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A Black Rose - a dark academia themed CYOA by jayemouse
    • Unending Journal seems like one of the best since the text implies that you can draw anything you see into the journal with your mind, which is basically instant memorization.
    • Word after Word + Orchard lets you read any book in any language at double speed.
    • Heirloom seems useful at first but is pretty inconvenient to access between the 10-second countdown and having to avoid getting caught vanishing. I don't know if there is enough stuff I would want to keep to make it worth it.
  • Cant believe he did an anti-semitism.
  • He regularly supports antisemitic conspiracy theories (most notably stuff about Soros and the "Great Replacement") on his website while also parroting the bad-faith accusations of antisemitism against pro-Palestinian activists (and he has also made a trip to Israel to rehabilitate his image aided by several pro-Israel figures).

  • State’s ‘millionaires tax’ has already generated $1.8 billion this year, blowing past state projections
  • The funny thing is that it's relatively agreed-upon amongst economists that the point on the Laffer curve that maximizes tax revenue is ~70% for the highest earners. American conservatives bring it up to "prove" why raising taxes doesn't work but even under their own framework it basically says that rich people don't pay enough tax.

  • [Not the Onion] Customers are asking for H5N1 milk.
  • (Not so) fun fact, there are several US states which prohibit the direct sale of unpasteurized milk, but allow the owner to drink milk from the cow, so they exploit the loophole by having buyers purchase a fractional share of the cow so that they can drink the milk.

  • A lib "how to" on talking about Gaza
  • The Democratic Party has spent more effort in the past few months to shut down/censor left-wing and pro-Palestine activism than they have in the past 10 years to shut down/censor right-wing rhetoric that promotes hatred of migrants, Muslims, LGBT people, "globalists" (which basically just means imaginary Jewish conspirators), etc; never mind that the latter has lead to actual murders against all aforementioned groups. Why should we believe them when they've thoroughly proven that they're far more interested in wielding power against the left than against the Republicans they were supposedly elected to fight?

  • Removed
    'I cant go to concerts because the band might be anti-genocide, why am I so oppressed?'
  • Can you imagine how many liberals would gasp at the incivility if you asked them to disinvite all of their Republican family members from a wedding? Never mind the fact that are far more people who can claim to have been harmed by the Republican party than the pro-Palestine movement.

  • Stop the genocide - you vile old fuck.
  • Has there been a single high-level Democrat who's pointed out how many right-wing talking points are derived from (implicitly antisemitic) conspiracy theories, with the idea of "Cultural Marxism" in particular being taken directly from the literal Nazis?

  • US house passes bill that changes the definition of anti-Semitism to include criticism of Israel
  • In the House on Tuesday morning, the Illinois Republican Mary E Miller acted as speaker pro tempore to oversee debate on the Republican antisemitism awareness bill.

    As a choice, it was not without irony. Miller made headlines in 2021, when as a newly elected member of Congress she was forced to apologise after saying in a speech at the Capitol: “Hitler was right on one thing. He said, ‘Whoever has the youth has the future.’ Our children are being propagandised.”

    So basically the entire US political establishment has decided that saying "Hitler was right" and echoing conspiracy theories of Jewish Marxists corrupting the youth is just a "difference in opinion" whereas pro-Palestinian activists should be shut down without debate.

  • The Gamers™ are having a really normal one about Stellar Blade
  • It's always funny to me when g*mers complain about a company (supposedly) changing something to appeal to "woke" customers because it's a tacit admission that the "free market capitalism" they like so much can, in effect, act as a censoring force.

  • You are not covering the genocide right.
  • for every Hamas combatant eliminated, approximately 1.5 civilians have been tragically killed

    They're claiming that a full 40% of the 40,000+ deaths so far were combatants. What a coincidence that it's almost exactly the percentage you'd get if you counted every "military aged male" as a combatant.

  • NSFW
    0_0 uuuuuuuh [CW: Incest?]
  • CW: Rape

    I think you could argue that these people view rape not as a violation of autonomy but as property damage. Because they view their children as their property and women who have sex outside of marriage to be "damaged", which is why they force victims of rape to marry the rapist to "fix" the damage. It also explains why they get whipped up in a murderous rage by cases of rape (supposedly) carried out by non-white or queer people, since they view interracial/queer marriage to be even more shameful, so they cannot "fix" the damage. Whereas when it's carried out by a "respectable" white man they can just cover it up.

  • Average conservative: I hate virtue signalling. Also average conservative:
  • My side of history is William F. Buckley ... Martin Luther King

    In the 1950s and early 1960s, Buckley opposed federal civil rights legislation and expressed support for continued racial segregation in the South
    Buckley visited South Africa in the 1960s on several paid fact-finding missions in which he distributed publications that supported the South African government's policy of apartheid.

  • Bill Ackman's Gaza plan
  • There are too many instances of capitalist delusions to count, but the fact that he thinks that the stupid line city is the model for an ideal society has got to be the cherry on top.

  • click to die of cringe
  • Political system is explicitly undemocratic, every political institution is biased in favor of the right, both major political parties refuse to support popular legislation that would improve people's lives

    "Why don't Americans trust their institutions?"

  • Elon Musk is considering charging everyone to use Twitter

    (nitter link)

    Couldn't have picked a better time to come up with an outrageously greedy change to an existing service huh

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    nightshade [they/them]
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