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  • Was Mark an apostle? My memory may be glitching, because I have the impression that only Matthew and John were actual original apostles. About Luke I am certain that he was from Greece and several decades later.

  • Tacos.
  • Maybe, just maybe, also because that may have been the way to get some impulsive but simple-minded people to not make a mess for those around them. Didn't work with everyone, though. If it ever did, with anyone.

    Also, it seems shockingly easy to get some people to commit evil acts as they think they are doing good... and that usually comes carrying a lot of religious ideology and/or methodology, curiously enough.

  • Tacos.
  • you seriously don't understand god

    says the poor lost soul who also says

    why be good if there is no hell

    Do many adults still go around spouting believing whatever they heard from their parents or Sunday school teacher when they were children, just to get them to stop asking "complicated questions"?

    EDIT: a word

  • Vampyros Lesbos (1971)
  • Let's not forget to mention the extraordinary funky and trippy original music for this film.

    Don't believe me? Think I'm exaggerating, maybe? Look for the song "The Lions & The Cucumber".

  • Next math exam will be a nightmare
  • 8008135

    Fun facts: if you write 5050507 on a calculator and flip it, it says LOSOSOS, "THEBEARS" in Spanish, part of an old math joke:

    1 elephant, 44 hippopotamuses, 300 serpents and .2 bears fought for 35 days. Who won the fight.
    144300.2 x 35 = 5050507

  • Louisiana becomes 1st state to require the Ten Commandments be posted in classrooms
  • On the one hand, you have the anti-science, anti-reason, bible-thumping retrograde assholes.

    On the other, you can bet that these same bible-thumping assholes break many of the very same ten commandments on a regular basis.

    Finally, they could have posted something from the Gospels, from the lips of Jesus himself such as "love thy neighbor" and "turn the other cheek", but noooo...

  • Very nuanced issue
  • The events of October 7th, 2023, must also be addressed, or else any morally-superior pronouncements are going nowhere either fast or slow, any speed you choose is equally pointless.

    The victims of Palestine are cannon fodder for both Hamas and Israel, both sides have made each hate the other with unfiltered rage.

  • bUt BoTh SiDeS dA sAmE
  • It doesn't matter what Democrats do (or attempt in a politically hostile environment that tries to sabotage anything and everything they do), the bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe LoL aMiRiTe assholes will ignore it, or flip it and force-jam it into their always lazy, cynical and oh-so-savvy, mediocre narrative.

  • It's okay, tankies love fascism, so they're not put out by the result
  • "I have been heard loud and clear. Now I sit and lay back like I always do anyway, and wait while fondling my purity then absent-mindedly yet lovingly sniffing my fingers, any moment now they will cater to me."

  • Nah we chillin over here
  • It's a stoner horse! He probably munches on carrot-flavored Doritos while watching stoner movies about stoner horses just like him! Because that's what all stoner horses do, right?

    When are finally going to see jokes with stoner horses who spoon carrot-flavored Hagen-Dazs while watching movies like Citizen Kane, or A Bout De Soufflé?

  • Does anyone else see an alleged old painting or black-and-white photo you've never seen before, are unsure if it's legit or a recent fake created with AI?

    For example, places like HistoryPorn have some bizarre pictures of weird inventions or WWII experimental weapons.

    How come I'm only just now coming across them? Why didn't we see them five or ten years ago, even in specialized forums and subreddits?

    Places like ArtPorn or TraditionalArt are a trickier proposition. Here my lack of knowledge is vast, but I've really loved the history of painting for over two decades now, and have recently kept coming across a lot of 18th-to-20th century paintings and painters I've never heard of before; some of these are excellent, I should have known about them... I think. But like I say, there's more that I don't know than what I do. If they are real and not recent AI creations, where are the original and who is digitizing and/or publishing so many of them all of a sudden in the past year?

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