. Focus on a new project. I don't quite understand why we haven't heard any news about this.

    Is Kurvitz and team so depressed about the current situation to not attempt at picking things back up again? They have so much hype it's unreal. So, it's nowhere near as hard as just getting your name out there like ZA/UM and Disco Elysium, and it would never flop as hard as Sacred and Terrible Air. They've made it. They have recognizable names, and if they ever re-form, it would be all over the gaming sites.

  • Cop busted for unauthorized use of Clearview AI facial recognition resigns
  • Some of the more extreme-minded liberals do a good enough job at sabotaging themselves and the movements they are a part of, without the need for malicious saboteurs. Like Atheist+ or progressive stack.

    Then again, Russians orgs are out there, trying to influence politic movements and sabotage others. GamerGate was an entire sea of political actors, journalists, influencers, and Russian agents, trying to push their own narratives to the point of mass disinformation from both sides, with the general public on either side confused and angry at the other's responses.

  • Cop busted for unauthorized use of Clearview AI facial recognition resigns
  • Defund means to essentially get rid of a department or thing. The phrase "defend the police" means "get rid of the police". It doesn't matter if there's some cartoon to re-explain away the phrase or a bunch of other people trying to re-define the English language. English is English, and words have meaning.

    The "defund the police" movement failed because us liberals don't fucking understand marketing. Like, at all. I can't count the number of times some liberal movement crops up with their slogan and Republicans turn that slogan against them because nobody spent the ten minutes time to think about how that phrase or thing could be abused. For example, that brief time when the LGBT movement wanted to rename themselves to LGBTQIA2SUVWTFBBQ? Seriously?!?

    It's like naming your baby "Assman McAssface" and wondering why he gets bullied in school.

  • Nintendo Issues Multiple DMCAs On The Modding Site 'GameBanana'
  • Right, but when companies go after pirated games, they are going after them because of copyright, not patents or trademarks. The way copyrights are enforced and the way the law works is a lot different than how it works with patents and trademarks.

    There is no "use it or lose it" clause for copyrights. If somebody is breaking copyright, you still have the right to enforce it for a long as the copyright is still valid, and don't have to vigorously defend it to keep it.

  • Nintendo Issues Multiple DMCAs On The Modding Site 'GameBanana'
  • American IP law

    IP and copyright are two entirely different things.

  • MultiVersus is a Smash Bros. clone that feels like a smartphone game, spoiled by its monetisation
  • WB already fucked things up before he arrived, and Zaslov has just made things worse.

  • MultiVersus is a Smash Bros. clone that feels like a smartphone game, spoiled by its monetisation
  • What a waste. Eliminate even did a launch event for the game.

    All of this talent poured into this thing, just to get fucked by the monetization model.

  • Adobe Announces That They Can Use Your Content for AI
  • Obviously, LTT doesn't see the long-term benefit of retraining his team to not be attached to monthly subscription bullshit.

    Short-term quarterly-profit energy.

  • Music Theory is Witchcraft
    Music Theory is Witchcraft
    Music Theory is Witchcraft
    Dune | It's Hard to be a God
    Movies and TV Shows P03 Locke
    Dune | It's Hard to be a God
    How Greed Ruined Gaming

    To most of us, this is probably just a summary of events over the past year or so. But, it's good to know that this sort of news is reaching non-gaming channels.

    p03locke P03 Locke
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