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⦑⦓Noriluna⦔⦒ @ noriluna
2 wk. ago


    Oh no, she got a back massager ​:senkoshock:​


    Image federated fine, hashtags are present and working like a charm, both on Sharkey and Mastodon. Body is present on Sharkey, absent on Mastodon, as it's usually happen with posts from non-microblogs on Masto.

    Link to the original post leads to an image though, both on Sharkey and Masto. If I were to copy and paste it into a search, nothing would return. Probably needs to be submitted to Mbin's issue tracker.


    Yeah, it looks good. It federates fine to Mastodon as well, with proper tags and an image (no body though).


    Mastodon-specific issue. Sharkey and Akkoma show post bodies, and usually media too. The latter one appears to be dependent on source instance federating, like drop media just like you said, and federate media just fine.


    Idea is fine by my standarts, I am proponent of different platform types bleeding into each other. As long as there's no federation anomalies on side, like now it drops image from post and leaves link to image on storage instead. Related to tags, even some microblogs federate them as formatted link, which makes it not work like it should.

    All is to say, idea is fine, but needs a bit of testing.